Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • An Anisotropic Density Turbulence Model from the Sun to 1 au Derived from Radio Observations 

      Kontar, Eduard P.; Emslie, A. Gordon; Clarkson, Daniel L.; Chen, Xingyao; Chrysaphi, Nicolina; Azzollini, Francesco; Jeffrey, Natasha L. S.; Gordovskyy, Mykola (2023-10-13)
      Solar radio bursts are strongly affected by radio-wave scattering on density inhomogeneities, changing their observed time characteristics, sizes, and positions. The same turbulence causes angular broadening and scintillation ...
    • Particle Acceleration and Their Escape into the Heliosphere in Solar Flares with Open Magnetic Field 

      Gordovskyy, Mykola; Browning, Philippa K.; Kusano, Kanya; Inoue, Satoshi; Vekstein, Grigory E. (2023-07-20)
      Energetic particle populations in the solar corona and in the heliosphere appear to have different characteristics even when produced in the same solar flare. It is not clear what causes this difference: properties of the ...
    • The Solar Particle Acceleration Radiation and Kinetics (SPARK) Mission Concept 

      Reid, Hamish A. S.; Musset, Sophie; Ryan, Daniel F.; Andretta, Vincenzo; Auchère, Frédéric; Baker, Deborah; Benvenuto, Federico; Browning, Philippa; Buchlin, Éric; Calcines Rosario, Ariadna; Christe, Steven D.; Corso, Alain Jody; Dahlin, Joel; Dalla, Silvia; Del Zanna, Giulio; Denker, Carsten; Dudík, Jaroslav; Erdélyi, Robertus; Ermolli, Ilaria; Fletcher, Lyndsay; Fludra, Andrzej; Green, Lucie M.; Gordovskyy, Mykola; Guglielmino, Salvo L.; Hannah, Iain; Harrison, Richard; Hayes, Laura A.; Inglis, Andrew R.; Jeffrey, Natasha L. S.; Kašparová, Jana; Kerr, Graham S.; Kintziger, Christian; Kontar, Eduard P.; Krucker, Säm; Laitinen, Timo; Laurent, Philippe; Limousin, Olivier; Long, David M.; Maloney, Shane A.; Massa, Paolo; Massone, Anna Maria; Matthews, Sarah; Mrozek, Tomasz; Nakariakov, Valery M.; Parenti, Susanna; Piana, Michele; Polito, Vanessa; Pesce-Rollins, Melissa; Romano, Paolo; Rouillard, Alexis P.; Sasso, Clementina; Shih, Albert Y.; Stęślicki, Marek; Orozco Suárez, David; Teriaca, Luca; Verma, Meetu; Veronig, Astrid M.; Vilmer, Nicole; Vocks, Christian; Warmuth, Alexander (2023-12-15)
      Particle acceleration is a fundamental process arising in many astrophysical objects, including active galactic nuclei, black holes, neutron stars, gamma-ray bursts, accretion disks, solar and stellar coronae, and planetary ...