Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • The Andromeda Galaxy’s Last Major Merger: Constraints from the survey of Planetary Nebulae 

      Bhattacharya, Souradeep; Arnaboldi, Magda; Gerhard, Ortwin; Caldwell, Nelson; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Hammer, Francois; Yang, Yanbin; Freeman, Kenneth C.; Hartke, Johanna; McConnachie, Alan (The International Astronomical Union, 2023-05-04)
      The Andromeda galaxy (M 31) has experienced a tumultuous merger history as evidenced by the many substructures present in its inner halo. We use planetary nebulae (PNe) as chemodynamic tracers to shed light on the recent ...
    • On the α /Fe Bimodality of the M31 Disks 

      Kobayashi, Chiaki; Bhattacharya, Souradeep; Arnaboldi, Magda; Gerhard, Ortwin (2023-10-10)
      An outstanding question is whether the α/Fe bimodality exists in disk galaxies other than in the Milky Way. Here we present a bimodality using our state-of-the-art galactic chemical evolution models that can explain various ...
    • The survey of planetary nebulae in Andromeda (M 31) V. Chemical enrichment of the thin and thicker discs of Andromeda. Oxygen to argon abundance ratios for planetary nebulae and H II regions 

      Arnaboldi, Magda; Bhattacharya, Souradeep; Gerhard, Ortwin; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Freeman, Kenneth C.; Caldwell, Nelson; Hartke, Johanna; McConnachie, Alan; Guhathakurta, Puragra (2022-10-13)
      We use oxygen and argon abundances for planetary nebulae (PNe) with low internal extinction (progenitor ages of (>4.5 Gyr) and high extinction (progenitor ages
    • The survey of planetary nebulae in Andromeda (M31). IV. Radial oxygen and argon abundance gradients of the thin and thicker disc 

      Bhattacharya, Souradeep; Arnaboldi, Magda; Caldwell, Nelson; Gerhard, Ortwin; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Hartke, Johanna; Freeman, Kenneth C.; McConnachie, Alan W.; Guhathakurta, Puragra (2022-12-01)
      We obtain a magnitude-limited sample of Andromeda (M 31) disc PNe with chemical abundance estimated through the direct detection of the [O III] 4363 Å line. This leads to 205 and 200 PNe with oxygen and argon abundances, ...
    • VISIONS: The VISTA Star Formation Atlas 

      Meingast, Stefan; Alves, João; Bouy, Hervé; Petr-Gotzens, Monika G.; Fürnkranz, Verena; Großschedl, Josefa E.; Hernandez, David; Rottensteiner, Alena; Arnaboldi, Magda; Ascenso, Joana; Bayo, Amelia; Brändli, Erik; Brown, Anthony G. A.; Forbrich, Jan; Goodman, Alyssa; Hacar, Alvaro; Hasenberger, Birgit; Köhler, Rainer; Kubiak, Karolina; Kuhn, Michael; Lada, Charles; Leschinski, Kieran; Lombardi, Marco; Mardones, Diego; Mascetti, Laura; Miret-Roig, Núria; Moitinho, André; Mužic, Koraljka; Piecka, Martin; Posch, Laura; Prusti, Timo; Ramírez, Karla Peña; Ramlau, Ronny; Ratzenböck, Sebastian; Sacco, Germano; Swiggum, Cameren; Teixeira, Paula Stella; Urban, Vanessa; Zari, Eleonora; Zucker, Catherine (2023-05-31)
      VISIONS is an ESO public survey of five nearby (d < 500 pc) star-forming molecular cloud complexes that are canonically associated with the constellations of Chamaeleon, Corona Australis, Lupus, Ophiuchus, and Orion. The ...