Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: Multiwavelength Counterparts to 10$^3$ Submillimeter Galaxies in the UKIDSS-UDS Field 

      Chen, C.-C.; Smail, I.; Ivison, R.~J.; Arumugam, V.; Almaini, O.; Conselice, C.~J.; Geach, J.~E.; Hartley, W.~G.; Ma, C.-J.; Mortlock, A.; Simpson, C.; Simpson, J.~M.; Swinbank, A.~M.; Aretxaga, I.; Blain, A.; Chapman, S.~C.; Dunlop, J.~S.; Farrah, D.; Halpern, M.; Michalowski, M.~J.; van der Werf, P.; Wilkinson, A.; Zavala, J.~A. (2016-03-22)
      We present multiwavelength identifications for the counterparts of 1088 submillimeter sources detected at 850 μm in the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey study of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey-Ultra-Deep Survey (UDS) ...
    • The SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey: the clustering of submillimetre galaxies in the UKIDSS UDS field 

      Wilkinson, A.; Almaini, O.; Chen, C.-C.; Smail, I.; Arumugam, V.; Blain, A.; Chapin, E.~L.; Chapman, S.~C.; Conselice, C.~J.; Cowley, W.~I.; Dunlop, J.~S.; Farrah, D.; Geach, J.; Hartley, W.~G.; Ivison, R.~J.; Maltby, D.~T.; Michalowski, M.~J.; Mortlock, A.; Scott, D.; Simpson, C.; Simpson, J.~M.; van der Werf, P.; Wild, V. (2017-01-11)
      Submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) are among the most luminous dusty galaxies in the Universe, but their true nature remains unclear; are SMGs the progenitors of the massive elliptical galaxies we see in the local Universe, or ...