Title of Dataset: Mixed-methods assessment of engagement with a digital intervention: the Wrapped feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial Principal Investigator Information Name: Dr Katie Newby ORCID:0000-0002-9348-0116 Institution: University of Hertfordshire Address: Department of Psychology, Sport, and Geography Email: k.newby@herts.ac.uk Alternate Contact Information Name: Lauren Schumacher ORCID:0000-0003-3430-1816 Institution: University of Hertfordshire Address: Department of Psychology, Sport, and Geography Email: l.schumacher@herts.ac.uk Date of data collection: 2021-03-01 to 2022-10-31 Geographic location of data collection: UK Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Dr Katie Newby received funding from National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR; Public Health Research [PHR NIHR128148]). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Licenses/restrictions placed on the data:CC-BY. Links to publications that cite or use the data: to be updated once the publication has been accepted Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: none Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: Was data derived from another source? no Recommended citation for this dataset: DATA & FILE OVERVIEW File List: 1. Qualitative interview data matrix 2. Wrapped Intervention analytics data, website order history 3. Component allocation 4. M3 Survey Responses 5. M12 Survey Responses Relationship between files, if important: Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: no Are there multiple versions of the dataset? no METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Methods for processing the data: SPSS was used for the analytics, website order history, component allocation, and survey response data. NVivo was used for the qualitative interview data. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Excel Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: N/A Environmental/experimental conditions: see "Description of methods used for collection/generation of data" above Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: Transcripts checked for accuracy against the audio recordings. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Schumacher, L; Kayleigh Kwah, K; Crutzen, R; Brown, K; Bailey, J; Bremner, S; Jackson, L; Newby, K. DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 1. Qualitative interview data matrix Number of variables: Number of cases/rows: Variable List: Missing data codes: Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 2. Wrapped Intervention analytics data, website order history Number of variables: 62 Number of cases/rows: 115 Variable List: 1. ID: participant ID number 2. Home_visited: was the website visited (Yes/ Didn't click link/ Clicked link but did not reach homepage) 3. Assigned Component 1 (Sample Pack): was participant assigned component 1, based on tailoring items (Yes/No/Missing) 4. Assigned Component 2 (Order Condoms): was participant assigned component 2, based on tailoring items (Yes/No/Missing) 5. Assigned Component 3 (Condom Carrier): was participant assigned component 3, based on tailoring items (Yes/No/Missing) 6. Assigned Component 4 (Using Condoms): was participant assigned component 4, based on tailoring items (Yes/No/Missing) 7. Assigned Component 5 (Discussion Condoms): was participant assigned component 5, based on tailoring items (Yes/No/Missing) 8. Assigned Component 6 (Real Life): was participant assigned component 6, based on tailoring items (Yes/No/Missing) 9. Visited_using_page: visited using condoms page (Yes/No/Missing) 10. Watched_using: clicked on the play button for the using condoms video (Yes/No/Missing) 11. Watched_using_full: watched the using condoms video in full (Yes/No/Missing) 12. Time_using: time spent (in seconds) watching the using condoms video 13. Visited_discuss_condoms: visited discussing condoms page (Yes/No/Missing) 14. Watched_discuss_1: clicked on the play button for the discussing condoms video 1 (Yes/No/Missing) 15. Time_discuss_1: time spent (in seconds) watching the discussing condoms video 1 16. Watched_discuss_2: clicked on the play button for the discussing condoms video 2 (Yes/No/Missing) 17. Time_discuss_2: time spent (in seconds) watching the discussing condoms video 2 18. Watched_discuss_3: clicked on the play button for the discussing condoms video 3 (Yes/No/Missing) 19. Time_discuss_3: time spent (in seconds) watching the discussing condoms video 3 20. Watched_discuss_4: clicked on the play button for the discussing condoms video 4 (Yes/No/Missing) 21. Time_discuss_4: time spent (in seconds) watching the discussing condoms video 4 22. Watched_discuss_5: clicked on the play button for the discussing condoms video 5 (Yes/No/Missing) 23. Time_discuss_5: time spent (in seconds) watching the discussing condoms video 5 24. Watched_discuss_6: clicked on the play button for the discussing condoms video 6 (Yes/No/Missing) 25. Time_discuss_6: time spent (in seconds) watching the discussing condoms video 6 26. Watched_discuss_7: clicked on the play button for the discussing condoms video 7 (Yes/No/Missing) 27. Time_discuss_7: time spent (in seconds) watching the discussing condoms video 7 28. Visited_real_life_page: visited real life page (Yes/No/Missing) 29. Watched_sofa: clicked on the play button for the using real life sofa video (Yes/No/Missing) 30. Time_sofa: time spent (in seconds) watching the real life sofa video 31. Watched_car: clicked on the play button for the using real life car video (Yes/No/Missing) 32. Time_car: time spent (in seconds) watching the real life car video 33. Watched_bed: clicked on the play button for the using real life bed video (Yes/No/Missing) 34. Time_bed: time spent (in seconds) watching the real life bed video 35. Visited_sample_page: visited real life page (Yes/No/Missing) 36. Sample_pack_proceed: proceeded to place a sample pack order (Yes/No/Missing) 37. Ordered_Sample_Pack: completed a sample pack order (Yes/No/Missing) 38. Visited_carrier_page: visited condom carrier page (Yes/No/Missing) 39. Carrier_proced: proceeded to place a carrier order (Yes/No/Missing) 40. Ordered_Carrier: completed a carrier order (Yes/No/Missing) 41. Visited_ordering_page: visited order condoms page (Yes/No/Missing) 42. Condom_order_proceed: proceeded to place a first order for condoms (Yes/No/Missing) 43. Placed_Order_with_Ordering_Service: completed a first order for condoms (Yes/No/Missing) 44. Total_Orders_Placed: total amount of orders placed for condoms 45. Last_Timepoint_Completed_at_First_Order: when did participant place first order for condoms (M0/M3/M6/M12) 46. Total_Ordered_Durex_Pleasure_Me: total orders placed for Durex Pleasure Me 47. Total_Ordered_Durex_Thin_Feel: total orders placed for Durex Thin Feel 48. Total_Ordered_EXS_Air_Thin: total orders placed for EXS Air Thin 49. Total_Ordered_EXS_Extra_Large: total orders placed for EXS Extra Large 50. Total_Ordered_EXS_Snug_Fit: total orders placed for EXS Snug Fit 51. Total_Ordered_MyONE_Perfect_Fit: total orders placed for MyONE Perfect Fit 52. Total_Ordered_Pasante_Cooling: total orders placed for Pasnate Cooling 53. Total_Ordered_Pasante_Sensitive: total orders placed for Pasante Sensitive 54. Total_Ordered_Pasante_Warming: total orders placed for Pasante Warming 55. Total_Ordered_Skyn_Extra_Lubricated: total orders placed for Skyn Extra Lubricated 56. Total_Ordered_Skyn_Intense_Feel: total orders placed for Skyn Intense Feel 57. Total_Ordered_Skyn_Original: total orders placed for Skyn Original 58. Total_Ordered_Pasante_Light_Lube: total orders placed for Pasante Light Lube 59. Total_Ordered_Pasante_Silky_TLC_Lube: total orders placed for Silky TLC Lube 60. Profile_created: did the participant create a profile on the website (Yes/ Didn't click link/ Clicked link but did not reach homepage) 61. Reg_success: did the participant successfully register on the website (Yes/ Didn't click link/ Clicked link but did not reach homepage) 62. Total_visiting: total individual visits to the website Missing data codes: 1. Missing: there is no data available as it is not applicable to this participant 2. #NULL!: there is no data available as it is not applicable to this participant Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 3. Component allocation Number of variables: 37 Number of cases/rows: 79 Variable List: 1. Participant: participant ID number 2. Age: How old are you (16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24) 3. Condom_Use: In the last few months, how often have you used condoms when having sex? (Everytime/Almost everytime/Sometimes/Occasionally/Never/No response) 4. Condom_Use_Partner: When you didn't use condoms, how often was this because your partner didn't want to? (Everytime/Almost everytime/Sometimes/Occasionally/Never/No response) 5. Condom_Use_3: In the next few months, I am going to use condoms every time I have sex (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 6. Condom_Use_Experiment: Have you ever experimented with different types of condoms to try and find ones that you like? E.g. in terms of fit, feel, texture, smell, pleasure etc. (No, I’ve never done this/Yes, but I still haven’t found one I like/Yes, and I have ones I like/Yes but I am allergic) 7. Condom_Attitude_Direct: Using condoms every time I have sex is important to me (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 8. Condom_Capability_Access: I've had a way of easily getting more condoms when I'm running low (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 9. Condom_Bought: Have you bought any condoms over the last 3 months? (Yes/No) 10. Condom_Bought_How_Much: Approx how much would you say you've spent on condoms in the last 3 months? 