Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Development of a decision support system for phoma and light leaf spot in winter oilseed rape (PASSWORD project) 

      Gladders, P.; Dyer, Chris; Fitt, Bruce D.L.; Evans, Neal; van den Bosch, Frank; Steed, J. M.; Baierl, A.; Turner, J. D.; Walters, K.; Northing, P.; Sutherland, K.G.; Campbell , S.; Ellerton, D.; Selley, Andrew; Hall, B.; Naylor, D.; Parker, C. (HGCA, 2004-12-14)
      Pests and diseases in winter oilseed rape cause serious loss of yield and quality. Losses, predominantly from diseases, are estimated to exceed £80 million/annum in some years. These losses have occurred despite an annual ...