Now showing items 21-30 of 30

    • Markets 

      Hodgson, Geoffrey (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008)
      Economists have long been concerned with market prices and quantities. However, despite this ongoing preoccupation, they have until recently paid relatively little attention to the institutional structure of markets and ...
    • The mirage of microfoundations 

      Hodgson, Geoffrey (2012)
      If the project to bring “microfoundations” into strategic management and organizational analysis (Abel, Felin and Foss 2008, Felin and Foss 2005, 2006, 2009) simply means that we “we stress the need to build microfoundations ...
    • Much of the “Economics of Property Rights” Devalues Property and Legal Rights 

      Hodgson, Geoffrey (2015-12-01)
      Legal theorists and other commentators have long established a distinction between property and possession. According to this usage adopted here, possession refers to control of a resource, but property involves legally ...
    • The Past and Future of Evolutionary Economics : Some Reflections Based on New Bibliometric Evidence 

      Hodgson, Geoffrey; Lamberg, Juha-Antti (2016-06-20)
      The modern wave of ‘evolutionary economics’ was launched with the classic study by Richard Nelson and Sidney Winter (1982). This paper reports a broad bibliometric analysis of ‘evolutionary’ research in the disciplines of ...
    • Poverty of stimulus and absence of cause : some questions for Felin and Foss 

      Hodgson, Geoffrey; Knudsen, T. (2011)
      We examine an aspect of the argument of Teppo Felin and Nicolai Foss ('The Endogenous Origins of Experience, Routines, and Organizational Capabilities: The Poverty of Stimulus'; 2011) where they reject the claim of Geoffrey ...
    • Some Limitations of the Socialist Calculation Debate 

      Hodgson, Geoffrey (2016-03-01)
      One of the most important debates in the history of economics is known as the ‘socialist calculation debate’. It was initiated in 1920 by the Austrian school economist Ludwig von Mises and continued by Friedrich Hayek, who ...
    • A Trojan Horse for Sociology? : Preferences versus Evolution and Morality 

      Hodgson, Geoffrey (2015-07-29)
      Herbert Gintis and Dirk Helbing have developed a highly impressive, over-arching theoretical framework, using rational choice theory, general equilibrium theory, and game theory. They extend this to cover “moral, social ...
    • Understanding Organizational Evolution : Toward a Research Agenda using Generalized Darwinism 

      Hodgson, Geoffrey (2013-07)
      The terms ‘evolution’ and ‘coevolution’ are widely used in organization studies but rarely defined. Often it is unclear whether they refer to single entities or populations. When specific evolutionary processes are suggested, ...
    • Varieties of Capitalism : Some Philosophical and Historical Considerations 

      Hodgson, Geoffrey (2016-05-01)
      The literature on varieties of capitalism has stimulated some authors to challenge notions of ‘essentialism’ and even the concept of capitalism itself. In this essay it is argued that the existence of varieties of capitalism ...
    • What is a Firm? A Reply to Jean-Philippe Robé 

      Deakin, Simon; Gindis, David; Hodgson, Geoffrey (2021-10-19)
      In his recent book on 'Property, Power and Politics', Jean-Philippe Robé makes a strong case for the need to understand the legal foundations of modern capitalism. He also insists that it is important to distinguish between ...