Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Deep ASKAP EMU Survey of the GAMA23 field: Properties of radio sources 

      Gürkan, Gülay; Prandoni, I.; O'Brien, A.; Raja, W.; Marchetti, L.; Vaccari, M.; Driver, S.; Taylor, E.; Franzen, T.; Brown, M. J. I.; Shabala, S.; Andernach, H.; Hopkins, A. M.; Norris, R. P.; Leahy, D.; Bilicki, M.; Farajollahi, H.; Galvin, T.; Heald, G.; Koribalski, B. S.; An, T.; Warhurst, K. (2022-04-11)
      We present the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) observations of the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA)-23h field. The survey was carried out at 887.5 MHz and covers a 83 square degree field. We imaged the ...
    • EMU/GAMA: Radio detected galaxies are more obscured than optically selected galaxies 

      Ahmed, U. T.; Hopkins, A. M.; Ware, J.; Gordon, Y. A.; Bilicki, M.; Brown, M. J. I.; Cluver, M.; Gürkan, G.; López-Sánchez, Á. R.; Leahy, D. A.; Marchetti, L.; Phillipps, S.; Prandoni, I.; Seymour, N.; Taylor, E. N.; Vardoulaki, E. (2024-01-17)
      We demonstrate the importance of radio selection in probing heavily obscured galaxy populations. We combine Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) Early Science data in the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) G23 field with ...
    • The Faraday Rotation Measure Grid of the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey: Data Release 2 

      O'Sullivan, S. P.; Shimwell, T. W.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Tasse, C.; Heald, G.; Carretti, E.; Brüggen, M.; Vacca, V.; Sobey, C.; Eck, C. L. Van; Horellou, C.; Beck, R.; Bilicki, M.; Bourke, S.; Botteon, A.; Croston, J. H.; Drabent, A.; Duncan, K.; Heesen, V.; Ideguchi, S.; Kirwan, M.; Lawlor, L.; Mingo, B.; Nikiel-Wroczyński, B.; Piotrowska, J.; Scaife, A. M. M.; Weeren, R. J. van (2023-01-02)
      A Faraday rotation measure (RM) catalogue, or RM Grid, is a valuable resource for the study of cosmic magnetism. Using the second data release (DR2) from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS), we have produced a catalogue ...
    • The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey -- V. Second data release 

      Shimwell, T. W.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Tasse, C.; Best, P. N.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Williams, W. L.; Botteon, A.; Drabent, A.; Mechev, A.; Shulevski, A.; Weeren, R. J. van; Bester, L.; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Callingham, J. R.; Chyży, K. T.; Conway, J. E.; Dijkema, T. J.; Duncan, K.; Gasperin, F. de; Hale, C. L.; Haverkorn, M.; Hugo, B.; Jackson, N.; Mevius, M.; Miley, G. K.; Morabito, L. K.; Morganti, R.; Offringa, A.; Oonk, J. B. R.; Rafferty, D.; Sabater, J.; Smith, D. J. B.; Schwarz, D. J.; Smirnov, O.; O'Sullivan, S. P.; Vedantham, H.; White, G. J.; Albert, J. G.; Alegre, L.; Asabere, B.; Bacon, D. J.; Bonafede, A.; Bonnassieux, E.; Brienza, M.; Bilicki, M.; Bonato, M.; Rivera, G. Calistro; Cassano, R.; Cochrane, R.; Croston, J. H.; Cuciti, V.; Dallacasa, D.; Danezi, A.; Dettmar, R. J.; Gennaro, G. Di; Edler, H. W.; Enßlin, T. A.; Emig, K. L.; Franzen, T. M. O.; García-Vergara, C.; Grange, Y. G.; Gürkan, G.; Hajduk, M.; Heald, G.; Heesen, V.; Hoang, D. N.; Hoeft, M.; Horellou, C.; Iacobelli, M.; Jamrozy, M.; Jelić, V.; Kondapally, R.; Kukreti, P.; Kunert-Bajraszewska, M.; Magliocchetti, M.; Mahatma, V.; Małek, K.; Mandal, S.; Massaro, F.; Meyer-Zhao, Z.; Mingo, B.; Mostert, R. I. J.; Nair, D. G.; Nakoneczny, S. J.; Nikiel-Wroczyński, B.; Orrú, E.; Pajdosz-Śmierciak, U.; Pasini, T.; Prandoni, I.; Piggelen, H. E. van; Rajpurohit, K.; Retana-Montenegro, E.; Riseley, C. J.; Rowlinson, A.; Saxena, A.; Schrijvers, C.; Sweijen, F.; Siewert, T. M.; Timmerman, R.; Vaccari, M.; Vink, J.; West, J. L.; Wołowska, A.; Zhang, X.; Zheng, J. (2022-02-25)
      In this data release from the ongoing LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) Two-metre Sky Survey we present 120a 168 MHz images covering 27% of the northern sky. Our coverage is split into two regions centred at approximately 12h45m ...