Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • The nature of the x-ray flash of August 24 2005 

      Sollerman, J.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Halpern, J.P.; Hjorth, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Mirabal, N.; Watson, D.; Xu, D.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Feron, C.; Jaunsen, A.O.; Jelinek, M.; Jensen, B.L.; Kann, D.A.; Ovaldsen, J-E.; Pozanenko, A.; Stritzinger, M.; Thoene, C.C.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Guziy, S.; Ibrahimov, M.; Jaervinen, S.P.; Levan, A.; Rumyantsev, V.; Tanvir, N. (2007)
    • No supernovae associated with two long-duration gamma ray bursts 

      Fynbo, J.; Watson, D.; Thoene, C.C.; Sollerman, J.; Bloom, J.S.; Davis, T.M.; Hjorth, J.; Jakobsson, P. (2006)
    • Photometry and Spectroscopy of GRB 060526 : A detailed study of the afterglow and host of a high-redshift gamma-ray burst 

      Thoene, C.C.; Kann, D.A.; Johannesson, G.; Selj, J.; Jaunsen, A.O.; Fynbo, J.; Baliyan, K.S.; Bartolini, C.; Bikmaev, I.F.; Bloom, J.S.; Burenin, R.A.; Cobb, B.E.; Covino, S.; Curran, P.A.; Dahle, H.; French, J.; Ganesh, S.; Greco, G.; Guarnieri, A.; Hanlon, L.; Hjorth, J.; Ibrahimov, M.; Israel, G.L.; Jakobsson, Pall; Jensen, B.L.; Jorgensen, U.G.; Khamitov, I.M.; Malesani, D.; Masetti, N.; Naranen, J.; Pakstiene, E.; Pavlinsky, M.N.; Perley, D.A.; Piccioni, A.; Pizzichini, G.; Pozanenko, A.; Nanni, D.; Rumyantsev, V.; Sharapov, D.; Starr, D.; Sunyaev, R.A.; Terra, F.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Wilson, C. (2010)
      Aims : With this paper we want to investigate the highly variable afterglow light curve and environment of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 060526 at z = 3.221. Methods : We present one of the largest photometric datasets ever obtained ...
    • Probing cosmic chemical evolution with gamma-ray bursts: GRB 060206 at z = 4.048 

      Fynbo, J.; Starling, R.L.; Ledoux, C.; Wiersema, K.; Thoene, C.C.; Sollerman, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Hjorth, J.; Watson, D.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Moller, P.; Rol, E.; Gorosabel, J.; Naranen, J.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Bjornsson, G.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Curran, P.; Hartmann, D.H.; Holland, S.T.; Jensen, B.L.; Levan, A.; Limousin, M.; Kouveliotou, C.; Nelemans, G.; Pedersen, K.; Priddey, R.; Tanvir, N. (2006)