Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Chandra observations of Galaxy Zoo mergers : Frequency of binary active nuclei in massive mergers 

      Teng, S.H.; Schawinski, K.; Urry, C.M.; Bonning, E.W.; Simmons, B.D.; Darg, D.W.; Kaviraj, S.; Lintott, C.J.; Oh, K.; Cardamone, C.N.; Keel, W.C.; Treister, E. (2012-07-10)
      We present the results from a Chandra pilot study of 12 massive galaxy mergers selected from Galaxy Zoo. The sample includes major mergers down to a host galaxy mass of 1011 M ☉ that already have optical active galactic ...
    • Destruction of molecular gas reservoirs in early-type galaxies by active galactic nucleus feedback 

      Schawinski, K.; Lintott, C.J.; Kaviraj, S.; Silk, J.; Zuntz, J.; Bayet, E.; Thomas, D.; Maraston, C.; Viti, S.; Sarzi, M.; Yi, S.K.; Joo, S-J.; Daddi, E.; Bell, T. (2009)
      Residual star formation at late times in early-type galaxies and their progenitors must be suppressed in order to explain the population of red, passively evolving systems we see today. Likewise, residual or newly accreted ...
    • Galaxy zoo 2 : Detailed morphological classifications for 304,122 galaxies from the sloan digital sky survey 

      Willett, K.W.; Lintott, C.J.; Bamford, S.P.; Masters, K.L.; Simmons, B.D.; Casteels, K.R.V.; Edmondson, E.M.; Fortson, L.F.; Kaviraj, S.; Keel, W.C.; Melvin, T.; Nichol, R.C.; Jordan Raddick, M.; Schawinski, K.; Simpson, R.J.; Skibba, R.A.; Smith, A.M.; Thomas, D. (2013-11-01)
      We present the data release for Galaxy Zoo 2 (GZ2), a citizen science project with more than 16 million morphological classifications of 304,122 galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).Morphology is a ...
    • Galaxy zoo : The fundamentally different co-evolution of supermassive black holes and their early- and late-type host galaxies 

      Schawinski, K.; Urry, C.M.; Virani, S.; Coppi, P.; Cardamone, C.N.; Bamford, S.P.; Treister, E.; Lintott, C.J.; Kaviraj, S.; Sarzi, M.; Keel, W.C.; Masters, K.L.; Nichol, R.C.; Thomas, D.; Ross, N.P.; Andreescu, D.; Murray, P.; Raddick, M.J.; Szalay, A.S.; Vandenberg, J.; Slosar, A. (2010-01-01)
      We use data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and visual classifications of morphology from the Galaxy Zoo project to study black hole growth in the nearby universe (z <0.05) and to break down the active galactic nucleus ...
    • Galaxy Zoo: Multimergers and the Millennium Simulation 

      Darg, D.W.; Kaviraj, S.; Lintott, C.J.; Silk, J.; Lynn, S.; Schawinski, K.; Bamford, S.; Nichol, R.C. (2011-09)
      We present a catalogue of 39 multiple mergers, found using the mergers catalogue of the Galaxy Zoo project for z <0.1, and compare them to corresponding semi-analytical galaxies from the Millennium Simulation. We estimate ...
    • Galaxy Zoo: the fraction of merging galaxies in the SDSS and their morphologies 

      Darg, D.W.; Kaviraj, S.; Lintott, C.J.; Silk, J.; Schawinski, K.; Sarzi, M.; Bamford, S.; Proctor, R.; Andreescu, D.; Murray, P.; Nichol, R.C.; Thomas, D.; Raddick, M.J.; Szalay, A.S.; Vandenberg, J.; Slosar, A. (2010)
      We present the largest, most homogeneous catalogue of merging galaxies in the nearby Universe obtained through the Galaxy Zoo project – an interface on the World Wide Web enabling large-scale morphological classification ...
    • Galaxy Zoo: The properties of merging galaxies in the nearby Universe - Local environments, colours, masses, star formation rates and AGN activity 

      Darg, D.W.; Kaviraj, S.; Lintott, C.J.; Silk, J.; Schawinski, K.; Sarzi, M.; Bamford, S.; Andreescu, D.; Murray, P.; Nichol, R.C.; Thomas, D.; Raddick, M.J.; Szalay, A.S.; Vandenberg, J.; Slosar, A. (2010)
      Following the study of Darg et al., we explore the environments, optical colours, stellar masses, star formation and active galactic nucleus activity in a sample of 3003 pairs of merging galaxies drawn from the Sloan Digital ...
    • A Herschel*-ATLAS study of dusty spheroids : Probing the minor-merger process in the local Universe 

      Kaviraj, S.; Rowlands, K.; Alpaslan, M.; Dunne, L.; Ting, Y. S.; Bureau, M.; Shabala, S.; Lintott, C.J.; Smith, Daniel; Agius, N.; Auld, R.; Baes, M.; Bourne, N.; Cava, A.; Clements, D. L.; Cooray, A.; Dariush, A.; de Zotti, G.; Driver, S. P.; Eales, S.; Hopwood, R.; Hoyos, C.; Ibar, E.; Maddox, S.; Michalowski, M. J.; Sansom, A. E.; Smith, M.; Valiante, E. (2013-10)
      We use multiwavelength (0.12-500 μm) photometry from Herschel-ATLAS, WISE, UKIDSS, SDSS and GALEX to study 23 nearby spheroidal galaxies with prominent dust lanes (DLSGs). DLSGs are considered to be remnants of recent minor ...
    • Misalignment between cold gas and stellar components in early-type galaxies 

      Wong, O.I.; Schawinski, K.; Jozsa, G.I.; Urry, C.M.; Lintott, C.J.; Simmons, B.D.; Kaviraj, Sugata; Masters, K.L. (2015-03-11)
      Recent work suggests blue ellipticals form in mergers and migrate quickly from the blue cloud of star-forming galaxies to the red sequence of passively evolving galaxies, perhaps as a result of black hole feedback. Such ...
    • Probing quasar shutdown timescales with Hanny's Voorwerp 

      Evans, D.A.; Schawinski, K.; Virani, S.; Urry, C.M.; Keel, W.C.; Natarajan, P.; Lintott, C.J.; Manning, A.; Coppi, P.; Kaviraj, S.; Bamford, S.P.; Józsa, G.I.G.; Garrett, M.; Van Arkel, H.; Gay, P.; Fortson, L. (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2012)
      Galaxy formation is significantly modulated by energy output from supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies which grow in highly efficient luminous quasar phases. The timescale on which black holes transition ...
    • The sudden death of the nearest quasar 

      Schawinski, K.; Virani, S.; Urry, C.M.; Natarajan, P.; Coppi, P.; Evans, D.A.; Keel, W.C.; Manning, A.; Lintott, C.J.; Kaviraj, S.; Bamford, S.P.; Józsa, G.I.G.; Garrett, M.; Van Arkel, H.; Gay, P.; Fortson, L. (2010-11-20)
      Galaxy formation is significantly modulated by energy output from supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies which grow in highly efficient luminous quasar phases. The timescale on which black holes transition ...