Now showing items 14059-14078 of 24473

    • The Metaphysics of Perception: Wilfrid Sellars, Perceptual Consciousness, and Critical Realism 

      Coates, Paul (Routledge, 2007)
      A defence of the Causal Theory of Perception, defending and extending original insights deriving from Wilfrid Sellars and the american Critical Realists. The work defends a dual component theory of experience, arguing that ...
    • The metaplace security model 

      Roe, Michael (2011)
      As part of an ongoing project on the security of online games and virtual reality applications, we joined the open beta test of Metaplace, to carry out our own analysis of Metaplace's security mechanisms, and to observe ...
    • The metaplace security model (transcript of discussion) 

      Roe, M. (2011)
      OK, so I'm Michael Roe, my new organisational affiliation is the University of Hertfordshire, and this talk is going to be about the beta test of the Metaplace, which was an online game that was in test a year or so ago. ...
    • Metastasis-promoting anterior gradient 2 protein has a dimeric thioredoxin fold structure and a role in cell adhesion 

      Patel, Pryank; Clarke, Christopher; Barraclough, Dong Liu; Jowitt, Thomas Adam; Rudland, Philip Spencer; Barraclough, Roger; Lian, Lu-Yun (2013-03-11)
      Anterior gradient 2 (AGR2) is a normal endoplasmic reticulum protein that has two important abnormal functions, amphibian limb regeneration and human cancer metastasis promotion. These normal intracellular and abnormal ...
    • Meteorological and land use controls on past and present hydro-geomorphic processes in the pre-alpine environment : an integrated lake-catchment study at the Petit Lac d'Annecy, France 

      Foster, G. C.; Dearing, J.A.; Jones, R. T.; Crook, D. S.; Siddle, D.J.; Harvey, A M; James, P.A.; Appleby, P G; Thompson, R.; Nicholson, J; Loizeau, J L (2003-11)
      A wide range of environmental records is integrated in order to reconstruct the mechanisms of flooding and sediment transport within the 170 km(2) Petit Lac catchment, Annecy, France, over time scales of 10(-1) to 10(2) ...
    • Meteorological conditions and structures of atmospheric boundary layer in October 2004 over Pearl River Delta area 

      Fan, Shaojia; Wang, Baomin; Tesche, Matthias; Engelmann, R.; Althausen, A.; Liu, Ji; Zhu, Wei; Fan, Qi; Li, Minghua; Ta, Na; Song, Lili; Leong, Kacheng (2008-08)
      High-level concentrations of air pollutants usually occur in autumn and winter over Peal River Delta (PRD), China. Atmospheric boundary layer observations were carried out at Qingyuan, Panyu and Xinken in PRD in October ...
    • Meteorology, air quality, and health in London : The ClearfLo project 

      Bohnenstengel, S.I.; Belcher, S.E.; Aiken, A.; Allan, J.D.; Allen, G.; Bacak, A.; Bannan, T.J.; Barlow, J.F.; Beddows, D.C.S.; Bloss, W.J.; Booth, A.M.; Chemel, C.; Coceal, O.; Di Marco, C.F.; Dubey, M.K.; Faloon, K.H.; Fleming, Z.L.; Furger, M.; Gietl, J.K.; Graves, R.R.; Green, D.C.; Grimmond, C.S.B.; Halios, C.H.; Hamilton, J. F.; Harrison, R.M.; Heal, M.R.; Heard, D. E.; Helfter, C.; Herndon, S.C.; Holmes, R.E.; Hopkins, J. R.; Jones, A.M.; Kelly, F.J.; Kotthaus, S.; Langford, B.; Lee, J.D.; Leigh, R.J.; Lewis, A.C.; Lidster, R.T.; Lopez-Hilfiker, F.D.; McQuaid, J.B.; Mohr, C.; Monks, P. S.; Nemitz, E.; Ng, N.L.; Percival, C.J.; Prévôt, A.S.H.; Ricketts, H.M.A.; Sokhi, R.; Stone, D.; Thornton, J.A.; Tremper, A.H.; Valach, A.C.; Visser, S.; Whalley, L.K.; Williams, L.R.; Xu, L.; Young, D.E.; Zotter, P. (2015-05)
      Capsule: The ClearfLo project provides integrated measurements of the meteorology, composition and particulate loading of London's urban atmosphere to improve predictive capability for air quality. Air quality and heat are ...
    • Meter- to Millimeter Emission from Cool Stellar Systems : Latest Results, Synergies Across the Spectrum, and Outlook for the Next Decade 

      Forbrich, Jan; Williams, Peter K. G.; Drabek-Maunder, Emily; Howard, Ward; Jardine, Moira; Matthews, Lynn; Moschou, Sofia; Mutel, Robert; Quiroga-Nuñez, Luis; Rodriguez, Joseph; Villadsen, Jackie; Zic, Andrew; Osten, Rachel; Berger, Edo; Güdel, Manuel (2018-11-01)
      Radio observations of cool stellar systems provide unique information on their magnetic fields, high-energy processes, and chemistry. Buoyed by powerful new instruments (e.g. ALMA, JVLA, LOFAR), advances in related fields ...
    • Methane and ammonia in the near-infrared spectra of late-T dwarfs 

