Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Efficient NIRCam Selection of Quiescent Galaxies at 3 < z < 6 in CEERS 

      Long, Arianna S.; Antwi-Danso, Jacqueline; Lambrides, Erini L.; Lovell, Christopher C.; de la Vega, Alexander; Valentino, Francesco; Zavala, Jorge A.; Casey, Caitlin M.; Wilkins, Stephen M.; Yung, L. Y. Aaron; Arrabal Haro, Pablo; Bagley, Micaela B.; Bisigello, Laura; Chworowsky, Katherine; Cooper, M. C.; Cooper, Olivia R.; Cooray, Asantha R.; Croton, Darren; Dickinson, Mark; Finkelstein, Steven L.; Franco, Maximilien; Gould, Katriona M. L.; Hirschmann, Michaela; Hutchison, Taylor A.; Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S.; Kocevski, Dale D.; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Lucas, Ray A.; McKinney, Jed; Nere, Rachel; Papovich, Casey; Pérez-González, Pablo G.; Pirzkal, Nor; Santini, Paola (2024-07-17)
      Substantial populations of massive quiescent galaxies at z ≥ 3 challenge our understanding of rapid galaxy growth and quenching over short timescales. In order to piece together this evolutionary puzzle, more statistical ...
    • Galaxy Zoo: CANDELS barred discs and bar fractions 

      Simmons, Brooke D.; Melvin, Thomas; Lintott, Chris J.; Masters, Karen L.; Willett, Kyle W.; Keel, William C.; Smethurst, R. J.; Cheung, Edmond; Nichol, Robert C.; Schawinski, Kevin; Rutkowski, Michael; Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S.; Bell, Eric F.; Casteels, Kevin R. V.; Conselice, Christopher J.; Almaini, Omar; Ferguson, Henry C.; Fortson, Lucy; Hartley, William; Kocevski, Dale; Koekemoer, Anton M.; McIntosh, Daniel H.; Mortlock, Alice; Newman, Jeffrey A.; Ownsworth, Jamie; Bamford, Steven P.; Dahlen, Tomas; Faber, Sandra M.; Finkelstein, Steven L.; Fontana, Adriano; Galametz, Audrey; Grogin, N. A.; Grützbauch, Ruth; Guo, Yicheng; Häußler, Boris; Jek, Kian J.; Kaviraj, Sugata; Lucas, Ray A.; Peth, Michael; Salvato, Mara; Wiklind, Tommy; Wuyts, Stijn (2014-12-21)
      The formation of bars in disc galaxies is a tracer of the dynamical maturity of the population. Previous studies have found that the incidence of bars in discs decreases from the local Universe to z ~ 1, and by z > 1 ...
    • Galaxy Zoo: Quantitative Visual Morphological Classifications for 48,000 galaxies from CANDELS 

      Simmons, B. D.; Lintott, Chris; Willett, Kyle W.; Masters, Karen L.; Kartaltepe, Jeyhan S.; Häußler, Boris; Kaviraj, Sugata; Krawczyk, Coleman; Kruk, S. J.; McIntosh, Daniel H.; Smethurst, R. J.; Nichol, Robert C.; Scarlata, Claudia; Schawinski, Kevin; Conselice, Christopher J.; Almaini, Omar; Ferguson, Henry C.; Fortson, Lucy; Hartley, William; Kocevski, Dale; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Mortlock, Alice; Newman, Jeffrey A.; Bamford, Steven P.; Grogin, N. A.; Lucas, Ray A.; Hathi, Nimish P.; McGrath, Elizabeth; Peth, Michael; Pforr, Janine; Rizer, Zachary; Wuyts, Stijn; Barro, Guillermo; Bell, Eric F.; Castellano, Marco; Dahlen, Tomas; Ownsworth, Avishai Dekel Jamie; Faber, Sandra M.; Finkelstein, Steven L.; Fontana, Adriano; Galametz, Audrey; Grützbauch, Ruth; Koo, David; Lotz, Jennifer; Mobasher, Bahram; Mozena, Mark; Salvato, Mara; Wiklind, Tommy (2017-02-01)
      We present quantified visual morphologies of approximately 48,000 galaxies observed in three Hubble Space Telescope legacy fields by the Cosmic And Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) and classified ...
    • Investigating the Dominant Environmental Quenching Process in UVCANDELS/COSMOS Groups 

      Kuschel, Maxwell; Scarlata, Claudia; Mehta, Vihang; Teplitz, Harry I.; Rafelski, Marc; Wang, Xin; Sunnquist, Ben; Prichard, Laura; Grogin, Norman; Koekemoer, Anton; Windhorst, Rogier; Rutkowski, Michael; Alavi, Anahita; Chartab, Nima; Conselice, Christopher J.; Dai, Y. Sophia; Gawiser, Eric; Giavalisco, Mauro; Haro, Pablo Arrabal; Hathi, Nimish; Jansen, Rolf A.; Ji, Zhiyuan; Lucas, Ray A.; Mantha, Kameswara; Mobasher, Bahram; O’Connell, Robert W.; Robertson, Brant; Sattari, Zahra; Yung, L. Y. Aaron; Davé, Romeel; DeMello, Duilia; Dickinson, Mark; Ferguson, Henry; Finkelstein, Steven L.; Hayes, Matt; Howell, Justin; Kaviraj, Sugata; Mackenty, John W.; Siana, Brian (2023-04-12)
      We explore how the fraction of quenched galaxies changes in groups of galaxies with respect to the distance to the center of the group, redshift, and stellar mass to determine the dominant process of environmental quenching ...