Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Fostering wellbeing 

      Daniels, Kevin; Bryan, Mark; Connolly, Sara; Gedikli, Cigdem; Tregaskis, Olga; Watson, David (Science Impact Ltd, 2017-11-01)
      Is it possible to change working practices so that workers are happier, more productive and absent less often? What are the effects of unemployment on wellbeing, and are happier people more likely to succeed in the labour ...
    • Job design, employment practices and well-being: : a systematic review of intervention studies 

      Daniels, Kevin; Gedikli, Cigdem; Watson, David; Semkina, Antonina; Vaughn, Oluwafunmilayo (2017-09-02)
      There is inconsistent evidence that deliberate attempts to improve job design realise improvements in well-being. We investigated the role of other employment practices, either as instruments for job redesign or as instruments ...
    • Well-Being and the Social Environment of Work:A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies 

      Daniels, Kevin; Watson, David; Gedikli, Cigdem (2017-08-16)
      There is consistent evidence that a good social environment in the workplace is associated with employee well-being. However, there has been no specific review of interventions to improve well-being through improving social ...