Now showing items 21348-21367 of 23230

    • Towards the automated reduction and calibration of SCUBA data from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope 

      Jenness, T.; Stevens, J. A.; Archibald, E.N.; Economou, F.; Jessop, N.; Robson, E.I. (2002-10)
      The Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) instrument has been op- erating on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) since 1997. The data archive is now sufficiently large that it can be used to investigate ...
    • Towards the high-accuracy determination of the 238U fission cross section at the threshold region at CERN - N-TOF 

      Diakaki, M.; Audouin, L.; Berthoumieux, E.; Calviani, M.; Colonna, N.; Dupont, E.; Duran, I.; Gunsing, F.; Leal-Cidoncha, E.; Le Naour, C.; Leong, L. S.; Mastromarco, M.; Paradela, C.; Tarrio, D.; Tassan-Got, L.; Aerts, G.; Altstadt, S.; Alvarez, H.; Alvarez-Velarde, F.; Andriamonje, S.; Andrzejewski, J.; Badurek, G.; Barbagallo, M.; Baumann, P.; Becares, V.; Becvar, F.; Belloni, F.; Berthier, B.; Billowes, J.; Boccone, V.; Bosnar, D.; Brugger, M.; Calvino, F.; Cano-Ott, D.; Capote, R.; Carrapiço, C.; Cennini, P.; Cerutti, F.; Chiaveri, E.; Chin, M.; Cortes, G.; Cortes-Giraldo, M. A.; Cosentino, L.; Couture, A.; Cox, J.; David, S.; Dillmann, I.; Domingo-Pardo, C.; Dressler, R.; Dridi, W.; Eleftheriadis, C.; Embid-Segura, M.; Ferrant, L.; Ferrari, A.; Finocchiaro, P.; Fraval, K.; Fujii, K.; Furman, W.; Ganesan, S.; Garcia, A. R.; Giubrone, G.; Gomez-Hornillos, M. B.; Goncalves, I. F.; Gonzalez-Romero, E.; Goverdovski, A.; Gramegna, F.; Griesmayer, E; Guerrero, C.; Gurusamy, P.; Haight, R.; Heil, M.; Heinitz, S.; Igashira, M.; Isaev, S.; Jenkins, D. G.; Jericha, E.; Kadi, Y.; Kaeppeler, F.; Karadimos, D.; Karamanis, D.; Kerveno, M.; Ketlerov, V.; Kivel, N.; Kokkoris, M.; Konovalov, V.; Krticka, M.; Kroll, J.; Lampoudis, C.; Langer, C.; Lederer, C.; Leeb, H; Lo Meo, S.; Losito, R.; Lozano, Maria Victoria; Manousos, A.; Marganiec, J.; Martinez, T.; Marrone, S.; Massimi, C.; Mastinu, P.; Mendoza, E.; Mengoni, A.; Milazzo, P. M.; Mingrone, F.; Mirea, M.; Mondelaers, W.; Moreau, C.; Mosconi, M.; Musumarra, A.; O'Brien, S.; Pancin, J.; Patronis, N.; Pavlik, A.; Pavlopoulos, P.; Perkowski, J.; Perrot, L.; Pigni, M. T.; Plag, R.; Plompen, A.; Plukis, L.; Poch, A.; Pretel, C.; Praena, J.; Quesada, J.; Rauscher, T.; Reifarth, R.; Riego, A.; Roman, F.; Rudolf, G.; Rubbia, C; Rullhusen, P.; Salgado, J.; Santos, C.; Sarchiapone, L.; Sarmento, R.; Saxena, A.; Schillebeeckx, P.; Schmidt, S.; Schumann, D.; Stephan, C.; Tagliente, G.; Tain, J. L.; Tavora, L.; Terlizzi, R.; Tsinganis, A.; Valenta, S.; Vannini, G.; Variale, V.; Vaz, P.; Ventura, A.; Versaci, R.; Vermeulen, M. J.; Villamarin, D.; Vincente, M. C.; Vlachoudis, V.; Vlastou, R.; Voss, F.; Wallner, A.; Walter, S.; Ware, T.; Weigand, M.; Weiß, C.; Wiesher, M.; Wisshak, K.; Wright, T.; Zugec, P. (EDP Sciences, 2016-03-15)
      The 238U fission cross section is an international standard beyond 2 MeV where the fission plateau starts. However, due to its importance in fission reactors, this cross-section should be very accurately known also in the ...
    • Towards the Mind of a Humanoid: Does a Cognitive Robot Need a Self? - Lessons from Neuroscience 

