Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Fault Analysis in OSS Based on Program Slicing Metrics 

      Black, S.; Counsell, S.; Hall, T.; Bowes, D. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2009)
      In this paper, we investigate the barcode OSS using two of Weiser's original slice-based metrics (tightness and overlap) as a basis, complemented with fault data extracted from multiple versions of the same system. We ...
    • Program Slice Metrics and Their Potential Role in DSL Design 

      Counsell, S.; Hall, Tracy; Bowes, D.; Black, S. (2009)
      The advantages a DSL and the benefits its use potentially brings imply that informed decisions on the design of a domain specific language are of paramount importance for its use. We believe that the foundations of such ...
    • A test of the effectiveness of speaker verification for differentiating between identical twins. 

      Ariyaeeinia, Aladdin; Morrison, C.; Malegaonkar, Amit; Black, S. (2008)
      This paper presents investigations into the ability of speaker verification technology to discriminate between identical twins. It is shown that whilst, in general, the genetic and non-genetic characteristics of voice are ...