Now showing items 84-103 of 24467

    • 350um SHARC-II imaging of luminous high-redshift radio galaxies 

      Greve, T.~R.; Ivison, R.~J.; Stevens, Jason (2006-03-01)
    • A 39-GHz Doherty-Like Power Amplifier with 22-dBm Output Power and 21% Power-Added Efficiency at 6-dB Power Back-Off 

      Chen, Lang; Chen, Lisheng; Sun, Depeng; Sun, Yichuang; Pan, Yulin; Zhu, Xi (2024-01-08)
      The design of a Doherty-like power amplifier for millimetre-wave (mm-wave) applications is presented in this work. The designed power amplifier employs a novel symmetrical load-modulated balanced amplifier (S-LMBA) ...
    • 3C 279 Multiwavelength Monitoring II : The Ground-based Campaign 

      Grandi, P.; Urry, C.M.; Maraschi, L.; Wehrle, A. E.; Madejski, G. M.; Aller, M. F.; Aller, H. D.; Bailyn, C. D.; Balonek, T.J.; Bock, T. H.; Glass, I. S.; Litchfield, S.J.; McHardy, I.M.; Mulchaey, J. S.; Reuter, H.-P.; Robson, E. I.; Sadun, A. C.; Sherry, W.; Steppe, H.; Stevens, Jason; Teraesranta, H.; Tornikoski, M.; Wagner, S.J. (1996-03-01)
      The optically violently variable quasar 3C 279 was monitored simultaneously from radio to y-ray frequencies in 1992 December-1993 January. We report a detailed study of the ground-based results from radio to optical ...
    • 3C 40 in Abell 194: can tail radio galaxies exist in quiescent cluster 

      Sakelliou, I.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Jetha, N.N. (2008)
      The nearby cluster Abell 194 hosts two luminous, distorted radio galaxies. Both reside within the cluster’s core region, being separated in projection by only 100 kpc. It is often suggested that tailed radio galaxies such ...
    • 3D and 4D Printing in Digital Healthcare 

      Awad, Atheer; Basit, Abdul W. (Springer Nature, 2023-08-05)
      Three-dimensional (3D) printing is a digital manufacturing system that is transforming pharmaceutical production by empowering patients to play an active role in the treatment process. Along with its dynamic form, namely, ...
    • 3D CFD modeling of air flow through a porous fence 

      Xu, Yizhong; Mustafa, Mohamed Y.; Knight, Jason; Virk, Muhammad; Haritos, George (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013)
      Numerical simulation has played an important role in systematic study on the performance of porous fences over the last three decades. In this paper, a 3D CFD model to simulate air flow through a porous fence is presented. ...
    • 3D Characterisation of Dry Powder Inhaler Formulations: Developing X-ray Micro Computed Tomography Approaches 

      Gajjar, P; Styliari, I D; Nguyen, T T H; Carr, J; Chen, X; Elliott, J A; Hammond, R B; Burnett, T L; Roberts, K; Withers, P J; Murnane, D (2020-06)
      Carrier-based dry powder inhaler (DPI) formulations need to be accurately characterised for their particle size distributions, surface roughnesses, fines contents and flow properties. Understanding the micro-structure of ...
    • 3D extension of Bresenham's algorith and its application in straight-line interpretation 

      Liu, X.; Cheng, K. (2002)
      Conventional straight-line generating algorithms, such as the digital differential analyser (DDA), Bresenham's algorithm and the mid-point algorithm, are suitable only for planer straight lines on the coordinate planes, ...
    • A 3D extinction map of the northern Galactic plane based on IPHAS photometry 

      Sale, S. E.; Drew, J.E.; Barentsen, G.; Farnhill, H. J.; Raddi, R.; Barlow, M. J.; Eisl̈offel, J.; Vink, J. S.; Rodŕiguez-Gil, P.; Wright, N. J. (2014-10-01)
      We present a 3D map of extinction in the northern Galactic plane derived using photometry from the INT/WFC Photometric Hα Survey of the northern Galactic plane. The map has fine angular (~10 arcmin) and distance (100 pc) ...
    • 3D Face Recognition : Benchmarking with Directional Signature 

      Ramalingam, Sooda (2014-01-27)
      In this paper, the author presents a work on i) range data and ii) stereo-vision system based disparity map profiling that are used as signatures for 3D face recognition. The signatures capture the intensity variations ...
    • 3D Face Recognition : Benchmarking with Directional Signature 

      Ramalingam, Sooda (2014-01-27)
      In this paper, the author presents a work on i) range data and ii) stereo-vision system based disparity map profiling that are used as signatures for 3D face recognition. The signatures capture the intensity variations ...
    • 3D Face Recognition : Benchmarking with Directional Signature 

      Ramalingam, Sooda (2014-01-27)
      In this paper, the author presents a work on i) range data and ii) stereo-vision system based disparity map profiling that are used as signatures for 3D face recognition. The signatures capture the intensity variations ...
    • 3D Face Recognition : Benchmarking with Directional Signature 

      Ramalingam, Sooda (2014-01-27)
      In this paper, the author presents a work on i) range data and ii) stereo-vision system based disparity map profiling that are used as signatures for 3D face recognition. The signatures capture the intensity variations ...
    • 3D Face Recognition : Feature Extraction based on Directional Signatures From Range Data and Disparity Maps 

      Ramalingam, Soodamani (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2013-10-14)
      In this paper, the author presents a work on i) range data and ii) stereo-vision system based disparity map profiling that are used as signatures for 3D face recognition. The signatures capture the intensity variations ...
    • 3D Face Recognition: Feature Extraction Based on Directional Signatures from Range Data and Disparity Maps 

      Ramalingam, Soodamani (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2014-01-27)
      In this paper, the author presents a work on i) range data and ii) stereo-vision system based disparity map profiling that are used as signatures for 3D face recognition. The signatures capture the intensity variations ...
    • 3D Face Synthesis with KINECT 

      Ramalingam, Soodamani; Nguyen, Viet (2013-10-14)
      This work describes the process of face synthesis by image morphing from less expensive 3D sensors such as KINECT that are prone to sensor noise. Its main aim is to create a useful face database for future face recognition ...
    • 3D Hydrodynamic Simulations of Large-Scale Precessing Jets : Radio Morphology 

      Horton, Maya; Krause, Martin; Hardcastle, Martin (2020-12-04)
      The prospect of relativistic jets exhibiting complex morphologies as a consequence of geodetic precession has long been hypothesised. We have carried out a 3D hydrodynamics simulation study varying the precession cone ...
    • A 3D implementation of ray tracing combined with diffraction on facets: Verification and a potential application 

      Clarke, A.J.M.; Hesse, E.; Ulanowski, Z.; Kaye, Paul H. (2006)
      A 3D implementation of a new model of light scattering applicable to dielectric faceted objects is introduced. The model combines standard geometric optics with diffraction on individual facets. It can be applied to any ...
    • 3D kinematics of white dwarfs from the SPY project 

      Pauli, E.M.; Napiwotzki, R.; Altmann, M.; Heber, U.; Odenkirchen, M.; Kerber, F. (2003-03)
      We present kinematics of a sample of 107 DA white dwarfs from the SPY project (ESO SN Ia Progenitor surveY) and discuss kinematic criteria for a distinction of thin disk, thick disk, and halo populations. This is the first ...
    • 3D kinematics of white dwarfs from the SPY project. II 

      Pauli, E.M.; Napiwotzki, R.; Heber, U.; Altmann, M.; Odenkirchen, M. (2006)