Now showing items 4176-4195 of 24473

    • The coronal structure of Speedy Mic - I. A densely packed prominence system beyond corotation 

      Dunstone, N.J.; Barnes, J.R.; Collier Cameron, A.; Jardine, M. (2006)
      We present new observations of the prominence system on the K3 dwarf Speedy Mic (BO Mic, HD 197890). Using an improved technique to track the absorption features in Hα we find a very active prominence system with approximately ...
    • The coronal structure of Speedy Mic - II: Prominence masses and off-disc emission 

      Dunstone, N.J.; Collier Cameron, A.; Barnes, J.R.; Jardine, M. (2006)
      Observations of stellar prominences on young rapidly rotating stars provide unique probes of their magnetic fields out to many stellar radii. We compare two independently obtained datasets of the K3 dwarf Speedy Mic (BOMic, ...
    • The Corporate Baby in the Bathwater: Why Proposals to Abolish Corporate Personhood Are Misguided 

      Gindis, David; Singer, Abraham (2023-04-30)
      The fear that business corporations have claimed unwarranted constitutional protections which have entrenched corporate power has produced a broad social movement demanding that constitutional rights be restricted to human ...
    • Corporate Censorship 

      Jelinek, Alana (I.B. Tauris, 2018-10-30)
      A chapter in a book about censorship in the global contemporary art world edited by Roisin Kennedy, University College Dublin, and Rhiann Coulter, Trinity College Dublin, (to be) published by IB Tauris in 2018, this book ...
    • Corporate Censorship 

      Jelinek, Alana (I.B. Tauris, 2018-10-30)
      A chapter in a book about censorship in the global contemporary art world edited by Roisin Kennedy, University College Dublin, and Rhiann Coulter, Trinity College Dublin, (to be) published by IB Tauris in 2018, this book ...
    • Corporate Censorship 

      Jelinek, Alana (I.B. Tauris, 2018-10-30)
      A chapter in a book about censorship in the global contemporary art world edited by Roisin Kennedy, University College Dublin, and Rhiann Coulter, Trinity College Dublin, (to be) published by IB Tauris in 2018, this book ...
    • Corporate Censorship 

      Jelinek, Alana (I.B. Tauris, 2018-10-30)
      A chapter in a book about censorship in the global contemporary art world edited by Roisin Kennedy, University College Dublin, and Rhiann Coulter, Trinity College Dublin, (to be) published by IB Tauris in 2018, this book ...
    • Corporate Censorship 

      Jelinek, Alana (I.B. Tauris, 2018-10-30)
      A chapter in a book about censorship in the global contemporary art world edited by Roisin Kennedy, University College Dublin, and Rhiann Coulter, Trinity College Dublin, (to be) published by IB Tauris in 2018, this book ...
    • Corporate Censorship 

      Jelinek, Alana (I.B. Tauris, 2018-10-30)
      A chapter in a book about censorship in the global contemporary art world edited by Roisin Kennedy, University College Dublin, and Rhiann Coulter, Trinity College Dublin, (to be) published by IB Tauris in 2018, this book ...
    • Corporate financialization in South Africa : From investment strike to housing bubble 

      Karwowski, Ewa (2018-08-01)
      This article reveals the processes of financialization in the South African economy by tracing the sources and destinations of non-financial corporations’ liquidity. The paper argues that rather than the volume of non-financial ...
    • Corporate financing and macroeconomic volatility in the European union 

      Mullineux, A.; Murinde, V.; Sensarma, R. (2010)
      This paper investigates the impact of corporate financing patterns in the European Union (EU) on macroeconomic volatility. We examine macroeconomic data for eight EU countries. We find that during the period 1990 through ...
    • Corporate governance and board configuration in Greece 

      Gkliatis, Ioannis; Tsene, Chryssoula; Koufopoulos, Dimitrios (Virtus Interpress, 2019-02-05)
    • Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance in Cultural and Entertainment Industry: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies 

      Zhang, Peiyu; Katsikas, Epameinondas; Katsoulis, Vasileios; Athanasiadis, Konstantinos (2023-12-06)
      Cultural and entertainment industry has entered a phase of rapid development in China, and with it comes some problems on regulating its derivatives and also raising social concern about Corporate Social Responsibility ...
    • Corporate Social Responsibility in Cameroon: The Hydro Electricity Sector 

      Gheyoh Ndzi, Ernestine (2016-04-14)
      Corporate social responsibility concept is relatively new in Cameroon. That is why a majority of the large companies do not have either CSR policies in place or a team that deals with corporate social responsibility issues. ...
    • Corporate social responsibility in Ukraine : cynical utilitarianism or Aristotelian 'Common Good'? 

      Filosof, Jana; Hollinshead, Graham; Kurinko, Rostislav (University of Hertfordshire, 2012)
      Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been researched extensively in Western Europe (Steurer and Konrad, 2009), and to some extent in Central and Eastern Europe (e.g. Furrer et al., 2010). Empirical research in the ...
    • Corporate Strategies of and Market Developments in South Africa's telecommunication industry 

      Mhlanga, Brillant (2006)
      This article focuses on various factors that are usually exploited by media institutions to impede competition. A case study of South Africa's Telkom and three cellular phone service providers is used to illustrate how ...
    • Corporate strategy financialized : Conjuncture, arbitrage and earnings capacity in the S&P500 

      Andersson, T.; Haslam, C.; Katechos, G.; Tsitsianis, N.; Lee, Edward (2010-09-01)
      The conjuncture that ushered in the era of shareholder value served to embed capital market expectations into corporate governance aligning management and shareholder interests. Market arbitrage focussed on modifying ...
    • Corporate sustainability in the 21st century Garden City 

      Palframan, Lisa; Zhang, Xiaoqiang (2010-09)
      The University of Hertfordshire is working in partnership with the Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation to deliver an exciting sustainability project in the world's first Garden city
    • Correcting Errors in Optical Data Transmission Using Neural Networks 

      Hunt, S.; Sun, Yi.; Shafarenko, A.; Adams, R.G.; Davey, N.; Slater, B.; Bhamber, R.; Boscolo, S.; Turitsyn, S.K. (2010)
      Optical data communication systems are prone to a variety of processes that modify the transmitted signal, and contribute errors in the determination of 1s from 0s. This is a difficult, and commercially important, problem ...
    • Correcting for the overabundance of low-mass quiescent galaxies in semi-analytic models 

      Harrold, Jimi E; Almaini, Omar; Pearce, Frazer R; Yates, Robert M (2024-07-01)
      We compare the l-galaxies semi-analytic model to deep observational data from the UKIDSS Ultra Deep Survey (UDS) across the redshift range 0.5 < z < 3. We find that the overabundance of low-mass, passive galaxies at high ...