Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • The LCES HIRES/Keck Precision Radial Velocity Exoplanet Survey 

      Butler, R. Paul; Vogt, Steven S.; Laughlin, Gregory; Burt, Jennifer A.; Rivera, Eugenio J.; Tuomi, Mikko; Teske, Johanna; Arriagada, Pamela; Diaz, Matias; Holden, Brad; Keiser, Sandy (2017-04-13)
      We describe a 20-year survey carried out by the Lick-Carnegie Exoplanet Survey Team (LCES), using precision radial velocities from HIRES on the Keck-I telescope to find and characterize extrasolar planetary systems orbiting ...
    • MagAO Imaging of Long-period Objects (MILO). II. A Puzzling White Dwarf around the Sun-like Star HD 11112 

      Rodigas, Timothy J.; Bergeron, P.; Simon, Amelie; Arriagada, Pamela; Faherty, Jackie; Anglada-Escude, Guillem; Mamajek, Eric E.; Weinberger, Alycia; Butler, R. Paul; Males, Jared R.; Morzinski, Katie; Close, Laird M.; Hinz, Philip M.; Bailey, Jeremy; Carter, Brad; Jenkins, James S.; Jones, Hugh; O'Toole, Simon; Tinney, C. G.; Wittenmyer, Rob; Debes, John (2016-11-10)
      HD 11112 is an old, Sun-like star that has a long-term radial velocity (RV) trend indicative of a massive companion on a wide orbit. Here we present direct images of the source responsible for the trend using the Magellan ...
    • A planetary system around the nearby M dwarf GJ 667C with at least one super-earth in its habitable zone 

      Anglada-Escude, Guillem; Arriagada, Pamela; Vogt, Steven S.; Rivera, Eugenio J.; Butler, R. Paul; Crane, Jeffrey D.; Shectman, Stephen A.; Thompson, Ian B.; Minniti, Dante; Haghighipour, Nader; Carter, Brad D.; Tinney, C.G.; Wittenmyer, Robert A.; Bailey, Jeremy A.; O'Toole, Simon J.; Jones, H.R.A.; Jenkins, J.S. (2012-05-20)
      We re-analyze 4 years of HARPS spectra of the nearby M1.5 dwarf GJ 667C available through the European Southern Observatory public archive. The new radial velocity (RV) measurements were obtained using a new data analysis ...
    • Red Optical Planet Survey: : a new search for habitable earths in the southern sky 

      Barnes, John; Jenkins, J.S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Rojo, P.; Arriagada, Pamela; Jordan, Andres; Minniti, Dante; Tuomi, Mikko; Jeffers, S.V.; Pinfield, D.J. (2012-07-01)
      We present the first results from our Red Optical Planet Survey (ROPS) to search for low mass planets orbiting late type dwarfs (M5.5V - M9V) in their habitable zones (HZ). Our observations, with the red arm MIKE spectrograph ...