MNRAS 000, 1–5 (2022) Preprint 21 September 2022 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0 Ammonia in the interstellar medium of a starbursting disc at z = 2.6 M. J. Doherty,1★ J. E. Geach,1 R. J. Ivison,2 K. M. Menten,3 A. M. Jacob,4 J. Forbrich,1 & S. Dye5 1Department of Physics, Astronomy & Mathematics, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, AL10 9AB 2European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Straße 2, D-85748 Garching, Germany 3Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Auf dem Hügel 69, 53121 Bonn, Germany 4William H. Miller III Department of Physics & Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA 5School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK 21 September 2022 ABSTRACT We report the detection of the ground state rotational emission of ammonia, ortho-NH3 (𝐽𝐾 = 10 → 00) in a gravitationally lensed, intrinsically hyperluminous, star-bursting galaxy at 𝑧 = 2.6. The integrated line profile is consistent with other molecular and atomic emission lines which have resolved kinematics well-modelled by a 5 kpc-diameter rotating disc. This implies that the gas responsible for NH3 emission is broadly tracing the global molecular reservoir, but likely distributed in pockets of high density (𝑛 & 5 × 104 cm−3). With a luminosity of 2.8 × 106 𝐿 , the NH3 emission represents 2.5 × 10−7 of the total infrared luminosity of the galaxy, comparable to the ratio observed in the Kleinmann-Low nebula in Orion and consistent with sites of massive star formation in the Milky Way. If 𝐿NH3/𝐿IR serves as a proxy for the ‘mode’ of star formation, this hints that the nature of star formation in extreme starbursts in the early Universe is similar to that of Galactic star-forming regions, with a large fraction of the cold interstellar medium in this state, plausibly driven by a storm of violent disc instabilities in the gas-dominated disc. This supports the ‘full of Orions’ picture of star formation in the most extreme galaxies seen close to the peak epoch of stellar mass assembly. Key words: gravitational lensing: strong – galaxies: starburst, high redshift – submillimetre: galaxies, ISM 1 INTRODUCTION The progenitors of the most massive galaxies today are most likely the population of intense star-bursting galaxies seen at 𝑧 & 2 (Smail et al. 1997; Hughes et al. 1998). These starbursts have large gas reservoirs (Bothwell et al. 2013) representing a significant fraction of baryonic mass (Wiklind et al. 2019) fuelling very high rates of star formation, possibly up to three orders of magnitude greater than the Milky Way (Chapman et al. 2004; Barger et al. 2014). Generally, these gas- and dust-rich systems are obscured in the op- tical, but radiate strongly in the submillimetre andmillimetre through their thermal dust emission. Indeed, the emission from key molecu- lar and atomic tracers of the cool and cold dense interstellar medium (ISM) responsible for fuelling star formation, and its immediate en- vironment is also observed at these wavelengths. Two key factors have improved our understanding of the nature of these distant, dusty, prodigiously star-forming galaxies over the past decade. One is the identification of large samples of strongly gravi- tationally lensed systems (e.g. Danielson et al. 2013; Spilker et al. 2014; Rybak et al. 2015; Geach et al. 2015; Rybak et al. 2020). Lens- ing amplifies flux, revealing emission features otherwise too faint to detect, and magnifies images of galaxies to provide access to spatial scales not achievable by any other means (Rybak et al. 2015; Geach et al. 2018; Rybak et al. 2020). The second is the advent of sensitive, wide bandwidth interferometry across the submillimetre–millimetre ★ E-mail: using large interferometric arrays, in particular the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA). The follow-up of lensed galaxies with ALMA has accelerated the establishment of a clearer, albeit still incomplete, picture of the nature of galaxies undergoing intense starbursts in the early Universe. What astrophysics is responsible for the existence of extreme star- bursts at high-z? Compared