1 Corresponding Author. o.adeyemi5@herts.ac.uk Sensitivity: Internal Adoption of artificial intelligence in operations management Oluseyi Afolabi Adeyemi1, Idowu Adetona Ayoade2, Esther Onoge Adeyemi3, Oladeji Oluniyi Olanrele4, Ibukun O. Eweoya5, Joel Matthew6 1,6School of Physics, Engineering, and Computer Science. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. 3Logistics and IT Department, MyBnK, London. UK. 2,4Faculty of Engineering, First Technical University, Ibadan. 5Mathematics and Computer Science Department, Elizade University, Ilara-Mokin. Abstract: This is a review conducted in relation to the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Operations Management between the years 2010 – 2021. The purpose of this paper is to provide a survey of the usage of AI in operations management aimed at presenting the themes, trends, direction of research and its practical impacts. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a major role in the fourth industrial revolution, and a lot of evolution in various machine learning methodologies. AI techniques are widely used by the practicing engineers to solve a whole range of intractable problems. This study provides a forum for rapid evaluation of the works describing the theoretical and practical application of AI methods in operations management. The study reports some novel aspects of AI used for a real-world engineering application towards solving problems, increased productivity, and improved customer satisfaction. Keywords. Artificial Intelligence, Operations Management, Review, Survey 1. Introduction and Methodology Organisations are becoming more competitive due to new regulations, global challenges, and focus on net zero energy. The adoption of AI has helped organizations to deal with these challenges by providing solutions to uncertainties and achieving optimized results through reduced costs, speed, agility, efficiency, and flexibility. There have been an increased number of studies and publications for AI adoption in operations management. The number of papers published per year has not slowed down in the recent decade. With over 120,000 articles published between 2010-2021 and over 17,000 in operations management. The result of having so many publications is the associated complexity of understanding what else needs to be addressed. Other known issues linked with the use of repetitive publications, lack of substantial useful information hence not making significant contribution to knowledge. The design and methodology adopted is like that used by authors of previous surveys. That is to seek for literal replication of the review process and to build on the wealth of knowledge of authors, their experience(s) and expertise. To keep in line with the previous surveys that have been conducted on this topic, the same areas of operations management was used which includes process planning and 1 Corresponding Author. o.adeyemi5@herts.ac.uk Sensitivity: Internal control and quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis and areas of design and scheduling. The areas from the previous survey have been maintained to represent the categories that will be researched. ➢ Case-based reasoning (CBR). ➢ Genetic algorithms (GAs). ➢ Neural Networks (NN). ➢ Knowledge-based Systems (KBS). ➢ Fuzzy logic (FL); and ➢ Data Mining (DM). The Science Direct database was used to search for references using only the keywords that have been categorised in this paper. Review articles and research articles were identified while unrelated papers were abandoned. Further filtering was conducted to remove other forms of irrelevant papers to avoid double counting the same paper, however in most cases the title, abstract and conclusion sections were clear indicators to categorize the papers. This paper is arranged in three parts namely, introduction and methodology, survey and categories giving insights into the papers published in each section and conclusion presenting the quantitative data in this paper. 2. Survey and Categories 2.1 Design 2.1.1 FL in Design FL is employed in controllers for example, Youssef et al., (2018) reveal how to use FL for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) in photovoltaic systems, enabling it to function with different irradiance and temperature conditions. The proposed MPPT controller provides high flexibility and re-configurability, low cost of implementation and power usage. Costo Branco and Dente (2010) design and evaluate a fuzzy logic pressure controller for the braking system on an Airbus to achieve pressure control with high fit for hydraulic load fluctuations. Another paper presented by Tzafestas et al., (2010) propose the design of a FL in the control of autonomous non-holonomic mobile robots to discover a fuzzy path tracking algorithm. Cheng et al., (2010) investigated the design of a variable-voltage DC source using a fuzzy logic controller to handle load changes and input voltage fluctuations. Furthermore, there are uses of FL in hybrid sectors; Tahmasebi and Hezarkhani (2012) adopted fuzzy logic in grade estimations which is important in mine projects to overcome challenges due to difficulties of mineral ore deposits structural complications. Anifowose and Abdulraheem (2011) demonstrate functional networks, fuzzy logic