Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • The East Asian Observatory SCUBA-2 Survey of the COSMOS Field: Unveiling 1147 Bright Sub-millimeter Sources across 2.6 Square Degrees 

      Simpson, J. M.; Smail, I.; Swinbank, A.M.; Chapman, S.C.; Geach, Jim; Coppin, Kristen; Smith, Daniel (2019-07-20)
      We present sensitive 850 μm imaging of the Cosmological Evolution Survey (COSMOS) field using 640 hr of new and archival observations taken with SCUBA-2 at the East Asian Observatory's James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The ...
    • Polarized thermal emission from dust in a galaxy at redshift 2.6 

      Geach, Jim; Lopez Rodriguez, Enrique; Doherty, M.J.; Chen, Jianhang; Ivison, R. J.; Bendo, G.J.; Dye, S.; Coppin, Kristen (2023-09-21)
      Magnetic fields are fundamental to the evolution of galaxies, playing a key role in the astrophysics of the interstellar medium and star formation. Large-scale ordered magnetic fields have been mapped in the Milky Way and ...
    • Proceedings of Abstracts, School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference 2022 

      Amafabia, Daerefa-a; Asimea, Laurel; Bally, John; Baran, Anthony; Boies, Adam; Borjali, Amirhossein; Bosomworth, Chloe; Burningham, Ben; Chaliasou, Napoleana-Anna; CHEN, Yong Kang; Cheong, Yuen Ki; Chizari, Mahmoud; Chung, Etelka; Coppin, Kristen; David-West, Opukuro; Dennler, Nik; Dhakal, Hom; Dimov, Nikolay; Dmitruk, Emil; Donald, Allen; Drix, Damien; Dzib, Sergio A.; Eltaweel, Mahmoud; Fadlelseed, Sajid; Farahani, Atena; Felix, Adrian; Foat, Tim; Forbrich, Jan; Franco, Maximilien; Gaarn, Joesphine; Garratt, Tracy; Geach, Jim; Ghias, Narges; Ghita, Adrian; Giannetti, Niccolo; Vargas-Gonzalez, Jaime; Greenaway, Richard; Haritos, George; Hatami, Sara; Haydock, David; Helian, Na; Herfatmanesh, Mohammad Reza; Herve, Jean-Baptiste; Hesse, Evelyn; Korani, Hossein; Hosseini, Vahid; Hu, Wei; Hubbard, Thomas; Inal, Jameel; Irigo, Patrick; Ismail, Sikiru O.; Jepleting, Fiona; Ji, Wei; Johnston, Ian; Jombo, Gbanaibolou; Kadir, Shabnam; Kalyvas, Christos; Kamran, Syed Muhammad; Kanellopoulos, Antonios; Kiflay, Aklil Zenebe; Kirner, Raimund; Knox, Kerry; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Kumar, Dhirendra; Kumar, Ritesh; Lane, Peter; Lekkala, Himayasri; Lewis, Andrew; Li, Liang; Luo, Qi; Madani, Hossein; Mallet, Colin; Maruthupandian, Surya; Mathen, Elizabeth Reeja; Matousek, Pavel; McCool, Simon; McGarry, James C.; Menon, Catherine; Metzner, Christoph; Miles, Rachael E. H.; Moeinnia, Hadi; Moggridge, Paul; Mohseni, Mahdi; Montalvão, Diogo; Moraby, Mohammad Najeeb; Murnane, Darragh; Norgate, Marc; Nourani, Amir; Prasad, Kumar Shantanu; Ramalingam, Soodamani; Rastogi, Shavika; Reid, Jonathan P.; Ren, Guogang; Rivilla, Victor M.; Saidpour, Hossein; Saito, Kiyoshi; Sajedi, Seyed Amir Hossein; Salge, Christoph; Samararatne, Samadhi; Schmuker, Michael; Sensoy, Elif; Shriram, Ajay; Singh, Harpreet; Sorouraddin, Yasser; Steuber, Volker; Stone, Nicholas; Sun, Yi; Sureddi, Roopesh; Sutton, Samuel; Thomas, Peter; Timms, Andrew R; Tiwari, P. R.; Tsokanos, Athanasios; Vadalia, Mansukhlal; Yaqoob, Muhammad; Yulianto, Muhamad; Zheng, Minghua (University of Hertfordshire, 2022-11-04)
      The present proceedings record the abstracts submitted and accepted for presentation at SPECS 2022, the second edition of the School of Physics, Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference that took place online, ...