Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • The Animal in Epistemology : Wittgenstein's Enactivist Solution to the Problem of Regress 

      Moyal-Sharrock, Daniele (Brill Academic Publishers, 2016-10-01)
      In this paper I briefly summarize the nature of Wittgenstein's 'hinge certainties', showing how they radically differ from traditional basic beliefs in their being nonepistemic, grammatical, nonpropositional and enacted. ...
    • Introduction: Hinge Epistemology 

      Moyal-Sharrock, Daniele; Coliva, Annalisa; Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities Research Institute; Philosophy; School of Humanities (2016-04-27)
      This introduction gives a summary of the content of the special issue Hinge Epistemology, grouping the papers in three sections: (1) more exegetical accounts of Wittgenstein’s notion of hinge certainties and their bearing ...
    • Ludwig Wittgenstein: Later Works 

      Coliva, Annalisa; Moyal-Sharrock, Daniele (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2010-05-10)
      The work of Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951) continues to influence philosophers working in fields such as language, morality, religion, and culture. Biographers often separate his work into periods, and the early period ...