Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • The 1993 multiwavelength campaign on 3C 279 : the radio to gamma-ray energy distribution inlow state 

      Maraschi, L.; Grandi, P.; Urry, C.M.; Wehrle, A. E.; Madejski, G.M.; Fink, H.; Ghisellini, G.; Hartman, R.C.; Koratkar, A.P.; von Montigny, C.; Pian, E.; Thomas, H.C.; Treves, A.; Aller, M. F.; Aller, H. D.; Bailyn, C. D.; Balonek, T.J.; Bock, H.; Collmar, W.; Glass, I.S.; Litchfield, S.J.; McHardy, I.M.; Mendez, R.; Pesce, J.; Reuter, H.-P.; Robson, E.I.; Steppe, H.; Stevens, Jason; Teraesranta, H.; Wagner, S.J. (1994-11-01)
      Simultaneous observations of 3C 279 at radio, millimeter, near-infrared, optical, ultraviolet (with IUE) and X-ray (with ROSAT) wavelengths were obtained in 1992 December-1993 January, during a three week pointing at the ...
    • Detection of Gamma Rays with E > 100 MeV from BL Lacertae 

      Catanese, M.; Akerlof, C.; Biller, S.D.; Boyle, P.; Buckley, J.H.; Carter-Lewis, D.A.; Cawley, M.F.; Connaughton, V.; Dingus, B.; Fegan, D.J.; Fichtel, C.E.; Finley, J.P.; Gaidos, J.A.; Gear, W.K.; Hartman, R.C.; Hillas, A.M.; Krennrich, F.; Lamb, R.C.; Lessard, R.W.; Lin, Y.C.; McEnery, J.E.; Marscher, A.P.; Mohanty, G.; Mukherjee, R.; Quinn, J.; Robson, E.I.; Rodgers, A.J.; Rose, H.J.; Samuelson, F.W.; Sembroski, G.; Schubnell, M.S.; Stevens, J. A.; Terasranta, H.; Thompson, D.J.; Weekes, T.C.; Wilson, C.; Zweerink, J. (1997)
    • Multiepoch Mulitwavelength Spectra and Models for Blazar 3C 279 

      Hartman, R.C.; Bottcher, M.; Aldering, G.; Aller, H.; Aller, M.; Backman, D.E.; Balonek, T.J.; Stevens, J. A. (2001-06)
    • Multiwavelength Observations of a Dramatic High-Energy Flare in the Blazar 3C 279 

      Wehrle, A. E.; Pian, E.; Urry, C.M.; Maraschi, L.; McHardy, I.M.; Lawson, A.J.; Ghisellini, G.; Hartman, R.C.; Madejski, G.M.; Makino, F.; Marscher, A.P.; Wagner, S.J.; Webb, J.R.; Aldering, G.S.; Aller, M.F.; Aller, H.D.; Backman, D.E.; Balonek, T.J.; Boltwood, P.; Bonnell, J.; Caplinger, J.; Celotti, A.; Collmar, W.; Dalton, J.; Drucker, A.; Falomo, R.; Fichtel, C.E.; Freudling, W.; Gear, W.K.; Gonzalez-Perez, N.; Hall, P.; Inoue, H.; Johnson, W.N.; Kazanas, D.; Kidger, M.R.; Kii, T.; Kollgaard, R.I.; Kondo, Y.; Kurfess, J.; Lin, Y.C.; McCollum, B.; McNaron-Brown, K.; Nagase, F.; Nair, A.D.; Penton, S.; Pesce, J.E.; Pohl, M.; Raiteri, C.M.; Renda, M.; Robson, E.I.; Sambruna, R.M.; Schirmer, A.F.; Shrader, C.; Sikora, M.; Sillanpaeae, A.; Smith, P.S.; Stevens, Jason; Stocke, J.; Takalo, L.O.; Teraesranta, H.; Thompson, D.J.; Thompson, R.; Tornikoski, M.; Tosti, G.; Treves, A.; Turcotte, P.; Unwin, S.C.; Valtaoja, E.; Villata, M.; Xu, W.; Yamashita, A.; Zook, A. (1998-04-01)
      The blazar 3C 279, one of the brightest identified extragalactic objects in the γ-ray sky, underwent a large (factor of ~10 in amplitude) flare in γ-rays toward the end of a 3 week pointing by Compton Gamma Ray Observatory ...
    • Multiwavelength Observations of Markarian 421 During a TeV/X-Ray Flare 

      Macomb, D.J.; Akerlof, C.; Aller, H. D.; Aller, M. F.; Bertsch, D. L.; Bruhweiler, F.; Buckley, J.H.; Carter-Lewis, D.A.; Cawley, M.F.; Cheng, K.-P.; Dermer, C.; Fegan, D.J.; Gaidos, J.A.; Gear, W.K.; Hall, C.R.; Hartman, R.C.; Hillas, A.M.; Kafatos, M.; Kerrick, A.D.; Kniffen, D.A.; Kondo, Y.; Kubo, H.; Lamb, R.C.; Makino, F.; Makishima, K.; Marscher, A.; McEnery, J.; McHardy, I.M.; Meyer, D.I.; Moore, E.M.; Ramos, E.; Robson, E.I.; Rose, H.J.; Schubnell, M.S.; Sembroski, G.; Stevens, Jason; Takahashi, T.; Tashiro, M.; Weekes, T.C.; Wilson, C.; Zweerink, J. (1995-08-01)
      A TeV flare from the BL Lac object Mrk 421 was detected in May of 1994 by the Whipple Observatory air Cherenkov experiment during which the flux above 250 GeV increased by nearly an order of magnitude over a 2-day period. ...
    • Multiwavelength observations of the February 1996 high-energy flare in the blazar 3C 279 

      Wehrle, A. E.; Pian, E.; Urry, C.M.; Maraschi, L.; Ghisellini, G.; Hartman, R.C.; Madejski, G. M.; Makino, F.; Marscher, A.P.; McHardy, I.M.; Webb, J. R.; Aldering, G. S.; Aller, M. F.; Aller, H. D.; Backman, D.E.; Balonek, T.J.; Boltwood, P.; Bonnell, J.; Caplinger, J.; Celotti, A.; Collmar, W.; Dalton, J.; Drucker, A.; Falomo, R.; Fichtel, C.E.; Freudling, W.; Gear, W.K.; Gonzalez-Perez, N.; Hall, P.; Inoue, H.; Johnson, W. N.; Kidger, M. R.; Kollgaard, R. I.; Kondo, Y.; Kurfess, J.; Lawson, A.J.; McCollum, B.; McNaron-Brown, K.; Nair, D.; Penton, S.; Pesce, J. E.; Pohl, M.; Raiteri, C.M.; Renda, M.; Robson, E.I.; Sambruna, R.M.; Schirmer, A. F.; Shrader, C.; Sikora, M.; Sillanpää, A.; Smith, P.S.; Stevens, Jason; Stocke, J.; Takalo, L.O.; Teräsranta, H.; Thompson, D.J.; Thompson, R.; Tornikoski, M.; Tosti, G.; Turcotte, P.; Treves, A.; Unwin, S.C.; Valtaoja, E.; Villata, M.; Wagner, S.J.; Xu, W.; Zook, A. C. (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 1997-05-01)
      We report CGRO, RXTE, ASCA, ROSAT, IUE, HST and ground-based observations of a large flare in 3C 279 in February 1996. X-rays and γ-rays peaked simultaneously (within one day). We show simultaneous spectral energy distributions ...