Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • A census of molecular hydrogen outflows and their sources along the Orion A molecular ridge: Characteristics and overall distribution 

      Davis, C.J.; Froebrich, D.; Stanke, T.; Megeath, S.T.; Kumar, M.S.N.; Adamson, A.J.; Eisloffel, J.; Gredel, R.; Khanzadyan, T.; Lucas, P.W.; Smith, M.D.; Varricatt, W.P. (2009)
    • A multi-epoch near-infrared study of the HH 7-11 protostellar outflow 

      Khanzadyan, T.; Smith, M.D.; Davis, C.J.; Gredel, R.; Stanke, T.; Chrysostomou, A. (2003)
      We present near-infrared observations of the protostellar outflow HH 7–11 in the molecular hydrogen 1–0 S(1) and [Fe ii] 1.644-μm emission lines. Images at four epochs spread over 11 yr constrain the proper motions of the ...
    • Supersonic turbulence in the cold massive core JCMT 18354-0649S star 

      Carolan, P.B.; Khanzadyan, T.; Redman, M.P.; Thompson, M.A.; Jones, P.A.; Cunningham, M.R.; Loughnane, R.M.; Bains, I.; Keto, E. (2009)
      An example of a cold massive core, JCMT 18354−0649S which is a possible high-mass analogue to a low-mass star-forming core, is studied. Line and continuum observations from James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, Mopra Telescope ...
    • UWISH2-the UKIRT Widefield Infrared Survey for H-2 

      Froebrich, D.; Davis, C. J.; Ioannidis, G.; Gledhill, T.; Takami, M.; Chrysostomou, A.; Drew, J.; Eisloeffel, J.; Gosling, A.; Gredel, R.; Hatchell, J.; Hodapp, K. W.; Kumar, M. S. N.; Lucas, P.W.; Matthews, H.; Rawlings, M. G.; Smith, M. D.; Stecklum, B.; Varricatt, W. P.; Lee, H. T.; Teixeira, P. S.; Aspin, C.; Khanzadyan, T.; Karr, J.; Kim, H. -J.; Koo, B. -C.; Lee, J. J.; Lee, Y. -H.; Magakian, T. Y.; Movsessian, T. A.; Nikogossian, E. H.; Pyo, T. S.; Stanke, T. (2011-05)
      We present the goals and preliminary results of an unbiased, near-infrared, narrow-band imaging survey of the first galactic quadrant (10 degrees < l < 65 degrees; -1<file name="mnr_18149_mu1.gif" type="gif"/>3 < b < +1<file ...