Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Design for testability of high-order OTA-C filters 

      Hasan, Masood ul; Zhu, Yanqing; Sun, Yichuang (2016-10-04)
      A study of oscillation-based test for high-order Operational Transconductance Amplifier-C (OTA-C) filters is presented. The method is based on partition of a high-order filter into second-order filter functions. The opening ...
    • Oscillation-based DFT for Second-order Bandpass OTA-C Filters 

      Hasan, Masood ul; Zhu, Yanqing; Sun, Yichuang (2017-09-06)
      This paper describes a design for testability technique for second-order bandpass operational transconductance amplifier and capacitor filters using an oscillation-based test topology. The oscillation-based test structure ...