to the merger-dominated ultra luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) in the local universe with intense cir- cumnuclear star formation, high-z starbursts of equivalent luminos- ity appear to be sustaining star formation across much larger scales Rujopakarn et al. (2011). Mergers undoubtedly play a role in the triggering high-z star- bursts (Tacconi et al. 2010; Engel et al. 2010), but there is some observational evidence that some of the most intensely star-forming galaxies are simply consistent with large gas-dominated rotationally supported discs (Hodge et al. 2016; Jiménez-Andrade et al. 2018; Geach et al. 2018; Gullberg et al. 2018). In these systems a signifi- cant fraction of the ISM appears to have been driven to high density (Oteo et al. 2017; Geach et al. 2018; Doherty et al. 2020), possibly via violent disc instabilities (VDIs, e.g. Toomre 1964; Dekel et al. 2009b,a), and in this case the extreme star formation rates measured can naturally be explained by the sheer quantity of gas available for active participation in star formation (Geach & Papadopoulos 2012; Papadopoulos & Geach 2012). We can learn more about the actual conditions of the star-forming ISM, and the conditions of star for- mation in general by exploiting gravitational lensing to study the astrochemistry of these systems (Danielson et al. 2011; Spilker et al. © 2022 The Authors ar X iv :2 20 9. 09 26 8v 1 [a str o- ph .G A] 1 9 S ep 20 22 2 M. J. Doherty et al. Figure 1.Maps and spectra for the NH3 and CO(5–4) emission in 9io9. (left) Maps show the continuum-subtracted image plane emission averaged over the line with contours shown for the fainter NH3 starting at 3𝜎. Synthesised beams are indicated top right. (right) Spectra show the source-integrated emission, with the much brighter CO line acting as a reference profile that can be directly compared with the weaker NH3, where we overlay a scaled version of the CO(5–4) line to demonstrate the strong similarity between the line profiles, despite NH3 generally tracing much denser gas (see Section 4 for a discussion). We bin the NH3 spectrum to ∼50 km s−1 channels for visualisation purposes. The ‘dip’ in NH3 emission at ∼100 km s−1 is not a significant feature. 2014; Zhang et al. 2018; Dye et al. 2022). If the density distribution of the cold molecular reservoir is important for driving globally high star formation rates, then observations of species that trace the dens- est environments are required, particularly heavy rotor molecules (Oteo et al. 2017; Béthermin et al. 2018). In this work we report the detection of the ground state emission line of ammonia (NH3) in a (now well-studied) strongly lensed star- burst galaxy at 𝑧 = 2.6. A tracer of the dense molecular ISM and intimately linked to the sites of star formation, NH3 was the first polyatomic molecule detected in the ISM (Cheung et al. 1968) and is amongst the most studied species in the local universe, primarily through its radio inversion lines (Ott et al. 2011; Schmidt et al. 2016; Fehér et al. 2022). The ground state NH3 (𝐽𝐾 = 10 → 00) ortho line emits at 572.498GHz in the rest frame, and therefore any ground- based studies of this feature at 𝑧 = 0 are hampered by the near-zero transmission of the atmosphere at this frequency. In Section 2 we present the observations and data reduction, in Section 3 we present our analysis and results, and in Sections 4 and 5 we provide our inter- pretation and conclusions. Throughout we assume a ‘Planck 2015’ cosmology where 𝐻0 = 68 km s−1Mpc−1 and Ωm = 0.31 (Planck Collaboration et al. 2016). 2 OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION 9io9 (J2000, 02h09m41.s3, 00◦15′58.