Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • CHIMPS2 : Survey description and $^{12}$CO emission in the Galactic Centre 

      Eden, D. J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Currie, M. J.; Rigby, A. J.; Rosolowsky, E.; Su, Y.; Kim, Kee-Tae; Parsons, H.; Morata, O.; Chen, H. -R.; Minamidani, T.; Park, Geumsook; Ragan, S. E.; Urquhart, J. S.; Rani, R.; Tahani, K.; Billington, S. J.; Deb, S.; Figura, C.; Fujiyoshi, T.; Joncas, G.; Liao, L. W.; Liu, T.; Ma, H.; Tuan-Anh, P.; Yun, Hyeong-Sik; Zhang, S.; Zhu, M.; Henshaw, J. D.; Longmore, S. N.; Kobayashi, M. I. N.; Thompson, M. A.; Ao, Y.; Campbell-White, J.; Ching, T. -C.; Chung, E. J.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Fich, M.; Gao, Y.; Graves, S. F.; Jiang, X. -J.; Kemper, F.; Kuan, Y. -J.; Kwon, W.; Lee, C. W.; Lee, J. -E.; Liu, M.; Penaloza, C. H.; Peretto, N.; Phuong, N. T.; Pineda, J. E.; Plume, R.; Puspitaningrum, E.; Samal, M. R.; Soam, A.; Sun, Y.; Tang, X. D.; Traficante, A.; White, G. J.; Yan, C. -H.; Yang, A.; Yuan, J.; Yue, N.; Bemis, A.; Brunt, C. M.; Chen, Z.; Cho, J.; Clark, P. C.; Cyganowski, C. J.; Friberg, P.; Fuller, G. A.; Han, I.; Hoare, M. G.; Izumi, N.; Kim, H. -J.; Kim, J.; Kim, S.; Koch, E. W.; Kuno, N.; Lacialle, K. M.; Lai, S. -P.; Lee, H. Lee Y. -H.; Li, D. L.; Liu, S. -Y.; Mairs, S.; Oka, T.; Pan, Z.; Qian, L.; Scicluna, P.; Shi, C. -S.; Shi, H.; Srinivasan, S.; Tan, Q. -H.; Thomas, H. S.; Torii, K.; Trejo, A.; Umemoto, T.; Violino, G.; Wallstrom, S.; Wang, B.; Wu, Y.; Yuan, L.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, M.; Zhou, C.; Zhou, J. J. (2020-09-10)
      The latest generation of Galactic-plane surveys is enhancing our ability to study the effects of galactic environment upon the process of star formation. We present the first data from CO Heterodyne Inner Milky Way Plane ...
    • Imaging the environment of A z = 6.3 submillimeter galaxy with scuba-2 

      Robson, E. I.; Ivison, R. J.; Smail, Ian; Holland, W. S.; Geach, J. E.; Gibb, A. G.; Riechers, D.; Ade, P. A R; Bintley, D.; Bock, J.; Chapin, E. L.; Chapman, S. C.; Clements, D. L.; Conley, A.; Cooray, A.; Dunlop, J. S.; Farrah, D.; Fich, M.; Fu, Hai; Jenness, T.; Laporte, N.; Oliver, S. J.; Omont, A.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Scott, Douglas; Swinbank, A. M.; Wardlow, J. (2014-08-28)
      We describe a search for submillimeter emission in the vicinity of one of the most distant, luminous galaxies known, HerMES FLS3, at z = 6.34, exploiting it as a signpost to a potentially biased region of the early universe, ...
    • The JCMT Gould Belt survey : Evidence for radiative heating in serpens MWC 297 and its influence on local star formation 

      Rumble, D.; Hatchell, J.; Gutermuth, R. A.; Kirk, H.; Buckle, J.; Beaulieu, S. F.; Berry, D.S.; Broekhoven-Fiene, H.; Currie, M. J.; Fich, M.; Jenness, T.; Johnstone, D.; Mottram, J. C.; Nutter, D.; Pattle, K.; Pineda, J. E.; Quinn, C.; Salji, C.; Tisi, S.; Walker-Smith, S.; Di Francesco, J.; Hogerheijde, M.R.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Allen, L.E.; Cieza, L. A.; Dunham, M. M.; Harvey, P. M.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Bastien, P.; Butner, H.; Chen, M.; Chrysostomou, A.; Coude, S.; Davis, C.J.; Drabek-Maunder, E.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Fiege, J.; Friberg, P.; Friesen, R.; Fuller, G.A.; Graves, S.; Greaves, J.; Gregson, J.; Holland, W.; Joncas, G.; Kirk, J.M.; Knee, L. B. G.; Mairs, S.; Marsh, K.; Matthews, B. C.; Moriarty-Schieven, G.; Rawlings, J.; Richer, J.; Robertson, D.; Rosolowsky, E.; Sadavoy, S.; Thomas, H.; Tothill, N.; Viti, S.; White, G.J.; Wilson, C. D.; Wouterloot, J.; Yates, J.; Zhu, M. (2015-04-01)
      We present SCUBA-2 450 and 850 μm observations of the Serpens MWC 297 region, part of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Gould Belt Survey of nearby star-forming regions. Simulations suggest that radiative feedback ...
    • The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt : a first look at Taurus with HARP 

