Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • The Cosmos in its Infancy: JADES Galaxy Candidates at z > 8 in GOODS-S and GOODS-N 

      Hainline, Kevin N.; Johnson, Benjamin D.; Robertson, Brant; Tacchella, Sandro; Helton, Jakob M.; Sun, Fengwu; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Simmonds, Charlotte; Topping, Michael W.; Whitler, Lily; Willmer, Christopher N. A.; Rieke, Marcia; Suess, Katherine A.; Hviding, Raphael E.; Cameron, Alex J.; Alberts, Stacey; Baker, William M.; Bhatawdekar, Rachana; Boyett, Kristan; Bunker, Andrew J.; Carniani, Stefano; Charlot, Stephane; Chen, Zuyi; Curti, Mirko; Curtis-Lake, Emma; D'Eugenio, Francesco; Egami, Eiichi; Endsley, Ryan; Hausen, Ryan; Ji, Zhiyuan; Looser, Tobias J.; Lyu, Jianwei; Maiolino, Roberto; Nelson, Erica; Puskas, David; Rawle, Tim; Sandles, Lester; Saxena, Aayush; Smit, Renske; Stark, Daniel P.; Williams, Christina C.; Willott, Chris; Witstok, Joris (2024-03-18)
      We present a catalog of 717 candidate galaxies at z > 8 selected from 125 square arcmin of NIRCam imaging as part of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES). We combine the full JADES imaging data set with data ...
    • Earliest Galaxies in the JADES Origins Field: Luminosity Function and Cosmic Star Formation Rate Density 300 Myr after the Big Bang 

      Robertson, Brant; Johnson, Benjamin D.; Tacchella, Sandro; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Hainline, Kevin; Arribas, Santiago; Baker, William M.; Bunker, Andrew J.; Carniani, Stefano; Cargile, Phillip A.; Carreira, Courtney; Charlot, Stephane; Chevallard, Jacopo; Curti, Mirko; Curtis-Lake, Emma; D’Eugenio, Francesco; Egami, Eiichi; Hausen, Ryan; Helton, Jakob M.; Jakobsen, Peter; Ji, Zhiyuan; Jones, Gareth C.; Maiolino, Roberto; Maseda, Michael V.; Nelson, Erica; Pérez-González, Pablo G.; Puskás, Dávid; Rieke, Marcia; Smit, Renske; Sun, Fengwu; Übler, Hannah; Whitler, Lily; Williams, Christina C.; Willmer, Christopher N. A.; Willott, Chris; Witstok, Joris (2024-07-12)
      We characterize the earliest galaxy population in the JADES Origins Field, the deepest imaging field observed with JWST. We make use of ancillary Hubble Space Telescope optical images (five filters spanning 0.4–0.9 μm) and ...
    • JADES Imaging of GN-z11: Revealing the Morphology and Environment of a Luminous Galaxy 430 Myr after the Big Bang 

      Tacchella, Sandro; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Hainline, Kevin; Johnson, Benjamin D.; Baker, William M.; Helton, Jakob M.; Robertson, Brant; Suess, Katherine A.; Chen, Zuyi; Nelson, Erica; Puskás, Dávid; Sun, Fengwu; Alberts, Stacey; Egami, Eiichi; Hausen, Ryan; Rieke, George; Rieke, Marcia; Shivaei, Irene; Willmer, Christopher N. A.; Bunker, Andrew; Cameron, Alex J.; Carniani, Stefano; Charlot, Stephane; Curti, Mirko; Curtis-Lake, Emma; Looser, Tobias J.; Maiolino, Roberto; Maseda, Michael V.; Rawle, Tim; Rix, Hans-Walter; Smit, Renske; Übler, Hannah; Willott, Chris; Witstok, Joris; Baum, Stefi; Bhatawdekar, Rachana; Boyett, Kristan; Danhaive, A. Lola; Graaff, Anna de; Endsley, Ryan; Ji, Zhiyuan; Lyu, Jianwei; Sandles, Lester; Saxena, Aayush; Scholtz, Jan; Topping, Michael W.; Whitler, Lily (2023-07-20)
      We present JWST NIRCam nine-band near-infrared imaging of the luminous z = 10.6 galaxy GN-z11 from the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey of the GOODS-N field. We find a spectral energy distribution (SED) entirely ...
    • JADES Initial Data Release for the Hubble Ultra Deep Field: Revealing the Faint Infrared Sky with Deep JWST NIRCam Imaging 

      Rieke, Marcia J.; Robertson, Brant; Tacchella, Sandro; Hainline, Kevin; Johnson, Benjamin D.; Hausen, Ryan; Ji, Zhiyuan; Willmer, Christopher N. A.; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Puskás, Dávid; Alberts, Stacey; Arribas, Santiago; Baker, William M.; Baum, Stefi; Bhatawdekar, Rachana; Bonaventura, Nina; Boyett, Kristan; Bunker, Andrew J.; Cameron, Alex J.; Carniani, Stefano; Charlot, Stephane; Chevallard, Jacopo; Chen, Zuyi; Curti, Mirko; Curtis-Lake, Emma; Danhaive, A. Lola; DeCoursey, Christa; Dressler, Alan; Egami, Eiichi; Endsley, Ryan; Helton, Jakob M.; Hviding, Raphael E.; Kumari, Nimisha; Looser, Tobias J.; Lyu, Jianwei; Maiolino, Roberto; Maseda, Michael V.; Nelson, Erica J.; Rieke, George; Rix, Hans-Walter; Sandles, Lester; Saxena, Aayush; Sharpe, Katherine; Shivaei, Irene; Skarbinski, Maya; Smit, Renske; Stark, Daniel P.; Stone, Meredith; Suess, Katherine A.; Sun, Fengwu; Topping, Michael; Übler, Hannah; Villanueva, Natalia C.; Wallace, Imaan E. B.; Williams, Christina C.; Willott, Chris; Whitler, Lily; Witstok, Joris; Woodrum, Charity (2023-11-01)
      JWST has revolutionized the field of extragalactic astronomy with its sensitive and high-resolution infrared view of the distant Universe. Adding to the new legacy of JWST observations, we present the first NIRCam imaging ...
    • JADES NIRSpec Spectroscopy of GN-z11: Lyman-$α$ emission and possible enhanced nitrogen abundance in a $z=10.60$ luminous galaxy 

