Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Galaxy Zoo : Dust lane early-type galaxies are tracers of recent, gas-rich minor mergers 

      Shabala, S.S.; Ting, Y. S.; Kaviraj, S.; Lintott, C.; Crockett, R.M.; Silk, J.; Sarzi, M.; Schawinski, K.; Bamford, S.P.; Edmondson, E. (2012-06-01)
      We present the second of two papers concerning the origin and evolution of local early-type galaxies exhibiting dust features. We use optical and radio data to examine the nature of active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity ...
    • Galaxy Zoo: Hanny's Voorwerp, a quasar light echo? 

      Lintott, C.; Schawinski, K.; Keel, W.; Van Arkel, H.; Bennert, N.; Edmondson, E.; Thomas, D.; Smith, Daniel; Herbert, P.D.; Jarvis, M.J.; Virani, S.; Andreescu, D.; Bamford, S.; Land, K.; Murray, P.; Nichol, R.C.; Raddick, M.J.; Slosar, A.; Szalay, A.; Vandenberg, J. (2009)
      We report the discovery of an unusual object near the spiral galaxy IC 2497, discovered by visual inspection of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) as part of the Galaxy Zoo project. The object, known as Hanny's Voorwerp, ...