      Davis, C.J.; Chrysostomou, A.; Hatchell, J.; Wouterloot, J. G. A.; Buckle, J. V.; Nutter, D.; Fich, M.; Brunt, C.; Butner, H.; Cavanagh, B.; Curtis, E.I.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Di Francesco, J.; Etxaluze, M.; Friberg, P.; Johnstone, D.; Matthews, B.; Matthews, H.; Rawlings, J.M.C.; Richer, J. S.; Roberts, J.; Sadavoy, S.; Simpson, R.J.; Tothill, N.F.H.; Tsamis, Y.G.; Viti, S.; Ward-Thompson, D.; White, G.J.; Yates, J. (2010)
      As part of a James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Legacy Survey of star formation in the Gould Belt, we present early science results for Taurus. CO J= 3 –2 maps have been secured along the north-west ridge and bowl, ...
    • The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt : mapping 13CO and C18O in Orion A 

      Buckle, J. V.; Davis, C.J.; Di Francesco, J.; Graves, S. F.; Nutter, D.; Richer, J. S.; Roberts, J. F.; Ward-Thompson, D.; White, G.J.; Brunt, C.; Butner, H. M.; Cavanagh, B.; Chrysostomou, A.; Curtis, E.I.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Etxaluze, M.; Fich, M.; Friberg, P.; Friesen, R.; Fuller, G.A.; Greaves, J.S.; Hatchell, J.; Hogerheijde, M.R.; Johnstone, D.; Matthews, B.; Matthews, H.; Rawlings, J.M.C.; Sadavoy, S.; Simpson, R.J.; Tothill, N.F.H.; Tsamis, Y.G.; Viti, S.; Wouterloot, J. G. A.; Yates, J. (2012-05)
      The Gould Belt Legacy Survey will map star-forming regions within 500 pc, using Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme (HARP), Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) and Polarimeter 2 (POL-2) on the James Clerk ...
    • The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey - VIII : CO data and the L -L correlation in the SINGS sample 

      Wilson, C.D.; Warren, B.E.; Israel, F.P.; Serjeant, S.; Attewell, D.; Bendo, G. J.; Butner, H. M.; Chanial, P.; Clements, D. L.; Golding, J.; Heesen, V.; Irwin, J.; Leech, J.; Matthews, H.E.; Muhle, S.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Petitpas, G.; Sánchez-Gallego, J.R.; Sinukoff, E.; Shorten, K.; Tan, B.K.; Tilanus, R.P.J.; Usero, A.; Vaccari, M.; Wiegert, T.; Zhu, M.; Alexander, D.M.; Alexander, P.; Azimlu, M.; Barmby, P.; Brar, R.; Bridge, C.; Brinks, E.; Brooks, S.; Coppin, Kristen; Côté, S.; Côté, P.; Courteau, S.; Davies, J.; Eales, S.; Fich, M.; Hudson, M.; Hughes, D.H.; Ivison, R.J.; Knapen, J.H.; Page, M.; Parkin, T.J.; Rigopoulou, D.; Rosolowsky, E.; Seaquist, E.R.; Spekkens, K.; Tanvir, N.; van der Hulst, J.M.; van der Werf, P.; Vlahakis, C.; Webb, T.M.; Weferling, B.; White, G.J. (2012-08-21)
      The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey (NGLS) comprises an Hi-selected sample of 155 galaxies spanning all morphological types with distances less than 25Mpc. We describe the scientific goals of ...
    • The JCMT Plane Survey : First complete data release - emission maps and compact source catalogue 

      Eden, D.~J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Plume, R.; Urquhart, J.S.; Thompson, M. A.; Parsons, H.; Dempsey, J. T.; Rigby, A.~J.; Morgan, L. K.; Thomas, H. S.; Berry, D J; Buckle, J.; Brunt, Christopher M.; Butner, H. M.; Carretero, D.; Chrysostomou, A.; Currie, M. J.; deVilliers, H.~M.; Fich, M.; Gibb, A. G.; Hoare, M.G.; Jenness, T.; Manser, G.; Mottram, J.~C.; Natario, C.; Olguin, F.; Peretto, N.; Pestalozzi, M.; Polychroni, D.; Redman, R.~O.; Salji, C.; Summers, L.~J.; Tahani, K.; Traficante, A.; diFrancesco, J.; Evans, A.; Fuller, G. A.; Johnstone, D.; Joncas, G.; Longmore, S.~N.; Martin, Gary P; Richer, J. S.; Weferling, B.; White, Glenn J.; Zhu, M. (2017-08-01)
      We present the first data release of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Plane Survey (JPS), the JPS Public Release 1 (JPSPR1). JPS is an 850-um continuum survey of six fields in the northern inner Galactic Plane in ...
    • The JCMT Plane Survey: early results from the ell = 30deg field 

