Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Deletions of Chromosome 7q Affect Nuclear Organization and HLXB9Gene Expression in Hematological Disorders. 

      Federico, Concetta; Owoka, Temitayo; Ragusa, Denise; Sturiale, Valentina; Caponnetto, Domenica; Leotta, Claudia Giovanna; Bruno, Francesca; Foster, Helen; Rigamonti, Silvia; Giudici, Giovanni; Cazzaniga, Giovanni; Bridger, Joanna; Sisu, Cristina; Saccone, Salvatore; Tosi, Sabrina (2019-04-25)
      The radial spatial positioning of individual gene loci within interphase nuclei has been associated with up- and downregulation of their expression. In cancer, the genome organization may become disturbed due to chromosomal ...
    • Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization on DNA Halo Preparations to Reveal Whole Chromosomes, Telomeres and Gene Loci 

      Godwin, Lauren S; Bridger, Joanna M; Foster, Helen (2021-03-04)
      The genome is associated with several structures inside cell nuclei, in order to regulate its activity and anchor it in specific locations. These structures are collectively known as the nucleoskeleton and include the ...
    • Senescence and the Genome 

      Bridger, Joanna M; Foster, Helen (Springer Nature, 2020)
      Cellular senescence is commonly initiated in response to replicative or cell stress pathways. Senescent cells remain in a state of permanent cell cycle arrest and although being metabolically active, they exhibit distinct ...