Now showing items 17016-17035 of 23230

    • Properties of bars and bulges in the Hubble sequence 

      Laurikainen, E.; Salo, H.; Buta, R.J.; Knapen, J. (2007)
    • The properties of cataclysmic variables in photometric Ha surveys 

      Witham, A.R.; Knigge, C.; Gansicke, B.T.; Aungwerojwit, A.; Corradi, R.M.; Drew, J.E.; Greimel, R.; Groot, P.; Morales-Rueda, L.; Rodriguez-Flores, E.R.; Rodriguez-Gil, P.; Steeghs, D. (2006)
    • The properties of Lyman break galaxies at z~ 5 

      Bremer, M.; Lehnert, M.D.; Waddington, I.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Boyce, P.J.; Phillipps, S. (2004-01)
    • The properties of powerful radio sources at 90 GHz 

      Hardcastle, M.J.; Looney, L.W. (2008)
    • The Properties of Sub-mm Galaxies in Hierarchical Models 

      Swinbank, Mark; Lacey, Cedric; Smail, Ian; Baugh, Carlton; Frenk, Carlos; Blain, Andrew; Chapman, Scott; Coppin, Kristen; Ivison, Rob; Gonzalez, Juan; Hainline, Laura (2008-11)
      We use the combined GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and GRASIL spectrophotometric code to investigate the properties of galaxies selected via their sub-mm emission. Our fiducial model has previously been ...
    • The Properties of the 500 K Dwarf UGPS J072227.51-054031.2, and a Study of the Far-Red Flux of Cold Brown Dwarfs 

      Leggett, S.; Saumon, D.; Marley, M.; Lodders, K.; Canty, J.; Lucas, P.W.; Smart, R.; Tinney, C.; Homeier, D.; Allard, F.; Burningham, B.; Day-Jones, A.; Fegley, B.; Ishii, Miki; Jones, H.R.A.; Marocco, F.; Pinfield, D.J.; Tamura, M. (2012-04-01)
      We present i and z photometry for 25 T dwarfs and one L dwarf. Combined with published photometry, the data show that the i - z, z - Y and z - J colors of T dwarfs are very red, and continue to increase through to the ...
    • Properties of the Coolest Dwarfs 

      Leggett, S.K.; Freedman, R.; Geballe, T.; Golimowski, D.; Lodieu, N.; Marley, M.; Pinfield, D.J.; Saumon, D.; Stephens, D.; Warren, S.J. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008)
      Eleven years after the discovery of the first T dwarf, a population of ultracool L and T dwarfs has been identified that is large enough to show a range of atmospheric properties. Also, model atmospheres are sufficiently ...
    • The properties of the star-forming interstellar medium at z=0.8-2.2 from HiZELS II : star formation and clump scaling laws in gas-rich, turbulent disks 

      Swinbank, A.M.; Smail, Ian; Sobral, D.; Theuns, T.; Best, P.N.; Geach, J. E. (2012-12-01)
      We present adaptive optics assisted integral field spectroscopy of nine Ha-selected galaxies at z = 0.84-2.23 drawn from the HiZELS narrowband survey. Our observations map the kinematics of these star-forming galaxies on ...
    • Properties of the T8.5 dwarf Wolf 940 B 

      Leggett, S.K.; Saumon, D.; Burningham, B.; Cushing, M.C.; Marley, M.; Pinfield, D.J. (2010)
      We present 7.5-14.2 μm low-resolution spectroscopy, obtained with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph, of the T8.5 dwarf Wolf 940 B, which is a companion to an M4 dwarf with a projected separation of 400 AU. We combine these ...
    • The properties of the T8.5p dwarf Ross 458C 

      Burningham, B.; Leggett, S.K.; Homeier, D.; Saumon, D.; Lucas, P.W.; Pinfield, D.J.; Tinney, C. G.; Allard, F.; Marley, M. S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Murray, D. N.; Ishii, M.; Day-Jones, A.; Gomes, J.; Zhang, Z. H. (2011-07)
      We present near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy, and warm-Spitzer IRAC photometry of the young very cool T dwarf Ross 458C, which we have typed as T8.5p. By applying the fiducial age constraints (<= 1 Gyr) imposed by ...
    • Properties of YMCs Derived from Photometry 

      Fritze, U. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004)
      I will show that photometry { if extending over a reasonable choice of passbands { can give fairly precise information about young star clusters and their evolutionary state. Optical colors alone are known to leave severe ...
    • Property Rights and the Duty to Extend Human Life 

      Milligan, Tony (2011)
      This article examines what the author calls the ‘argument from duty’, i.e. the argument that we should recognize private property rights in space because doing so will help us to act upon our duty to ensure the future ...
    • Prophylactic antibiotics to prevent surgical site infection after breast cancer surgey 

      Cunningham, M.; Bunn, Frances; Handscomb, K. (2006)
      Background: Surgery has been used as part of breast cancer treatment for centuries; however any surgical procedure has the potential risk of infection. Infection rates for surgical treatment of breast cancer are documented ...
    • A Proposal for structured activities in biometric identity authentication 

      Dorizzi, B.; Ariyaeeinia, A. (European Communities, 2002)
      This paper details an expression of interest (EoI) in the area of “biometric identity authentication”. This EoI was submitted in response to an invitation made by the EC as part of its preparation of the Sixth Framework ...
    • Proposals to introduce a Tribunal for Assisted Suicide in the UK 

      Carr, Claudia (2013-11-03)
      It is time that Parliament took the brave and audacious move to publically debate legalising assisted suicide in the UK. Even though a Private Members Bill has recently been introduced in Parliament, it has little hope of ...
    • Proposed evolutionary changes in the role of myelin 

      Stiefel, Klaus M; Torben-Nielsen, Ben; Coggan, Jay S (2013)
      Myelin is the multi-layered lipid sheet periodically wrapped around neuronal axons. It is most frequently found in vertebrates. Myelin allows for saltatory action potential (AP) conduction along axons. During this form of ...
    • Proposed guidelines to evaluate scientific validity and evidence for genotype-based dietary advice 

      Grimaldi, Keith A; van Ommen, Ben; Ordovas, Jose M; Parnell, Laurence D; Mathers, John C; Bendik, Igor; Brennan, Lorraine; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Cirillo, Elisa; Daniel, Hannelore; de Kok, Brenda; El-Sohemy, Ahmed; Fairweather-Tait, Susan J; Fallaize, Rosalind; Fenech, Michael; Ferguson, Lynnette R; Gibney, Eileen R; Gibney, Mike; Gjelstad, Ingrid M F; Kaput, Jim; Karlsen, Anette S; Kolossa, Silvia; Lovegrove, Julie; Macready, Anna L; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Alfredo Martinez, J; Milagro, Fermin; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; Roche, Helen M; Saris, Wim H M; Traczyk, Iwona; van Kranen, Henk; Verschuren, Lars; Virgili, Fabio; Weber, Peter; Bouwman, Jildau (2017-12-15)
      Nutrigenetic research examines the effects of inter-individual differences in genotype on responses to nutrients and other food components, in the context of health and of nutrient requirements. A practical application of ...
    • Proposed Target Release Efficiencies - (D03a) : Automated Sample Extraction from Filters 

      McCluskey, Daniel; Johnston, Ian; Tan, Christabel; Tracey, Mark (RED Scientific, 2014-01-23)
    • The proposed Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) for UK Universities 

      Berger, Dan; Wild, Charles (2016-03-25)
      The role of universities within society has been the subject of constant discussion and conjecture amongst politicians, the public, as well as within the Higher Education (HE) sector itself. However, this issue has come ...