′′5, 𝑧 = 2.5543) was observed with the ALMA 12m array during project 2019.1.01365.S. The C43-3 configuration was used, employing 48 antennas with base- line separations of 15–784m. We executed a spectral scan in Band 4 across 𝜈obs = 152.5–162.9GHz with a total on-source time of ap- proximately 195minutes over five executions. The precipitable water vapour column was 1.9–3.5mm and the average system temperature was 𝑇sys = 69–91K over the five executions. Atmosphere, bandpass, phase and pointing calibrators included the sources J0423−0120 and J0217+0144. We use the pipeline-restored calibrated measure- ment set for imaging. We image and CLEANed the data using casa (v.5.1.0-74.el7) tclean with multiscale cleaning at scales of 0′′, 0.5′′, and 1.25′′. First we produce dirty cubes to establish the r.m.s. (1𝜎) noise per channel, and then cleaned down to a stopping thresh- old of 3𝜎. With natural weighting, and setting a common beam to the whole datacube, the synthesized beam has a full width at half maximum of 1.3′′ × 1.0′′ (position angle 72◦). The r.m.s. noise per 10MHz (20 km s−1) channel is 0.3mJy beam−1. We adopt the same lens model as Geach et al. (2018). Briefly, the lens model includes the gravitational potential of both the primary lensing galaxy (𝑧 ≈ 0.2) and its smaller northern companion (as- sumed to be at the same redshift). The model uses the semi-linear inversion method of Warren & Dye (2003) to reconstruct the source plane surface brightness that best matches the observed Einstein ring for a given lens model. This process is iterated, varying the lens model and creating a source reconstruction at each iteration, until the global best fit lens model is found (Geach et al. 2018). The best fit model is used to produce source-plane cubes. In the following, we use the source-plane cube to extract the integrated spectrum, ac- counting for magnification of the sources of line emission. However, due to the relatively coarse resolution and signal to noise of the data, we present maps of 9io9 in the image plane. 3 RESULTS We use Splatalogue (Remijan et al. 2007) to identify emission lines in the total spectrum. CO 𝐽 = 5 → 4 at 𝜈obs = 162.133GHz is detected at high significance as expected, and exhibits the charac- teristic double horned profile as other molecular and atomic lines (Geach et al. 2015, 2018; Harrington et al. 2019; Doherty et al. 2020), and well-modelled in the source-plane reconstruction by a rotating disc (Geach et al. 2018). We also detect a fainter, but sig- MNRAS 000, 1–5 (2022) Ammonia at 𝑧 = 2.6 3 nificant, emission feature at 𝜈obs = 161.072GHz that is consistent with the redshifted ground state ortho-NH3 𝐽𝐾 = 10 → 00 rota- tional line at 𝜈rest = 572.498GHz (Cazzoli et al. 2009, hereafter we refer to the line as NH3). Image plane integrated spectra of the CO 𝐽 = 5 → 4 (hereafter CO(5–4)) and NH3 lines and maps are pre- sented in Figure 1. To our knowledge, the previous highest redshift detection of this transition of ammonia was in absorption in a spiral galaxy at 𝑧 = 0.89, where the galaxy is acting as a lens, magnify- ing the strong (sub)millimeter continuum emission of the famous background quasar PKS 1830−211 at 𝑧 = 2.51 (Menten et al. 2008; Muller et al. 2014). To measure the line properties, we subtract continuum emission on a pixel-by-pixel basis, using a simple linear fit to the spectrum in line-free regions around NH3. We then model the integrated line emission using an empirical template based on the high SNR CO(5– 4) emission line. By simply shifting the position of the CO(5–4) emission in frequency space and scaling its amplitude, we can min- imise the 𝜒2 difference between the scaled CO(5–4) and the NH3 line. Figure 1 shows how the scaled CO(5–4) line provides an ex- cellent fit to the NH3 emission. We discuss the implications of this later. The total integrated line flux is evaluated by summing the flux within an aperture defined by the 3𝜎 contour of the averaged band 4 data cube. We measure 𝜇𝐿NH3 = (3.3 ± 0.2) × 107𝐿 , where 𝜇 is the lensing magnification. To estimate uncertainties in this pro- cedure, we simply add Gaussian noise to each channel, with a 𝜎 determined from the r.m.s. in off-source regions of the data cube and then repeat the fit 1000 times. Applying this same procedure to the source plane reconstructions, we obtain a source plane line luminosity of 𝐿NH3 = (2.8 ± 0.2) × 106𝐿 . If instead of using the scaled CO(5–4) as a model of the emission, we just integrate over the range Δ𝑉 = ±500 km s−1, we obtain a source plane luminosity of 𝐿NH3 = (3.1 ± 0.3) × 106𝐿 . 