Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Analysing Ferret XML reports to estimate the density of copied code 

      Green, Pamela; Lane, Peter; Rainer, Austen; Scholz, Sven-Bodo (University of Hertfordshire, 2010)
      This document explains a method for identifying dense blocks of copied text in pairs of files. The files are compared suing Ferret, a copy-detection tool which computes a similarity score based on trigrams. This similarity ...
    • Unscrambling code clones for one-to-one matching of duplicated code 

      Green, Pamela; Lane, Peter; Scholz, Sven-Bodo; Rainer, Austen (University of Hertfordshire, 2010)
      Code clone detection tools find sections of code that are similar. Different tools use difference representations of the code and different matching algorithms. This diversity makes clone detection tools attractive for ...