Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • The ALMA REBELS Survey : the dust content of z ∼7 Lyman break galaxies 

      Dayal, P.; Ferrara, A.; Sommovigo, L.; Bouwens, R.; Oesch, P. A.; Smit, R.; Gonzalez, V.; Schouws, S.; Stefanon, M.; Kobayashi, C.; Bremer, J.; Algera, H. S. B.; Aravena, M.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Cunha, E. da; Fudamoto, Y.; Graziani, L.; Hodge, J.; Inami, H.; Looze, I. De; Pallottini, A.; Riechers, D.; Schneider, R.; Stark, D.; Endsley, R. (2022-03-03)
      We include a fully coupled treatment of metal and dust enrichment into the Delphi semi-analytic model of galaxy formation to explain the dust content of 13 Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) detected by the Atacama Large millimetre ...
    • GOODS-ALMA 2.0: Starbursts in the main sequence reveal compact star formation regulating galaxy evolution prequenching 

      Gómez-Guijarro, C.; Elbaz, D.; Xiao, M.; Kokorev, V. I.; Magdis, G. E.; Magnelli, B.; Daddi, E.; Valentino, F.; Sargent, M. T.; Dickinson, M.; Béthermin, M.; Franco, M.; Pope, A.; Kalita, B. S.; Ciesla, L.; Demarco, R.; Inami, H.; Rujopakarn, W.; Shu, X.; Wang, T.; Zhou, L.; Alexander, D. M.; Bournaud, F.; Chary, R.; Ferguson, H. C.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Giavalisco, M.; Iono, D.; Juneau, S.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Lagache, G.; Floc'h, E. Le; Leiton, R.; Leroy, L.; Lin, L.; Motohara, K.; Mullaney, J.; Okumura, K.; Pannella, M.; Papovich, C.; Treister, E. (2022-03-29)
      Compact star formation appears to be generally common in dusty star-forming galaxies (SFGs). However, its role in the framework set by the scaling relations in galaxy evolution remains to be understood. In this work we ...
    • GOODS-ALMA: Optically dark ALMA galaxies shed light on a cluster in formation at z = 3.5 

      Zhou, L.; Elbaz, D.; Franco, M.; Magnelli, B.; Schreiber, C.; Wang, T.; Ciesla, L.; Daddi, E.; Dickinson, M.; Nagar, N.; Magdis, G.; Alexander, D. M.; Béthermin, M.; Demarco, R.; Mullaney, J.; Bournaud, F.; Ferguson, H.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Giavalisco, M.; Inami, H.; Iono, D.; Juneau, S.; Lagache, G.; Messias, H.; Motohara, K.; Okumura, K.; Pannella, M.; Papovich, C.; Pope, A.; Rujopakarn, W.; Shi, Y.; Shu, X.; Silverman, J. (2020-10-13)
      Thanks to its outstanding angular resolution, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has recently unambiguously identified a population of optically dark galaxies with redshifts greater than z = 3, which ...
    • GOODS-ALMA: The slow downfall of star-formation in $z$ = 2-3 massive galaxies 

      Franco, M.; Elbaz, D.; Zhou, L.; Magnelli, B.; Schreiber, C.; Ciesla, L.; Dickinson, M.; Nagar, N.; Magdis, G.; Alexander, D. M.; Béthermin, M.; Demarco, R.; Daddi, E.; Wang, T.; Mullaney, J.; Sargent, M.; Inami, H.; Shu, X.; Bournaud, F.; Chary, R.; Coogan, R. T.; Ferguson, H.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Giavalisco, M.; Gómez-Guijarro, C.; Iono, D.; Juneau, S.; Lagache, G.; Lin, L.; Motohara, K.; Okumura, K.; Pannella, M.; Papovich, C.; Pope, A.; Rujopakarn, W.; Silverman, J.; Xiao, M. (2020-11-01)
      We investigate the properties of a sample of 35 galaxies, detected with ALMA at 1.1 mm in the GOODS-ALMA field (area of 69 arcmin$^2$, resolution = 0.60", RMS $\simeq$ 0.18 mJy beam$^{-1}$). Using the UV-to-radio deep ...
    • GOODS-ALMA: Using IRAC and VLA to probe fainter millimeter galaxies 

      Franco, M.; Elbaz, D.; Zhou, L.; Magnelli, B.; Schreiber, C.; Ciesla, L.; Dickinson, M.; Nagar, N.; Magdis, G.; Alexander, D. M.; Béthermin, M.; Demarco, R.; Daddi, E.; Wang, T.; Mullaney, J.; Inami, H.; Shu, X.; Bournaud, F.; Chary, R.; Coogan, R. T.; Ferguson, H.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Giavalisco, M.; Gómez-Guijarro, C.; Iono, D.; Juneau, S.; Lagache, G.; Lin, L.; Motohara, K.; Okumura, K.; Pannella, M.; Papovich, C.; Pope, A.; Rujopakarn, W.; Silverman, J.; Xiao, M. (2020-11-02)
      In this paper, we extend the source detection in the GOODS-ALMA field (69 arcmin$^2$, rms sensitivity $\sigma$ $\simeq$ 0.18 mJy.beam$^{-1}$), to deeper levels than presented in Franco et al. (2018). Using positional ...