      Antonova, Elena; Nehaniv, Chrystopher (MIT Press, 2018-07-18)
      As we endow cognitive robots with ever more human-like capacities, these have begun to resemble constituent aspects of the ‘self’ in humans (e.g., putative psychological constructs such as a narrative self, social self, ...
    • Towards the Resolution of Safety and Security Conflicts 

      Menon, Catherine; Vidalis, Stilianos (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022-02-25)
      Safety engineering and cyber security have complementary aims, but typically realise these using different techniques, risk assessment methods and cultural approaches. As a result, the integration of safety and cyber ...
    • Towards Understanding Behaviour 

      Gates, Bob; Gear, Jane; Wray, Jane (Balliere Tindall, 2000)
    • Towards understanding causality-a retrospective study of using explanations in interactions between a humanoid robot and autistic children 

      Sarda Gou, Marina; Lakatos, Gabriella; Holthaus, Patrick; Wood, Luke; Mousavi, Mohammadreza; Robins, Ben; Amirabdollahian, Farshid (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022-09-30)
      Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often struggle with visual perspective taking (VPT) skills and the understanding that others might have viewpoints and perspectives that are different from their own; i.e., the ...
    • Towards usability guidelines for multimedia systems 

      Bearne, M.; Jones, S.; Sapsford-Francis, J. (University of Hertfordshire, 1994)
      The advent of technology which supports the concurrent presentation of information through a range of different media has raised new issues relating to the design of usable systems. While previous work in the areas of both ...
    • Towards using prosody to scaffold lexical meaning in robots 

      Saunders, J.; Lehmann, H.; Sato, Y.; Nehaniv, C.L. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011)
      We present a case-study analysing the prosodic contours and salient word markers of a small corpus of robot-directed speech where the human participants had been asked to talk to a socially interactive robot as if it were ...
    • Toxicity of sulphur mustard 

      Chilcott, Robert (2005-04-01)
    • Toxicological and molecular characterisation of pyrethroid knockdown resistance (kdr) in the peach-potato aphids, Myzus persicae (sulzer) 

      Eleftherianos, Ioannis; Foster, S.; Williamson, M; Denholm, Ian (Ecole Nationale Superieure Agronomique de Rennes (ENSAR), 2003-09)
    • Trace gas/aerosol boundary concentrations and their impacts on continental-scale AQMEII modeling domains 

      Schere, K.; Mathur, R.; Roselle, S.; Rao, S.T.; Flemming, J.; Vautard, R.; Chemel, C.; Hu, Rong-Ming; Sokhi, R.S.; Colette, A.; Bessagnet, B.; Meleux, F.; Hogrefe, C.; Galmarini, S. (2012-06)
      Over twenty modeling groups are participating in the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) in which a variety of mesoscale photochemical and aerosol air quality modeling systems are being applied ...
    • Tracers of discs and winds around intermediate- and high-mass young stellar objects 

      Lumsden, S. L.; Wheelwright, H.E.; Hoare, M.G.; Oudmaijer, R.D.; Drew, J.E. (2012-08)
      We present a study of the kinematical properties of a small sample of nearby near-infrared bright massive and intermediate-mass young stellar objects using emission lines sensitive to discs and winds. We show for the first ...
    • Tracing the structure of the Perseus arm with IPHAS 

      Raddi, Roberto; Drew, J.E.; Sale, S.E.; Steeghs, D.T.H. (Springer Nature, 2012)
      Research aiming to describe the spiral structure of the Milky Way disc has to confront both difficulties in obtaining distances and the high interstellar extinction found in the Galactic plane. We present a study of a ...
    • Tracking and treating malnutrition: a retrospective observational study of the nutritional status of vulnerable people accessing a meals-on-wheels (MOW) service 

      Dewar, Michelle; Dickinson, Angela; Smeeton, Nigel (2020-06-11)
      Aim: The aims of the study were to describe the characteristics of meals-on-wheels (MOW) recipients, including prevalence of malnutrition amongst those who have received input from the Nutrition and Wellbeing Service (NWS) ...
    • Tracking Information Flow through the Environment: Simple Cases of Stigmerg 

      Klyubin, A.S.; Polani, D.; Nehaniv, C.L. (MIT Press, 2004)
      Recent work in sensor evolution aims at studying the perception-action loop in a formalized information-theoretic manner. By treating sensors as extracting information and actuators as having the capability to "imprint" ...
    • Tracking the web of interconnectivity 

      Payne, Helen (2006)
    • Tractarian Form as the Precursor to Forms of Life 

      Tejedor Palau, Maria (2015-10-06)
      Interpreters are divided on the question of whether the phrase ‘form of life’ is used univocally in Wittgenstein’s later writings. Some univocal interpreters suggest that, for Wittgenstein, ‘form of life’ captures a uniquely ...