Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • The insignificance of major mergers in driving star formation at z ≃ 2 

      Kaviraj, S.; Silk, J.; Cohen, S.; Windhorst, R.A.; Rutkowski, M.; O'Connell, R.W.; Dopita, M.A.; Dekel, A.; Hathi, N.P.; Straughn, A. (2013-02-01)
      We study the significance of major-merger-driven star formation in the early Universe, by quantifying the contribution of this process to the total star formation budget in 80 massive (M* > 1010 M) galaxies at z ≃ 2. ...
    • Newborn spheroids at high redshift : When and how did the dominant, old stars in today's massive galaxies form? 

      Kaviraj, S.; Silk, J.; Ellis, R.S.; Cohen, S.; Windhorst, R.A.; Peirani, S.; O'Connell, R.W.; Whitmore, B.C.; Ryan Jr., R.E.; Hathi, N.P.; Dopita, M.A.; Frogel, J.A.; Dekel, A. (2013-01-11)
      We study ~330 massive (M > 10M), newborn spheroidal galaxies (SGs) around the epoch of peak star formation (1 <z <3) to explore the high-redshift origin of SGs and gain insight into when and how the old stellar populations ...
    • The role of major mergers in the size growth of intermediate-mass spheroids 

      Kaviraj, S.; Huertas-Company, M.; Cohen, S.; Peirani, S.; Windhorst, R. A.; O'Connell, R. W.; Silk, J.; Dopita, M. A.; Hathi, N. P.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Mei, S.; Rutkowski, M.; Ryan, R. E.; Shankar, F. (2014-09-11)
      We study of the role of ‘major’ mergers (mass ratios >1: 4) in driving size growth in high-redshift (1 < z < 2) spheroidal galaxies (SGs) with stellar masses between 109.5 and 1010.7 M⊙. This is a largely unexplored mass ...