      Moore, T.~J.~T.; Plume, R.; Thompson, M.~A.; Parsons, H.; Urquhart, J.~S.; Eden, D.~J.; Dempsey, J.~T.; Morgan, L.~K.; Thomas, H.~S.; Buckle, J.; Brunt, C.~M.; Butner, H.; Carretero, D.; Chrysostomou, A.; deVilliers, H.~M.; Fich, M.; Hoare, M.~G.; Manser, G.; Mottram, J.~C.; Natario, C.; Olguin, F.; Peretto, N.; Polychroni, D.; Redman, R.~O.; Rigby, A.~J.; Salji, C.; Summers, L.~J.; Berry, D.; Currie, M.~J.; Jenness, T.; Pestalozzi, M.; Traficante, A.; Bastien, P.; diFrancesco, J.; Davis, C.~J.; Evans, A.; Friberg, P.; Fuller, G.~A.; Gibb, A.~G.; Gibson, S.; Hill, T.; Johnstone, D.; Joncas, G.; Longmore, S.~N.; Lumsden, S.~L.; Martin, P.~G.; Lu'o'ng, Q.~N.; Pineda, J.~E.; Purcell, C.; Richer, J.~S.; Schieven, G.~H.; Shipman, R.; Spaans, M.; Taylor, A.~R.; Viti, S.; Weferling, B.; White, G.~J.; Zhu, M. (2015-11-11)
      We present early results from the JCMT (James Clerk Maxwell Telescope) Plane Survey (JPS), which has surveyed the northern inner Galactic plane between longitudes ℓ = 7° and ℓ = 63° in the 850-μm continuum with SCUBA-2 ...
    • SCOPE : SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution - Survey Description and Compact Source Catalogue 

      SCOPE Collaboration; Eden, D. J.; Liu, Tie; Kim, Kee-Tae; Liu, S. -Y.; Tatematsu, K.; Francesco, J. Di; Wang, K.; Thompson, M. A.; Fuller, G. A.; Li, Di; Ristorcelli, I.; Kang, Sung-ju; Hirano, N.; Johnstone, D.; Lin, Y.; He, J. H.; Koch, P. M.; Sanhueza, Patricio; Qin, S. -L.; Zhang, Q.; Goldsmith, P. F.; N., J. Evans II; Yuan, J.; Zhang, C. -P.; White, G. J.; Choi, Minho; Lee, Chang Won; Toth, L. V.; Mairs, S.; Yi, H. -W.; Tang, M.; Soam, A.; Peretto, N.; Samal, M. R.; Fich, M.; Parsons, H.; Malinen, J.; Bendo, G. J.; Rivera-Ingraham, A.; Liu, H. -L.; Wouterloot, J.; Li, P. S.; Qian, L.; Rawlings, J.; Rawlings, M. G.; Feng, S.; Wang, B.; Li, Dalei; Liu, M.; Chrysostomou, A. (2019-05-01)
      We present the first release of the data and compact-source catalogue for the JCMT Large Program SCUBA-2 Continuum Observations of Pre-protostellar Evolution (SCOPE). SCOPE consists of 850 μm continuum observations of 1235 ...
    • SCUBA-2: the 10 000 pixel bolometer camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope 

      Holland, W.S.; Bintley, D.; Chapin, E.L.; Chrysostomou, A.; Davis, G.R.; Dempsey, J. T.; Duncan, W.D.; Fich, M.; Friberg, P.; Halpern, M.; Irwin, K.D.; Jenness, T.; Kelly, B.D.; MacIntosh, M.J.; Robson, E.I.; Scott, Douglas; Ade, P.A.R.; Atad-Ettedgui, E.; Berry, D.S.; Craig, S.C.; Gao, X.; Gibb, Andy G.; Hilton, G.C.; Hollister, M.I.; Kycia, J.B.; Lunney, David; McGregor, H.; Montgomery, David; Parkes, W.; Tilanus, R.P.J.; Ullum, J.N.; Walther, C.A.; Walton, A.J.; Woodcraft, A.L.; Amiri, M.; Atkinson, D.; Burger, B.; Chuter, T.; Coulson, I.M.; Doriese, W.B.; Dunare, C.; Economou, F.; Niemack, M.D.; Parsons, H.A.L.; Reintsema, C.D.; Sibthorpe, B.; Smail, I.; Sudiwala, R.; Thomas, H.S. (2013-04)
      Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) is an innovative 10 000 pixel bolometer camera operating at submillimetre wavelengths on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). The camera has the capability to carry ...