4 INTERPRETATION As can be seen from Figure 1, the scaled CO(5–4) emission is an excellent description of the NH3 line emission. In turn, the line profile of the integrated, projected CO emission is well modelled by a nearly edge-on rotating disc (when modelled in the source plane and projected into the image plane) and this profile is shared by the majority of detected lines within this system covering a wide range of conditions, from the relatively low density molecular reservoir traced by C i (1–0) to the warmer, dense, ionised gas traced by N+ (Su et al. 2017; Geach et al. 2018; Harrington et al. 2019; Doherty et al. 2020). The striking similarity in the observed line profiles imply that the observed NH3 emission is broadly co-located with the CO- emitting gas, likely emanating from discrete sites of on-going star formation scattered throughout the gas-rich disc. Ho&Townes (1983) note thatNH3 is a rather ubiquitousmolecule, tracing a broad range of interstellar environments containing molec- ular gas. However, for the rotational transitions in the millimetre, NH3 is expected to trace dense gas. In the optically thin limit, the critical density of NH3 is 𝑛crit & 107 cm3 for kinetic temperatures 𝑇𝑘 < 100K (Shirley 2015). In realistic scenarios, the NH3 emission will be optically thick, and therefore subject to radiative trapping (Draine 2011). This serves to lower the effective critical density, but even so, the effective densities for optically thick NH3 emission are still probing dense gas, with 𝑛eff & 5 × 104 cm3 for 𝑇𝑘 < 100K and assuming a column density commensuratewith dense gas clumps and cores in the Milky Way (log10 (𝑁ref/cm−2) = 14.3, Shirley (2015)). However, the effective density will further scale down with increas- Table 1. A comparison of the properties of 9io9 and Galactic sources where NH3 is detected in emission. Source 𝐿IR 𝐿NH3 𝐿NH3/𝐿IR 𝐿 𝐿 ×10−7 9io9 (this work) 1.1 × 1013 2.8 × 106 2.5 Orion-KL 8 × 104 0.01 1.3 W31 C ∼106 >0.042 >0.42 W49 N ∼107 >0.048 >0.48 ing column density as 𝑁ref/𝑁 . Another caveat is the presence of significant far-infrared background fields, which will be dominated by the ambient radiation field of the galaxy itself due to dust emis- sion, with the most intense emission likely co-located with the dense star-forming gas. This background could lead to significant radiative pumping of NH3 molecule and therefore a non-collisional route to rotational emission; indeed Schmidt et al. (2016) discuss the poten- tial role of pumping of the NH3 rotational ground state emission as a solution to the discrepancy between the abundances derived via the NH3 ground state and its radio inversion lines in some local systems. While radiative pumping would further serve to lower the effective density of the gas responsible for NH3 emission, we can be reason- ably confident that the observed NH3 is tracing some of the densest molecular gas in 9io9, and therefore the actual sites of star formation. Can we relate the properties of 9io9 to local star formation? Do- herty et al. (2020) show that the average electron density (𝑛e ≈ 300 cm−3) associated with warm ionised gas as traced by N+ fine- structure emission is consistent with the typical density of Galactic star-forming regions. The conclusion is that the conditions are not ‘extreme’ compared to sites of active star formation in the Milky Way, but clearly a larger fraction of the ISM is participating in star formation in 9io9 and galaxies like it compared to the Milky Way. What of the efficiency, or ‘mode’ of star formation?A crude approach is to compare proxies for the star formation rate and dense gas that is fuelling it; more efficient star formation is characterised by a higher rate per unit dense gas mass, with a theoretical upper limit set by the Eddington limit (Murray et al. 2005). With the integrated infrared luminosity as a proxy for the total star formation rate (for galaxies dominated by dust) and NH3 as a tracer of the dense molecular gas actively participating in star formation, we can use 𝐿IR/𝐿NH3 as an empirical tracer of the star formation efficiency. In 9io9 we measure 𝐿NH3 = 2.8×106𝐿 and luminosity of 𝐿IR = 1.1×1013𝐿 , yielding 