Now showing items 1-20 of 33

    • Affine Gaudin models and hypergeometric functions on affine opers 

      Lacroix, Sylvain; Vicedo, Benoit; Young, Charles A. S. (2019-07-09)
      We conjecture that quantum Gaudin models in affine types admit families of higher Hamiltonians, labelled by the (countably infinite set of) exponents, whose eigenvalues are given by functions on a space of meromorphic opers ...
    • Affine opers and conformal affine Toda 

      Young, Charles A. S. (2021-12-01)
      Abstract: For g a Kac–Moody algebra of affine type, we show that there is an Aut O ‐equivariant identification between Fun Op g ( D ) , the algebra of functions on the space of g ‐opers on the disc, and W ⊂ π 0 , the ...
    • Affinization of category O for quantum groups 

      Young, Charles A. S.; Mukhin, Evgeny (2014)
      Let g be a simple Lie algebra. We consider the category ˆO of those modules over the affine quantum group Uq(bg) whose Uq(g)-weights have finite multiplicity and lie in a finite union of cones generated by negative roots. ...
    • Asymptotic Bethe equations for open boundaries in planar AdS/CFT 

      Young, Charles A. S.; Correa, Diego (2010)
      We solve, by means of a nested coordinate Bethe ansatz, the open-boundaries scattering theory describing the excitations of a free open string propagating in $AdS_5\times S^5$, carrying large angular momentum $J=J_{56}$, ...
    • Bethe Equations for a g_2 Model 

      Crampe, N.; Young, Charles A. S. (2005-12-06)
      We prove, using the coordinate Bethe ansatz, the exact solvability of a model of three particles whose point-like interactions are determined by the root system of g_2. The statistics of the wavefunction are left unspecified. ...
    • Classically integrable boundary conditions for symmetric-space sigma models 

      Mackay, N.; Young, Charles A. S. (2004-05)
      We investigate boundary conditions for the nonlinear sigma model on the compact symmetric space $G/H$, where $H \subset G$ is the subgroup fixed by an involution $\sigma$ of $G$. The Poisson brackets and the classical local ...
    • Conformal Sigma-Models on Supercoset Targets 

      Kagan, David; Young, Charles A. S. (2005-12-20)
      We investigate the quantum behaviour of sigma models on coset superspaces G/H defined by Z_{2n} gradings of G. We find that, whenever G has vanishing Killing form, there is a choice of WZ term which renders the model quantum ...
    • Covariant particle exchange for kappa-deformed theories in 1+1 dimensions 

      Young, Charles A. S.; Zegers, R. (2008-03-18)
      We consider the exchange of identical scalar particles in theories with kappa-deformed Poincare symmetry. We argue that, at least in 1+1 dimensions, the symmetric group S_N can be realized on the space of N-particle states ...
    • Covariant particle statistics and intertwiners of the kappa-deformed Poincare algebra 

      Young, Charles A. S.; Zegers, R. (2007-11-14)
      To speak about identical particles - bosons or fermions - in quantum field theories with kappa-deformed Poincare symmetry, one must have a kappa-covariant notion of particle exchange. This means constructing intertwiners ...
    • Cubic hypergeometric integrals of motion in affine Gaudin models 

      Lacroix, Sylvain; Vicedo, Benoit; Young, Charles A. S. (2020-05-22)
      We construct cubic Hamiltonians for quantum Gaudin models of affine types $\hat{\mathfrak{sl}}_M$. They are given by hypergeometric integrals of a form we recently conjectured in arXiv:1804.01480. We prove that they commute ...
    • Cyclotomic discriminantal arrangements and diagram automorphisms of Lie algebras 

      Varchenko, Alexander; Young, Charles A. S. (2017-09-25)
      Recently a new class of quantum integrable models, the cyclotomic Gaudin models, were described in arXiv:1409.6937, arXiv:1410.7664. Motivated by these, we identify a class of affine hyperplane arrangements that we call ...
    • Cyclotomic Gaudin models: construction and Bethe ansatz 

      Vicedo, Benoit; Young, Charles A. S. (2016-04-22)
      To any simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$ and automorphism $\sigma:\mathfrak g\to \mathfrak g$ we associate a cyclotomic Gaudin algebra. This is a large commutative subalgebra of $U(\mathfrak g)^{\otimes N}$ generated by a ...
    • Deformation Quasi-Hopf Algebras of Non-semisimple Type from Cochain Twists 

      Young, Charles A. S.; Zegers, Robin (2010)
      One way to obtain Quantized Universal Enveloping Algebras (QUEAs) of non-semisimple Lie algebras is by contracting QUEAs of semisimple Lie algebras. We prove that every contracted QUEA in a certain class is a cochain twist ...
    • Dorey's Rule and the q-Characters of Simply-Laced Quantum Affine Algebras 

      Young, Charles A. S.; Zegers, R. (2011)
      Let Uq(ghat) be the quantum affine algebra associated to a simply-laced simple Lie algebra g. We examine the relationship between Dorey's rule, which is a geometrical statement about Coxeter orbits of g-weights, and the ...
    • Extended T-systems 

      Mukhin, Evgeny; Young, Charles A. S. (2012)
      We use the theory of q-characters to establish a number of short exact sequences in the category of finite-dimensional representations of the quantum affine groups of types A and B. That allows us to introduce a set of ...
    • Finite size corrections for open strings/open chains in planar AdS/CFT 

      Correa, Diego; Young, Charles A. S. (2009-05-11)
      We identify the leading finite-size (Luscher-type) correction to the energy of open strings ending on maximal giant gravitons. In particular we obtain the leading finite size correction at weak 't Hooft coupling and in the ...
    • Gaudin models for gl(m|n) 

      Mukhin, Evgeny; Vicedo, Benoit; Young, Charles A. S. (2015-05)
      We establish the basics of the Bethe ansatz for the Gaudin model associated to the Lie superalgebra gl(m|n). In particular, we prove the completeness of the Bethe ansatz in the case of tensor products of fundamental ...
    • Higher-spin conserved currents in supersymmetric sigma models on symmetric spaces 

      Young, Charles A. S.; Evans, Jonathan (2005-01-12)
      Local higher-spin conserved currents are constructed in the supersymmetric sigma models with target manifolds symmetric spaces $G/H$. One class of currents is based on generators of the de Rham cohomology ring of $G/H$; a ...
    • Integrable achiral D5-brane reflections and asymptotic Bethe equations 

      Correa, Diego; Young, Charles A. S.; Regelskis, Vidas (2011-07-20)
      We study the reflection of magnons from a D5-brane in the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We consider two possible orientations of the D5-brane with respect to the reference vacuum state, namely vacuum states ...
    • Integrable Models From Twisted Half Loop Algebras 

      Crampe, Nicolas; Young, Charles A. S. (2006-09-21)
      This paper is devoted to the construction of new integrable quantum mechanical models based on certain subalgebras of the half loop algebra of gl(N). Various results about these subalgebras are proven by presenting them ...