Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • 3D simulations of a neon burning convective shell in a massive star 

      Georgy, C.; Rizzuti, F.; Hirschi, R.; Varma, V.; Arnett, W. D.; Meakin, C.; Mocak, M.; Murphy, A. St J.; Rauscher, T. (2024-07-01)
      The treatment of convection remains a major weakness in the modelling of stellar evolution with one-dimensional (1D) codes. The ever-increasing computing power makes now possible to simulate in three-dimensional (3D) part ...
    • Shell mergers in the late stages of massive star evolution: new insight from 3D hydrodynamic simulations 

      Rizzuti, F.; Hirschi, R.; Varma, V.; Arnett, W. D.; Georgy, C.; Meakin, C.; Mocák, M.; St. Murphy, A. J.; Rauscher, T. (2024-07-23)
      One-dimensional (1D) stellar evolution models are widely used across various astrophysical fields, however they are still dominated by important uncertainties that deeply affect their predictive power. Among those, the ...