𝐿NH3/𝐿IR ≈ 3 × 10−7. There are relatively few regions where we have robust NH3 (10 − 00) and integrated infrared luminosities. One such region, the Klein- mann–Low nebula in Orion (Orion-KL) – a dense, hot molecular cloud core close to the Trapezium cluster, which excites the Orion Nebula – is frequently used as a local benchmark in many studies, not the least because of its proximity at ∼400 pc. With 𝐿IR ∼ 8×104 𝐿 (Gezari et al. 1998) and 𝐿NH3 ≈ 0.01𝐿 (Olofsson et al. 2007; Persson et al. 2007), Orion-KL has 𝐿NH3/𝐿IR ≈ 1.3 × 10−7, within a factor of a few of the ‘global’ 9io9 ratio, despite eight orders of magnitude separating the infrared luminosities. While the Orion molecular clouds have been extensively stud- ied (e.g. Genzel & Stutzki 1989), we note that it has been argued that the energetics of Orion-KL are not dominated by high mass star formation, but rather by an explosion (Zapata et al. 2011). Al- though one would expect a correspondingly high density of super- novae in 9io9, Orion-KL is arguably not a typical region in which MNRAS 000, 1–5 (2022) 4 M. J. Doherty et al. 20 0 20 40 60 LSR [km s 1] 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 T A [K ] o NH3 572 GHz W31 C 50 0 50 LSR [km s 1] 1.5 2.0 2.5 T A [K ] o NH3 572 GHz W49 N Figure 2. The ortho-NH3(10–00) line towards W31 C (top) and W49 N (bottom) observed using Herschel/HIFI. Vertical dashed grey lines mark the systemic velocities of the two sources. presently high mass stars are forming. In contrast W31C (G10.6−4) (𝐿IR ∼ 106𝐿 ) and the ‘mini-starburst’ W49 N (𝐿IR ∼ 107𝐿 Wright et al. 1977) are luminous Galactic high-mass star-forming regions located at distances of 4.8 kpc and 11.2 kpc, for which ob- servations of the NH3 (10 − 00) line have been published (Persson et al. 2010, 2012). Toward both sources, the spectra were taken as part of the Herschel key guaranteed time project PRISMAS1 us- ing the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared (HIFI). Unlike the corresponding para-NH3 lines, which show almost exclusively absorption, toward both W49 N andW31 C, the spectra of the ortho- NH3 (10−00) line is far more complex, displaying strong emission at the velocities of the background sources with self-absorption features slightly offset from the systemic velocities (Figure 2). We model the emission by fitting Gaussian profiles centred at the systemic velocity of each source with the line widths optimised to fit the emission wings. Subsequently, the self-absorption features modelled using narrower Gaussian profiles centred at 0 km s−1 and 13 km s−1 for W31 C and W49 N, respectively, are removed. The resulting fits are then used to derive integrated line intensities of 6.33 K km s−1 and 1.33 K km s−1 for W31 C and W49 N, respectively. Using a conver- sion factor of 482 Jy/K this yields line luminosities 𝐿NH3 = 0.042𝐿 and 𝐿NH3 = 0.048𝐿 , and 𝐿NH3/𝐿IR of 4.2 × 10−8 and 4.8 × 10−8 toward W31 C and W49 N, respectively. The NH3 line luminosities should be considered lower limits due to uncertainties in the line intensities estimated and the nature of the observed self-absorption. If there is significant self-absorption of the NH3 emission when aver- aged over galaxy scales in 9io9, then our measured luminosity could also be considered a lower limit. In Table 1 and Figure 3 we compare the luminosity ratios we derive for the Galactic sources with 9io9. The ratios are broadly consistent within a factor of a few, despite the fact that the 9io9 measurement is galaxy-integrated across a system 1 PRobing InterStellarMoleculeswithAbsorption line Studies (PI:M.Gerin) Figure 3.A comparison of the 𝐿NH3/𝐿IR ratio versus 𝐿IR for 9io9 at 𝑧 = 2.6 and a small sample of Galactic sources where NH3 (10 − 00) is detected. The x-axis spans ten orders of magnitude in infrared luminosity, whereas the luminosity ratios are consistent within a factor of 10. with an overall rate of star formation several orders of magnitude greater than the Milky Way. 5 CONCLUSIONS The actual structure of star-forming regions in gas-dominated, high- redshift discs such as 9io9 remains unclear. While some studies have argued for the presence of ‘giant clumps’ with properties similar to the cores of local Giant Molecular Clouds, but scaled up to sizes of order 100 pc (e.g. Rybak et al. 2015; Hatsukade et al. 2015), others have pointed out that the reality of such features is questionable, and that star formation may well be smoother, or structured on smaller scales than can be reliably imaged interferometrically, even with the assistance of lensing (Ivison et al. 2020). Regardless, it is evident that in order to drive globally elevated star formation, a large fraction of the cold ISM must be driven to high densities. The introduction of supersonic turbulence is a key mechanism to achieve high gas density fractions (Geach & Papadopoulos 2012), with the dispersion of the log-normal distribution describing the molecular gas density sensitive to the 1-dimensional average Mach number: M = 𝜎𝑣/𝑐𝑠 , with 𝜎𝑣 the gas velocity dispersion and 𝑐𝑠 the speed of sound in the medium (Padoan & Nordlund 2002). In the local Universe, mergers drive upM (e.g. Narayanan et al. 2011), and is the primary mechanism for ultraluminous emission in galaxies (Solomon & Vanden Bout 2005). 9io9 – like many other high red- shift starbursts – does not appear to be undergoing a major merger (although see Liu et al. 2022), but VDIs (Dekel et al. 2009b; Inoue et al. 2016) are a viable alternative mechanism for locally driving up M resulting in pockets of high-density gas, and therefore star for- mation, across the gas-dominated disc. Confirming this in practice will require reliable high-resolution imaging (noting the caveat refer- enced above for interferometric data) that could map out the relative distribution of dense molecular gas compared to the bulk reservoir. It is important to note that minor mergers and interactions can catalyse VDIs (e.g. Swinbank et al. 2011; Saha & Cortesi 2018). That a large fraction of the molecular ISM in 9io9 resembles envi- ronments like Orion-KL and other Galactic environments, with the broad kinematics of NH3 consistent with ordered disc rotation across the full range of molecular gas densities, we can picture an ensemble MNRAS 000, 1–5 (2022) Ammonia at 𝑧 = 2.6 5 of millions of ‘Orion-KLs’ embedded throughout the compact disc of 9io9; perhaps individually unremarkable, but en masse driving globally high star formation. This echos the evocative picture Rybak et al. (2020) present of another dusty, star-forming lensed galaxy, SDP.81 (𝑧 ≈ 3): they describe the system as ‘full of Orions’, based on the similarity of the ISM conditions on sub-kpc scales in SDP.81 compared to Orion. Our results appear to support this picture, and highlight the utility of the fainter, heavy rotor tracers in revealing the structure of the high-density ISM that is physically proximate with active star formation in young massive galaxies. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to the anonymous referee for their constructive com- ments.We also thankMatus Rybak for useful discussions.M.J.D. and J.E.G. acknowledge support from theRoyal Society. S.D. is supported by an STFC Rutherford Fellowship. This paper makes use of the fol- lowing ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2019.1.01365.S. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), MOST and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Re- public of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein- schaft (DFG,GermanResearch Foundation) under Germany’s Excel- lence Strategy — EXC-2094 — 390783311. This research has made use of the University of Hertfordshire high-performance computing facility ( DATA AVAILABILITY Data will be shared on reasonable request to the corresponding au- thor. REFERENCES Barger A. J., et al., 2014, The Astrophysical Journal, 784, 9 Bothwell M. S., et al., 2013, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 429, 3047 Béthermin M., et al., 2018, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 620, A115 Cazzoli G., Dore L., Puzzarini C., 2009, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 507, 1707 Chapman S. C., Smail I., Windhorst R., Muxlow T., Ivison R. 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