      Bunker, Andrew J.; Saxena, Aayush; Cameron, Alex J.; Willott, Chris J.; Curtis-Lake, Emma; Jakobsen, Peter; Carniani, Stefano; Smit, Renske; Maiolino, Roberto; Witstok, Joris; Curti, Mirko; D'Eugenio, Francesco; Jones, Gareth C.; Ferruit, Pierre; Arribas, Santiago; Charlot, Stephane; Chevallard, Jacopo; Giardino, Giovanna; Graaff, Anna de; Looser, Tobias J.; Luetzgendorf, Nora; Maseda, Michael V.; Rawle, Tim; Rix, Hans-Walter; Pino, Bruno Rodriguez Del; Alberts, Stacey; Egami, Eiichi; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Endsley, Ryan; Hainline, Kevin; Hausen, Ryan; Johnson, Benjamin D.; Rieke, George; Rieke, Marcia; Robertson, Brant E.; Shivaei, Irene; Stark, Daniel P.; Sun, Fengwu; Tacchella, Sandro; Tang, Mengtao; Williams, Christina C.; Willmer, Christopher N. A.; Baker, William M.; Baum, Stefi; Bhatawdekar, Rachana; Bowler, Rebecca; Boyett, Kristan; Chen, Zuyi; Circosta, Chiara; Helton, Jakob M.; Ji, Zhiyuan; Kumari, Nimisha; Lyu, Jianwei; Nelson, Erica; Parlanti, Eleonora; Perna, Michele; Sandles, Lester; Scholtz, Jan; Suess, Katherine A.; Topping, Michael W.; Uebler, Hannah; Wallace, Imaan E. B.; Whitler, Lily (2023-09-11)
      We present JADES JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy of GN-z11, the most luminous candidate z>10 Lyman break galaxy in the GOODS-North field with MUV =-21.5. We derive a redshift of z = 10.603 (lower than previous determinations) ...
    • Spectroscopic confirmation of four metal-poor galaxies at z=10.3-13.2 

      Curtis-Lake, Emma; Carniani, Stefano; Cameron, Alex; Charlot, Stephane; Jakobsen, Peter; Maiolino, Roberto; Bunker, Andrew; Witstok, Joris; Smit, Renske; Chevallard, Jacopo; Willott, Chris; Ferruit, Pierre; Arribas, Santiago; Bonaventura, Nina; Curti, Mirko; D'Eugenio, Francesco; Franx, Marijn; Giardino, Giovanna; Looser, Tobias J.; Lützgendorf, Nora; Maseda, Michael V.; Rawle, Tim; Rix, Hans-Walter; Pino, Bruno Rodriguez del; Übler, Hannah; Sirianni, Marko; Dressler, Alan; Egami, Eiichi; Eisenstein, Daniel J.; Endsley, Ryan; Hainline, Kevin; Hausen, Ryan; Johnson, Benjamin D.; Rieke, Marcia; Robertson, Brant; Shivaei, Irene; Stark, Daniel P.; Tacchella, Sandro; Williams, Christina C.; Willmer, Christopher N. A.; Bhatawdekar, Rachana; Bowler, Rebecca; Boyett, Kristan; Chen, Zuyi; Graaff, Anna de; Helton, Jakob M.; Hviding, Raphael E.; Jones, Gareth C.; Kumari, Nimisha; Lyu, Jianwei; Nelson, Erica; Perna, Michele; Sandles, Lester; Saxena, Aayush; Suess, Katherine A.; Sun, Fengwu; Topping, Michael W.; Wallace, Imaan E. B.; Whitler, Lily (2023-05)
      Finding and characterizing the first galaxies that illuminated the early universe at cosmic dawn is pivotal to understand the physical conditions and the processes that led to the formation of the first stars. In the first ...
    • The UV continuum slopes of early star-forming galaxies in JADES 

      Topping, Michael W; Stark, Daniel P; Endsley, Ryan; Whitler, Lily; Hainline, Kevin; Johnson, Benjamin D; Robertson, Brant; Tacchella, Sandro; Chen, Zuyi; Alberts, Stacey; Baker, William M; Bunker, Andrew J; Carniani, Stefano; Charlot, Stephane; Chevallard, Jacopo; Curtis-Lake, Emma; DeCoursey, Christa; Egami, Eiichi; Eisenstein, Daniel J; Ji, Zhiyuan; Maiolino, Roberto; Williams, Christina C; Willmer, Christopher N A; Willott, Chris; Witstok, Joris (2024-03-22)
      The power-law slope of the rest-ultraviolet (UV) continuum (fλ ∝ λβ) is a key metric of early star-forming galaxies, providing one of our only windows into the stellar populations and physical conditions of z ≳ 10 galaxies. ...