11. Condom_Free Have you had any free condoms over the last 3 months? (Yes/No) 12. Condom_Free_Amount: Approx how many free condoms would you say you've had over the last 3 months 13. Condom_Capability_Cost: The cost of condoms has not been an issue for me (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 14. Condom_Capability_Carry: I have always had condoms on me when I'm out and about (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 15. se_correct: I can correctly put a condom on myself or a partner (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 16. se_discuss: I can discuss condom use with any partner I might have (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 17. se_obtain: I can get hold of more condoms when I need them (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 18. att_pleasure: Sex with condoms can be pleasurable for me (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 19. att_pleasure_partn: Sex with condoms can be pleasurable for my partner (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 20. att_enjoy: Sex with condoms can be enjoyable (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 21. att_interrupt: Using condoms will interrupt the flow of sex (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 22. cap_store: I have kept condoms in places where I’m most likely to have sex (e.g. bedroom) (Strongly agree/Agree/Neither agree nor disagree/Disagree/Strongly disagree/No response) 23. se_obtain_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. *COMPONENT 2. *I am confident that.. I can get hold of more condoms when I need them. RECODE se_obtain (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 5=2) INTO se_obtain_binary. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS se_obtain_binary 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate'. 24. Condom_Capability_Cost_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. *COMPONENT 2. *The cost of condoms has not been an issue for me. RECODE Condom_Capability_Cost (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 5=2) INTO Condom_Capability_Cost_binary. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS Condom_Capability_Cost_binary 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate'. 25. Component_2_survey_allocation: *combine above to so that if participant responds that have probs with getting hold or cost of condoms then allocation of component 2 indicated. COMPUTE Component_2_survey_allocation=se_obtain_binary + Condom_Capability_Cost_binary. EXECUTE. RECODE Component_2_survey_allocation (2=1) (3 thru 4=2). EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS Component_2_survey_allocation 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate component 2'. 26. cap_store_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. *COMPONENT 3. *I have kept condoms in places where Im most likely to have sex (e.g. bedroom). RECODE cap_store (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 5=2) INTO cap_store_binary. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS cap_store_binary 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate'. 27. Condom_Capability_Carry_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. *COMPONENT 3. *I have always had condoms on me when I'm out and about. RECODE Condom_Capability_Carry (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 5=2) INTO Condom_Capability_Carry_binary. VALUE LABELS Component_3_survey_allocation 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate component 3'. 28. Component_3_survey_allocation: *combine above to so that if participant responds that have probs with condom availability then allocation of component 3 indicated. COMPUTE Component_3_survey_allocation=cap_store_binary + Condom_Capability_Carry_binary. EXECUTE. RECODE Component_3_survey_allocation (2=1) (3 thru 4=2). EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS Component_3_survey_allocation 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate component 3'. 29. se_correct_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. *COMPONENT 4. *I can correctly put a condom on myself or a partner. RECODE se_correct (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 5=2) INTO se_correct_binary. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS se_correct_binary 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate'. 30. att_interrupt_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. *COMPONENT 4. *Using condoms will interrupt the flow of sex. RECODE att_interrupt (1 thru 2=2) (3 thru 5=1) INTO att_interrupt_binary. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS att_interrupt_binary 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate'. 31. att_pleasure_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. *COMPONENT 4. *Sex with condoms can be pleasurable for me. RECODE att_pleasure (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 5=2) INTO att_pleasure_binary. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS att_pleasure_binary 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate'. 