Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • The complete nucleotide sequence of a totivirus from Aspergillus foetidus 

      Kozlakidis, Zisis; Herrero, Noemi; Coutts, Robert H.A. (2013-01)
      Virus infection of Aspergillus foetidus was first described in the 1970s, and the purified virus, named Aspergillus foetidus virus (AfV), contains at least two types of icosahedral particles, called AfV-fast (-F) and ...
    • A novel dsRNA element isolated from the Aspergillus foetidus mycovirus complex 

      Kozlakidis, Zisis; Herrero, Noemi; Ozkan, Selin; Bhatti, Muhammad F.; Coutts, Robert H.A. (2013-12)
      Aspergillus foetidus virus (AfV) contains at least two icosahedral particle types named AfV-fast (-F) and AfV-slow (-S), based on relative electrophoretic mobility. AfV-F is a quadripartite double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) ...
    • Sequence determination of a quadripartite dsRNA virus isolated from Aspergillus foetidus 

      Kozlakidis, Zisis; Herrero, Noemi; Ozkan, Selin; Kanhayuwa, Lakkhana; Jamal, Atif; Bhatti, Muhammad F; Coutts, Robert H.A. (2013-01)
      Virus infection of Aspergillus foetidus was documented over 40 years ago and was one of the first mycovirus infections described in a filamentous fungus. The virus, named Aspergillus foetidus virus (AfV), contains at least ...