Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • The Curious Case of the “Heartworm” Nebula 

      Cotton, W. D.; Camilo, F.; Becker, W.; Condon, J. J.; Forbrich, J.; Heywood, I.; Hugo, B.; Legodi, S.; Mauch, T.; Predehl, P.; Slane, P.; Thompson, M. A. (2022-07-27)
      The curious Galactic features near G357.2−0.2 were observed with the MeerKAT radio interferometer array in the UHF and L bands (0.56–1.68 GHz). There are two possibly related features: a newly identified faint heart-shaped ...
    • EMU : Evolutionary Map of the Universe 

      Norris, Ray P.; Hopkins, A. M.; Afonso, J.; Brown, S.; Condon, J. J.; Dunne, L.; Feain, I.; Hollow, R.; Jarvis, M.J.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Lenc, E.; Middelberg, E.; Padovani, P.; Prandoni, I.; Rudnick, L.; Seymour, N.; Umana, G.; Andernach, H.; Alexander, D. M.; Appleton, P. N.; Bacon, D.; Banfield, J.; Becker, W.; Brown, M. J. I.; Ciliegi, P.; Jackson, C.; Eales, S.; Edge, A. C.; Gaensler, B. M.; Giovannini, G.; Hales, C. A.; Hancock, P.; Huynh, M. T.; Ibar, E.; Ivison, R. J.; Kennicutt, R.; Kimball, Amy E.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Koribalski, B. S.; Lopez-Sanchez, A. R.; Mao, M. Y.; Murphy, T.; Messias, H.; Pimbblet, K. A.; Raccanelli, A.; Randall, K. E.; Reiprich, T. H.; Roseboom, I. G.; Roettgering, H.; Saikia, D. J.; Sharp, R. G.; Slee, O. B.; Smail, Ian; Thompson, Mark; Urquhart, J. S.; Wall, J. V.; Zhao, G. -B. (2011)
      EMU is a wide-field radio continuum survey planned for the new Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope. The primary goal of EMU is to make a deep (rms ~ 10 microJy/beam) radio continuum survey of the ...