32. att_pleasure_partn_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. *COMPONENT 4. *Sex with condoms can be pleasurable for my partner. RECODE att_pleasure_partn (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 5=2) INTO att_pleasure_partn_binary. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS att_pleasure_partn_binary 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate'. 33. att_enjoy_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. *COMPONENT 4. *Sex with condoms can be enjoyable. RECODE att_enjoy (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 5=2) INTO att_enjoy_binary. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS att_enjoy_binary 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate'. 34. Component_4_survey_allocation: DO IF (se_correct_binary = 2 | att_interrupt_binary = 2 | att_pleasure_binary = 2 | att_pleasure_partn_binary = 2 | att_enjoy_binary = 2). RECODE Component_4_survey_allocation (SYSMIS=2). END IF. EXECUTE. RECODE Component_4_survey_allocation (SYSMIS=1). EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS Component_4_survey_allocation 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate component 4'. 35. se_discuss_binary: *All: 1=strongly agree to 5=strongly disagree. 36. Component_5_survey_allocation: *COMPONENT 5. *I can discuss condom use with any partner I might have. RECODE se_discuss (1 thru 3=1) (4 thru 5=2) INTO se_discuss_binary. EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS se_discuss_binary 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate'. EXECUTE. *combine above to so that if participant responds that have problems with condom communication then allocation of component 5 indicated. COMPUTE Component_5_survey_allocation=se_discuss_binary + att_interrupt_binary. EXECUTE. RECODE Component_5_survey_allocation (2=1) (3 thru 4=2). EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS Component_5_survey_allocation 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate component 5'. 37. Component_6_survey_allocation: *COMPONENT 6. DO IF ((att_interrupt_binary = 2 | att_pleasure_binary = 2 | att_pleasure_partn_binary = 2 | att_enjoy_binary = 2) & Age >= 18). RECODE Component_6_survey_allocation (SYSMIS=2). END IF. EXECUTE. RECODE Component_6_survey_allocation (SYSMIS=1). EXECUTE. VALUE LABELS Component_6_survey_allocation 1 'do not allocate' 2 'allocate component 6'. Missing data codes: Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 4. M3 Survey Responses Number of variables: 4 Number of cases/rows: 115 Variable List: 1. Participant: participant ID 2. Did you visit the Wrapped website: After completing the first survey, we emailed you a link to a website about condom use called 'Wrapped'. Did you visit this? (Yes/No) 3. Useful: How useful did you find this website? (Not at all useful/Slightly useful/Moderately useful/Very useful/Extremely useful) 4. Design: How would you rate the design of this website? (Very poor/Poor/Average/Good/Very good) Missing data codes: 1. NR: no response 2. : participant was not asked this item as it was not applicable Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: 5. M12 Survey Responses Number of variables: 18 Number of cases/rows: 115 Variable List: 1. Participant: participant ID 2. Sample box of condoms: Did you receive a Sample box of condoms via the Wrapped website (Yes/No) 3. Monthly delivery of condoms and lube: Did you receive Monthly delivery of condoms and lube via the Wrapped website (Yes/No) 4. Condom carrier: Did you receive a Condom carrier via the Wrapped website (Yes/No) 5. Sample try condoms: Did you try any of the condoms? (Yes/No) 6. Sample try lube: Did you try any of the lube? (Yes/No) 7. Sample leaflet: Did you look at the leaflet that came inside the box? (Yes/No) 8. Sample box: Have you used the box for storing condoms? (Yes/No) 9. Orders how many: How many times did you place an order? (Once/More than once) 10. Order how much used: How much of the condoms/lube have you used? (I used all of it/I used most of it/I used some of it/I haven't used any of it) 11. Order recent: How much of the condoms/lube in your most recent order have you used? (I used all of it/I used most of it/I used some of it/I haven't used any of it) 12. Carrier used: Have you used the carrier? (Yes, to carry condoms/Yes, but not to carry condoms/No, I haven't used it) 13. Carrier bag: Is the carrier attached to your keys/bag? (Yes/No) 14. Didn't like colour: I didn't like the colour (I didn't like the colour/N/A) 15. Didn't like design: I didn’t like the design (I didn’t like the design/N/A) 16. Not discreet enough: It wasn’t discreet enough (It wasn’t discreet enough/N/A) 17. Other: Other reason (Other/N/A) 18. Other explain: free text box to enter explanation Missing data codes: 1. N/A: participant did not endorse this response option 2. : participant was not asked this item as it was not applicable Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: