Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Annual hours working in Britain 

      Gall, G.; Allsop, D. (2007)
      This paper seeks to investigate the extent of the implementation of annual hours working in Britain and its impact upon employers, organisations and employees.
    • Damaged by Democracy : The National Union of Mineworkers and the 1984-85 Strike 

      Allsop, D.; Wray, D. (2011-06-01)
      This paper explores the democratic tensions within the National Union of Mineworkers that split the union during the 1984-85 strike over mine closures. In seeking to understand the conflict over the failure to hold a ...
    • Managing the Employment Relationship 

      Calveley, Moira; Allsop, D.; Rocha Lawton, Natalia (SAGE Publications, 2014-02-01)
      The chapter begins by discussing what is meant by ‘the employment relationship’, a term that is often used in a simplistic way, obscuring the complexities of such a relationship. The chapter goes on to consider the different ...
    • The Rise and Fall of Autonomous Group Working in the British Coal Mining Industry 

      Allsop, D.; Wray, D. (University of Hertfordshire, 2002)
      Teamwork is written of in much of the literature as a comparatively recent phenomenon, usually associated with Japanese systems of work organisation. In reality, the social relations of work in many industries have at times ...