driven and support vector machines to predict oil and gas reservoir attributes. Menghal and Laxmi (2016) discuss the control of an induction motor drive using fuzzy logic knowledge which was developed using MATLAB/Simulink to clarify the usefulness of PI and fuzzy control and to present an improved control performance of FLs algorithm over conventional PI controllers. Garcia-Diaz et al., (2013) argue for the use of FL models in software development effort estimation as an alternative to linear regression 1 Corresponding Author. o.adeyemi5@herts.ac.uk Sensitivity: Internal methods. The paper argues further by comparing two types of FL systems: Mamdani and Takagi-Sugeno and proving the outcome from the results of Takagi-Sugeno FL system to be more accurate than the other FL system as well as the linear regression model. Mehbodniya et al., (2013) established an innovative multi-criteria vertical handoff algorithm for heterogeneous wireless networks that achieves seamless mobility with maximal end-users’ satisfaction using Fuzzy VIKOR (FVIKOR). 2.1.2 KBS in Design Publications on knowledge-based systems are quite few and dispersed, Naranje and Kumar (2014) establish that KBS is used for the design of deep drawing die for axisymmetric parts yielding an interactive user-friendly, flexible, and economic implementation system. Mayr et al., (2018) shows that KBS are mostly relevant for supporting the planning of electric drives production systems, but ML-based methods are principally for optimizing single production processes. Khan et al., (2021) developed an integrated KBS useful for the transformation of traditional supply chain to digital supply chain. Rocca (2012) discuss knowledge-based engineering (KBE) as a budding technology with great potential for engineering design applications and its distinctiveness based on programming method to portray its validity in capturing and re- using engineering knowledge to automate large portions of the design process. Bing et al., (2017) provides a language-independent framework to implement slot-filling assignments by searching the web with accurate inquiries and originating lightweight extraction patterns. A pseudo-testing approach is adopted to approve the patterns derived from various sentences and highly encouraging outcomes are achieved. 2.1.3 CBR in Design Case-based reasoning is for adopted problem solving based on previously successful incidents, therefore it uses experiences to deal with and resolve situations. Hu et al., (2015) proposed the acceptability of grey relational analysis and weighted mean (GRA- WM) adaptation in application of CBR for mechanical design over classical methods as that helps to decide valuable specifications of new mechanical product by adapting earlier favourable solutions to current problems. The authors in year 2016 further propose the hybrid weighted mean (HWM) approach by capitalising on improved adaptation performance in relation to adaptation precision of other comparative methods. Guo et al., (2012) shows the application of intelligent CBR system to fulfil the design support for injection mould design with outstanding performance than current CBR. Peng et al., (2011) argues for the use of a rule-based reasoning (RBR) and CBR to develop a virtual reality (VR) based integrated system for machining fixture design, which could help designers to refer to earlier design cases to make abstract fixturing solutions quickly. Goh and Guo (2018) developed an intelligent online knowledge-based system, FPSWizard, which is a hybrid of CBR and RBR to improve recovery performance and to deliver complete solutions to fall from heights. FPSWizard is useful as a decision support system for professional engineers and safety professionals in choosing and plotting solutions to the work-at-height challenges in the construction industry. Perez et al., (2021) present a solution to the challenge of administering risks during a surgical procedure using an integration of Multi-Agent System (MAS) with Case-Based Reasoning (CBR). The solution method demonstrates its ability to manage alert thresholds during erratic and inimical events in an environment that coordinates data as dissimilar as infectious agents, patient's vitals, and human tiredness. The 1 Corresponding Author. o.adeyemi5@herts.ac.uk Sensitivity: Internal outcomes show that the thresholds predicted by the system are more efficient than the existing ones. Herrero-Reder et al., (2017) assessed the conceptual similarity between a memory storage and prediction framework and CBR. The authors displayed how robots can achieve complex behaviours by demonstration and enhance their knowledge base without guidance. They confirmed that active learning enables us to gain knowledge that are analytically difficult to model but easy to demonstrate in practical ways. The suitability of case base recovery process to handle scalable tasks is suggested. 2.1.4 GAs in Design Genetic algorithm is a process of natural selection used to generate high quality optimised solutions to problems by depending on selection, crossover and/or mutation. Pan (2010) used Canonic Signed Digit (CSD) coded GA to develop chromosomes by decreasing the time emaciated by trials and errors in the evolution process and to increase the training speed. An efficient hybrid code for the filter coefficients is suggested to enhance the precision of the coefficient of finite impulse response digital filter (FIR). Nagarajan et al., (2016) proposed the retrieval of any kind of medical image such as breast cancer, brain tumour, lung cancer, and thyroid cancer adopted to decrease the existing system dimensionality problems. The experiment proved that the GA directed image retrieval system chooses optimal subset of feature to recognize the right set of images using a machine learning based feature selection method. Luan et al (2019) used the hybridization algorithm of GA and ant colony optimization (ACO) to provide a decision support tool that helps in solving the challenges associated with multicriteria decision making of supplier association. The unified algorithm has shown improved quality and efficiency with a methodological contribution to the optimization of algorithm research. Lee (2018) conducted a review of the applications of GA in operations management (OM) over a ten-year period ranging from year 2007 to 2017. The study encouraged the use of heuristic search methods for improved OM decisions as against non-deterministic polynomial hard problems algorithms. 2.1.5 NN in Design Neural networks fundamentally reflect the behaviour of the human brain, which allows computers to recognise patterns and solve problems. Kamrunnahar and Urquidi-Macdonald (2010) utilized supervised neural network (NN) method as a data mining tool to forecast corrosion behavior of metal alloys. The NN model learned the basic laws that outline the alloy’s composition and environment to the corrosion rate. Both DC and AC corrosion experiments were conducted with existing corrosion data on corrosion allowable and corrosion resistive alloys. The data mining outcomes recognized the categorization and prioritization of certain parameters for example, pH, temperature, time of exposure, electrolyte composition, metal composition to establish the synergetic impact of the parameters and variables on electrochemical potentials and corrosion rates. Chen (2011) employed a Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model and parallel-distributed compensation (PDC) plan to design a nonlinear fuzzy controller for the stability of nonlinear systems. The neural-network model is used to submerge the modelling error challenges associated with nonlinear systems. A new stability NN-based controller design is utilized to secure the stability of the nonlinear system. The control problem is now presented as a linear matrix inequality (LMI) difficulty and a simulation is provided to explore the practicability of the proposed fuzzy controller design method. 1 Corresponding Author. o.adeyemi5@herts.ac.uk Sensitivity: Internal Hassan et al., (2013) presented a review of major studies adopting the ANN method to solve major problems related to power system control due to the constraint of conventional control theory, modern control theory, and adaptive control theory. It was discovered that fast-acting, accurate controllers based on ANN technique are the preferred choice to shun system collapse, sustain system transient stability, damp oscillations, stabilize voltage, and to provide high-quality service to consumers. Though, all NN has some benefits and disadvantages, it was proposed that the recurrent neural network (RNN) is appropriate for monitoring and control. And, power systems should be taken as a supplementary tool, rather than a substitute for conventional or other AI based power system methods. In transiting from power system monitoring to forecasting stream flow, Sahoo et al., (2019) established the application of NN in simulating river flow for forecasting the development of water resources. Traditional radial basis function network (RBFN) and RNN were utilized for model development and RNN model provides optimized performance as against RBFN. For RNN, Tan-sig, Log-sig, Purelin transfer function are adopted for evaluating model performance, and Tan-sig provides best value of model performance among them. 3. Results 0 1000 2000 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 Design 0 500 1000 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 Scheduling 0 1000 2000 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 Process Planning 0 100 200 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 2 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 7 2 0 1 8 2 0 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 Quality, Maintenance and Fault Diagnosis 1 Corresponding Author. o.adeyemi5@herts.ac.uk Sensitivity: Internal Figure 1: A selection of charts to represent the Number of publications of AI in OM over the review period the top four charts are from 2010-2021 and the bottom four are from 2005-2009. 4. Conclusions This chapter will compare the results obtained from my review period and the review period conducted by the previous paper. A total of 2266 papers have been published between the previous survey, this in comparison to the current survey proves to be only 13% of what has been done between the years of 2010-2021. The number of papers released on average have increased by 37% per year. The results described in this chapter has been visually represented in figure 14, to ensure ease in comparison between the statistical overview of the two surveys. 0 2000 4000 6000 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 N u m b e r o f P u b lic at io n s Year Papers Published for AI in Operations Management (2010- 2021) 0 200 400 600 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 N u m b er o f P u b lic at io n s Years Number of Publication for AI in OM (2005-2009) 1 Corresponding Author. o.adeyemi5@herts.ac.uk Sensitivity: Internal The previous survey states that there were trends for design and scheduling which showed an increase in the use of GA. Based on the graph that they provide it does show that scheduling and design have a huge interest from the use of GAs. With 210 papers for design and 309 for scheduling, the highest number of papers released for any of the categories over the 2005-2009 period. The paper then goes on to reveal that a steady number of publications around 20-35 papers have been published for NN for design during the course period. Again, the second highest use is NN as statistics show that a total of 386 paper have been published which is just over half the number of GA’s that have been published. The use of NN within process planning and control seem to control more than 70% of all publications in the process planning category. This compared to the study conducted between 2010-2021 shows that GA and NN have remained to be areas of great interest after hybrid as GA has had a total of 4554 papers released in total and NN came third with 2232 papers. This shows that interest has not decreased in these areas rather steadied over the course of the 11-year period. Many understand the impact of research within GA can have on evolving designs due to their flexibility and potential for optimizing tasks. Both the surveys found that there is a decline in the use of KBS as all its benefits have been studied thoroughly and now it is no longer considered innovative and newer and more advanced systems have been developed. A total of 29 studies have been conducted for the years 2005-2009 and between 2010-2021 a combined total of 72 more papers have been added. The previous survey iterates that KBS research has been on-going since 1980s which helps us to understand why so little is now researched after it being 40 years. The four graphs displayed in the previous are quite different from the ones that have been produced for the period in this survey. Where in the current survey all four graphs; figure 1-4, show hybrid models increasing exponentially, in the previous survey GA seems to be increasing exponentially for Design and Scheduling. Whereas quality, maintenance and fault diagnosis, and process planning and control show NN being the dominating research factor. All other methods seem to fluctuate between 0-40 papers. Finally, the previous survey states that with the limited time frame researched hybrid systems are gaining popularity, which can be carried over to the current survey as hybrid systems are currently the most interested aspect of AI. 1 Corresponding Author. o.adeyemi5@herts.ac.uk Sensitivity: Internal What are the trends in use of AI in operations management? To conclude, this research has shown that the interest in KBS has declined drastically during the period of this paper. In contrast, the interest in hybrid systems has seen a surge in the number of total papers released per year. The results show that the interest in hybrid systems in only increasing and there are still more iterations of systems to be found and used effectively for various result purposes. With more and more companies adopting AI within the supply chain, it is increasingly more attractive to find the most effective solution to provide a compelling solution to their users. Design is the most appealing and logical solution to research for hybrid and therefore I believe that will only grow over the years as design to be the most researched area of operational management. Looking into the future years research has shown that hybrid is still a major research focus with 36% of the total papers published referencing hybrid systems. A total of 4319 papers have been published within operations management. A key statistic to look at is data mining which has gained interest with a further 25% papers being related to that. KBS has almost 0 papers in this year, and it is believed that this trajectory will stay the same as most of the research is this field has been conducted thoroughly with no new innovations. References [1] Kobbacy, K.A.H. and Vadera, S. (2011), "A survey of AI in operations management from 2005 to 2009", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 22 No. 6, pp. 706-733 [2] Youssef, A., Telbany, M. and Zekry, A., 2018. Reconfigurable generic FPGA implementation of fuzzy logic controller for MPPT of PV systems. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, pp.1313-1319. [3] Costa Branco, P. and Dente, J., 2010. Design and experimental evaluation of a fuzzy logic pressure controller for the Airbus 310/320 braking control system. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 23(6), pp.989-999. [4] Tzafestas, S., Deliparaschos, K. and Moustris, G., 2010. Fuzzy logic path tracking control for autonomous non-holonomic mobile robots: Design of System on a Chip. 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