Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • A census of molecular hydrogen outflows and their sources along the Orion A molecular ridge: Characteristics and overall distribution 

      Davis, C.J.; Froebrich, D.; Stanke, T.; Megeath, S.T.; Kumar, M.S.N.; Adamson, A.J.; Eisloffel, J.; Gredel, R.; Khanzadyan, T.; Lucas, P.W.; Smith, M.D.; Varricatt, W.P. (2009)
    • The distance to the cool T9 brown dwarf ULAS J003402.77-005206.7 

      Smart, R.L.; Jones, H.R.A.; Lattanzi, M.G.; Leggett, S.K.; Warren, S.J.; Adamson, A.J.; Burningham, B.; Casali, M.; Evans, D.W.; Irwin, M.J.; Pinfield, D.J. (2010)
      Aims. We demonstrate the feasibility of determining parallaxes for nearby objects with the Wide Field Camera on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) using the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey as a first epoch. We ...
    • An Extended Search for Circularly Polarized Infrared Radiation from the OMC-1 Region of Orion 

      Buschermohle, M.; Whittet, D.C.B.; Chrysostomou, A.; Hough, J.; Lucas, P.W.; Adamson, A.J.; Whitney, B.A.; Wolff, M.J. (2005-05)
      We present new observations of circular polarization (CP) at 2.2 m in the Orion (OMC-1) molecular cloud. Our results extend a previously published study of the region.We show that the degree of CP correlates spatially with ...
    • Extreme infrared variables from UKIDSS-I : A concentration in star-forming regions 

      Contreras Peña, C.; Lucas, P.W.; Froebrich, D.; Kumar, M.S.N.; Goldstein, J.; Drew, J.E.; Adamson, A.J.; Davis, C.J.; Barentsen, Geert; Wright, N.J. (2014-04-01)
      We present initial results of the first panoramic search for high-amplitude near-infrared variability in theGalactic plane.We analyse the widely separated two-epoch K-band photometry in the fifth and seventh data releases ...
    • Grain alignment in dense interstellar environments : spectropolarimetry of the 4.67-m CO-ice feature in the field star Elias 16 (Taurus dark cloud) 

      Hough, J.; Aitken, D.; Whittet, D.C.B.; Adamson, A.J.; Chrysostomou, A. (2008)
      We present spectropolarimetry of the solid CO feature at 4.67 μm along the line of sight to Elias 16, a field star background to the Taurus dark cloud. A clear increase in polarization is observed across the feature with ...
    • Spectropolarimetry of the 3.4 m Band in the Quintuplet 

      Chiar, J.E.; Adamson, A.J.; Kerr, T.H.; Mason, R.E.; Wright, G.; Whittet, D.C.B.; Chrysostomou, A.; Hough, J.; Roche, P.F. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005)
      We present spectropolarimetry of the 3.4?m solid hydrocarbon absorption feature arising in the ISM toward the Quintuplet member GCS3-II, permitting for the first time a comparison of the hydrocarbon and silicate polarizations ...
    • Spectropolarimetry of the 3.4 micron feature in the diffuse ISM toward the galactic center quintuplet cluster 

      Chiar, J.E.; Adamson, A.J.; Whittet, D.C.B.; Chrysostomou, A.; Hough, J.; Kerr, T.H.; Mason, R.E.; Poche, P.F.; Wright, G. (2006)
    • The UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey Early Data Release 

      Dye, S.; Warren, S. J.; Hambly, N. C.; Cross, N. J. G.; Hodgkin, S. T.; Irwin, M. J.; Lawrence, A.; Adamson, A.J.; Almaini, O.; Edge, A. C.; Hirst, P.; Jameson, R. F.; Lucas, P.W. (2006-03-22)
      This paper defines the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Early Data Release (EDR). UKIDSS is a set of five large near-infra-red surveys defined by Lawrence et al. (2006), being undertaken with the UK Infra-red Telescope ...
    • The UKIRT infrared deep sky survey first data release 

      Warren, S.J.; Hambly, N.C.; Dye, S.; Almaini, O.; Cross, N.J.G.; Edge, A.C.; Foucaud, S.; Hewett, P.C.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Irwin, M.J.; Jameson, R.F.; Lawrence, A.; Lucas, P.W.; Adamson, A.J.; Bandyopadhyay, R.M.; Bryant, J.; Collines, R.S.; Davis, C.J.; Dunlop, J.S.; Evans, D.W.; Gonzales-Solares, E.; Hirst, P.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kendall, T.R. (2007)
    • The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Infrared Deep Sky Survey first data release 

      Warren, S.J.; Hambly, N.C.; Dye, S.; Almaini, O.; Cross, N.J.G.; Edge, A.C.; Foucaud, S.; Hewett, P.C.; Hodgkin, S.T.; Irwin, M.J.; Jameson, R. F.; Lawrence, A.; Lucas, P.W.; Adamson, A.J.; Bandyopadhyay, R.M.; Bryant, J.; Collins, R. S.; Davis, C.J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Emerson, J.P.; Evans, D. W.; Gonzales-Solares, E. A.; Hirst, P.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kendall, Timothy; Kerr, T.H.; Leggett, S.K.; Lewis, J.R.; Mann, R. G.; McLure, R. J.; McMahon, R.G.; Mortlock, D.J.; Rawlings, M. G.; Read, M. A.; Riello, M.; Simpson, C.; Smith, Daniel; Sutorius, E. T. W.; Targett, T.A.; Varricatt, W.P. (2007-02-11)
      The First Data Release (DR1) of the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) took place on 2006 July 21. The UKIDSS is a set of five large near-infrared surveys, covering a complementary range ...
    • A very cool brown dwarf in UKIDSS DR1 

      Warren, S.J.; Mortlock, D.J.; Leggett, S.K.; Pinfield, D.J.; Homeier, D.; Dye, S.; Jameson, R.F.; Lodieu, N.; Lucas, P.W.; Adamson, A.J.; Allard, F.; Barrado y Navascues, D.; Casali, M.; Chiu, K.; Hambly, N.C.; Hewett, P.C.; Hirst, P.; Irwin, M.J.; Lawrence, A.; Liu, M.C.; Martin, E.L.; Smart, R.L.; Valdivielso, L.; Venemans, B.P. (2007)