Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • A circumstellar in a high-mass star forming region 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Elitzur, M.; Conway, J.; Booth, R. (2004-01)
    • Discovery of two new methanol masers in NGC7538 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Minier, V.; Motte, F.; Conway, J. (2006-01)
    • Future investigations of GPS and CSS radio sources with LOFAR 

      Snellen, I.; Rottgering, H.J.A.; Barthel, P.D.; Best, P.N.; Bruggen, M.; Conway, J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Lehnert, M.D.; Miley, G.K.; Morganti, R. (2009)
    • A General Catalogue of 6.7GHz Methanol Masers II: statistical analysis 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Chrysostomou, A.; Collett, J.; Minier, V.; Conway, J.; Booth, R. (2007)
    • LOFAR MSSS: Flattening low-frequency radio continuum spectra of nearby galaxies 

      Chyży, K. T.; Jurusik, W.; Piotrowska, J.; Nikiel-Wroczyński, B.; Heesen, V.; Vacca, V.; Nowak, N.; Paladino, R.; Surma, P.; Sridhar, S. S.; Heald, G.; Beck, R.; Conway, J.; Sendlinger, K.; Curyło, M.; Mulcahy, D.; Broderick, J. W.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Callingham, J. R.; Gürkan, G.; Iacobelli, M.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Adebahr, B.; Shulevski, A.; Dettmar, R. -J.; Breton, R. P.; Clarke, A. O.; Farnes, J. S.; Orrú, E.; Pandey, V. N.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Pizzo, R.; Riseley, C. J.; Rowlinson, A.; Scaife, A. M. M.; Stewart, A. J.; Horst, A. J. van der; Weeren, R. J. van (2018-11-07)
      Aims. The shape of low-frequency radio continuum spectra of normal galaxies is not well understood, the key question being the role of physical processes such as thermal absorption in shaping them. In this work we take ...
    • LOFAR/H-ATLAS: A deep low-frequency survey of the Herschel-ATLAS North Galactic Pole field 

      Hardcastle, M. J.; Gürkan, G.; Weeren, R. J. van; Williams, W. L.; Best, P. N.; Gasperin, F. de; Rafferty, D. A.; Read, S. C.; Sabater, J.; Shimwell, T. W.; Smith, D. J. B.; Tasse, C.; Bourne, N.; Brienza, M.; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Chyży, K. T.; Conway, J.; Dunne, L.; Eales, S. A.; Maddox, S. J.; Jarvis, M. J.; Mahony, E. K.; Morganti, R.; Prandoni, I.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Valiante, E.; White, G. J. (2016-10-21)
      We present LOFAR High-Band Array (HBA) observations of the Herschel-ATLAS North Galactic Pole survey area. The survey we have carried out, consisting of four pointings covering around 142 square degrees of sky in the ...
    • Methanol Masers and Massive Star Formation 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Booth, R.; Humphreys, E.M.L.; Conway, J.; Minier, V. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2003)
      Starting from the Onsala Methanol Maser Blind Survey of the Galactic Plane, stressing the recent results from the follow-up observations of newly detected sources and making some statistical considerationa, we try to make ...
    • Modelling a Circumstellar Disc Traced by Methanol Masers. 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Elitzur, M.; Minier, V.; Conway, J.; Booth, R.; de Buizer, J.; Weigelt, G. (LPI, 2005)
      We present the accurate modelling of one methanol maser feature in NGC7538IRS1. The aim of this work is to test whether this particular maser feature traces a disc or an outflow in the immediate surroundings of a massive ...
    • NGC7538 IRS1 N: modelling a circumstellar maser disc 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Elitzur, M.; Conway, J.; Booth, R. (2004-06)
    • The Onsala blind 6.7 GHz survey of the galactic plane: new methanol masers in the northern hemisphere 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Minier, V.; Booth, R.; Conway, J. (The International Astronomical Union, 2002)
      We review the state of the Onsala blind survey of the galactic plane, searching for new 6.7 GHz methanol masers. We also describe preliminary results of millimeter follow-up observations of the new detections and high ...
    • SKA Science Data Challenge 2: analysis and results 

      Hartley, P.; Bonaldi, A.; Braun, R.; Aditya, J. N. H. S.; Aicardi, S.; Alegre, L.; Chakraborty, A.; Chen, X.; Choudhuri, S.; Clarke, A. O.; Coles, J.; Collinson, J. S.; Cornu, D.; Darriba, L.; Veneri, M. Delli; Forbrich, J.; Fraga, B.; Galan, A.; Garrido, J.; Gubanov, F.; Håkansson, H.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Heneka, C.; Herranz, D.; Hess, K. M.; Jagannath, M.; Jaiswal, S.; Jurek, R. J.; Korber, D.; Kitaeff, S.; Kleiner, D.; Lao, B.; Lu, X.; Mazumder, A.; Moldón, J.; Mondal, R.; Ni, S.; Önnheim, M.; Parra, M.; Patra, N.; Peel, A.; Salomé, P.; Sánchez-Expósito, S.; Sargent, M.; Semelin, B.; Serra, P.; Shaw, A. K.; Shen, A. X.; Sjöberg, A.; Smith, L.; Soroka, A.; Stolyarov, V.; Tolley, E.; Toribio, M. C.; Hulst, J. M. van der; Sadr, A. Vafaei; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Westmeier, T.; Yu, K.; Yu, L.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Alberdi, A.; Ashdown, M.; Bom, C. R.; Brüggen, M.; Cannon, J.; Chen, R.; Combes, F.; Conway, J.; Courbin, F.; Ding, J.; Fourestey, G.; Freundlich, J.; Gao, L.; Gheller, C.; Guo, Q.; Gustavsson, E.; Jirstrand, M.; Jones, M. G.; Józsa, G.; Kamphuis, P.; Kneib, J. -P.; Lindqvist, M.; Liu, B.; Liu, Y.; Mao, Y.; Marchal, A.; Márquez, I.; Meshcheryakov, A.; Olberg, M.; Oozeer, N.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Pei, W.; Peng, B.; Sabater, J.; Sorgho, A.; Starck, J. L.; Tasse, C.; Wang, A.; Wang, Y.; Xi, H.; Yang, X.; Zhang, H.; Zhang, J.; Zhao, M.; Zuo, S. (2023-08-01)
      The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) will explore the radio sky to new depths in order to conduct transformational science. SKAO data products made available to astronomers will be correspondingly large and complex, ...
    • VLBI observations of TTauri South 

      Smith, K.; Pestalozzi, M.; Guedel, M.; Conway, J.; Benz, A.O. (2003-06)
      We report observations of the T Tauri system at 8.4 GHz with a VLBI array comprising the VLBA, VLA and E elsberg 100 m telescopes. We detected a compact source o set approximately 40 mas from the best infrared position of ...
    • VLBI observations of two single dMe stars: spatial resolution and astrometry 

      Pestalozzi, M.; Benz, A.O.; Conway, J.; Gudel, M. (2000)
      We report on 3.6 cm VLA and VLBA observations of YZ CMi and AD Leo, two nearby dMe stars. We resolve YZ CMi and can fit a circular symmetrical gaussian component of FWHP of 0.98 0.2 mas, corresponding to an extent of the ...