      Canty, J. I.; Lucas, P.W.; Yurchenko, S.N.; Tennyson, Jonathan; Leggett, S.K.; Tinney, C.G.; Jones, H.R.A.; Burningham, B.; Pinfield, D.J.; Smart, R.L. (2015-06-11)
      Analysis of T dwarfs using model atmospheres has been hampered by the absence of reliable line lists for methane and ammonia. Newly computed high-temperature line lists for both of these important molecules are now available, ...
    • Methane Emission From a Cool Brown Dwarf 

      Faherty, Jacqueline K.; Burningham, Ben; Gagné, Jonathan; Suárez, Genaro; Vos, Johanna M.; Merchan, Sherelyn Alejandro; Morley, Caroline V.; Rowland, Melanie; Lacy, Brianna; Kiman, Rocio; Caselden, Dan; Kirkpatrick, J. Davy; Meisner, Aaron; Schneider, Adam C.; Kuchner, Marc Jason; Bardalez-Gagliuffi, Daniella; Beichman, Charles A.; Eisenhardt, Peter; Gelino, Christopher R.; Gharib-Nezhad, Ehsan; Gonzales, Eileen; Marocco, Federico; Rothermich, Austin James; Whiteford, Niall (2024-04-18)
      Beyond our Solar System, aurorae have been inferred from radio observations of isolated brown dwarfs 1,2. Within our Solar System, giant planets have auroral emission with signatures across the electromagnetic spectrum ...
    • Methanol maser associated outflows : detection statistics and properties 

      De Villiers, H.M; Chrysostomou, A.; Thompson, Mark; Burton, Michael (2014-10-11)
      We have selected the positions of 54 6.7 GHz methanol masers from the Methanol Multibeam Survey catalogue, covering a range of longitudes between 20° and 34° of the Galactic plane. These positions were mapped in the J = ...
    • Methanol Masers and Massive Star Formation 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Booth, R.; Humphreys, E.M.L.; Conway, J.; Minier, V. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2003)
      Starting from the Onsala Methanol Maser Blind Survey of the Galactic Plane, stressing the recent results from the follow-up observations of newly detected sources and making some statistical considerationa, we try to make ...
    • Methanol masers as tools to study high-mass star formation 

      Pestalozzi, M. (Cambridge University Press, 2007)
      In this contribution I will attempt to show that the study of Galactic 6.7 and 12.2GHz methanol masers themselves, as opposed to the use of methanol masers as signposts, can yield important conclusions contributing to the ...
    • Method and Apparatus for the Detection of Asbestos Fibres 

      School of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics; Particle Instruments and diagnostics; Ulanowski, Joseph; Kaye, Paul H. (2002-05-01)
    • Method and Apparatus for the Real-time Characterisation of Particles Suspended within a Fluid Medium. 

      Particle Instruments and diagnostics; Kaye, Paul H.; Hirst, Edwin (2001-03-06)
      This invention describes a method by which microparticles, typically in the size range from 0.3um to 100um, which are carried in a fluid suspension, may be rapidly detected and characterized. The method primarily relates ...
    • Method Computer Program and System for Facial Recognition : European Patent Application 17154640.1 

      Centre for Engineering Research; Digital Media Processing and Biometrics; Smart Electronics Devices and Networks; School of Engineering and Technology; Information Engineering and Processing Architectures; Sáez-Trigueros, Daniel; Hertlein, Heinz; Ariyaeeinia, Aladdin; Meng, Li; Alitto, Moneer; Hartnett, Margaret (European Patent Office, 2017-08-09)
      Facial recognition is used in a wide range of applications, which include access control, identification systems, surveillance, and identity verification. A partic­ular application is the role of facial recognition in the ...
    • Method Development for the Determination of Elements in Hypericum perforatum L. (St John’s wort) Herb and Preparations using ICP-OES and Microwave Digestion 

      Owen, Jade; Evans, Sara; Guirguis, Amira; Kellett, Kathryn; Stair, Jacqueline (2017-05-31)
      Objectives: A method was developed to analyze St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) herb and preparations using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) to determine the quantity of 11 elements ...
    • A method for classifying mental tasks in the space of EEG transforms 

      Cordeiro De Amorim, Renato; Mirkin, Boris; Q. Gan, John (2009)
      In this article we describe a new method for supervised classification of EEG signals. This method applies to the power spectrum density data and assigns class-dependent information weights to individual pixels, so that ...
    • A method for combining propidium iodide staining with immunohistochemistry 

      Brana, C.; Benham, C.D.; Sundstrom, L. (2002)
    • A Method for Consistent Non-Local Configuration of Component Interfaces 

      Zaichenkov, Pavel (2017-07-24)
      Service-oriented computing is a popular technology that facilitates the development of large-scale distributed systems. However, the modular composition and flexible coordination of such applications still remains ...