Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • AIITS: Preliminary light scattering data from Tropical Tropopause Layer cirrus 

      Stopford, Chris; Kaye, Paul H.; Ulanowski, Joseph; Hirst, Edwin; Greenaway, Richard; Dorsey, James; Gallagher, Martin; Woods, Sarah; Lawson, Paul; Thornberry, Troy; Rollins, Drew; Harris, Neil (2015-07-22)
      The new optical particle spectrometer AIITS (Aerosol Ice Interface Transition Spectrometer) is the next instrument in the Small Ice Detector (SID) family. Like SID3, it acquires two-dimensional forward scattering patterns ...
    • The effective density of small ice particles obtained from in situ aircraft observations of mid-latitude cirrus 

      Cotton, Richard; Field, P.R.; Ulanowski, Joseph; Kaye, Paul H.; Hirst, Edwin; Greenaway, Richard; Crawford, I.A.; Crosier, J.; Dorsey, James (2013-10)
      The effective ice-particle density, parametrized through a mass–dimension relation, is widely used in ice microphysical schemes for weather and climate models. In this study, we use aircraft-based observations in mid-latitude ...
    • In-situ observations of volcanic ash clouds from the FAAM aircraft during the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010 

      Johnson, Ben; Turnbull, Kate; Brown, Phil; Burgess, Rachel; Dorsey, James; Baran, Anthony J.; Webster, Helen; Haywood, Jim; Cotton, Richard; Ulanowski, Zbigniew; Hesse, Evelyn; Wolley, Alan; Rosenberg, Philip (2012)
      During April–May 2010 the UK Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements (FAAM) BAe-146 aircraft flew 12 flights targeting volcanic ash clouds around the UK. The aircraft observed ash layers between altitudes of 2–8 km ...