Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • High-resolution mass models of dwarf galaxies from LITTLE THINGS 

      Oh, Se-Heon; Hunter, Deidre A.; Brinks, E.; Elmegreen, Bruce G.; Schruba, Andreas; Walter, Fabian; Rupen, Michael P.; Young, Lisa M.; Simpson, Caroline E.; Johnson, Megan; Herrmann, Kimberly A.; Ficut-Vicas, Dana; Cigan, Phil; Heesen, V.; Ashley, Trisha; Zhang, Hong-Xin (2015-06)
      We present high-resolution rotation curves and mass models of 26 dwarf galaxies from LITTLE THINGS. LITTLE THINGS is a high-resolution Very Large Array HI survey for nearby dwarf galaxies in the local volume within 11 Mpc. ...
    • Star Formation in LITTLE THINGS Dwarf Galaxies 

      Ficut-Vicas, Dana (2016-04-14)
      In this thesis we test and expand our current knowledge of Star Formation Laws (SF laws) in the extreme environment of dwarf irregular galaxies. We focus on the SF characteristics of our 18 galaxies sample, extending current ...