Now showing items 1-15 of 15

    • Absorption systems in the spectrum of GRB 021004 

      Moller, P.; Fynbo, J.; Hjorth, J.; Thomsen, B.; Egholm, M.P.; Andersen, M.I.; Gorosabel, J.; Holland, S.T.; Jakobsson, P.; Jensen, B.L.; Pedersen, H.; Pedersen, K.; Weidinger, M. (2002)
      We report on a 3600 s spectrum of GRB 021004 obtained with the Nordic Optical Telecope on La Palma 10.71 hours after the burst. We identify absorption lines from five systems at redshifts 1.3806, 1.6039, 2.2983, 2.3230, ...
    • The afterglow and the host galaxy of GRB 011211 

      Jakobsson, P.; Hjorth, J.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Pedersen, K.; Burud, I.; Levan, A.; Kouveliotou, C.; Tanvir, N.; Fruchter, A.S.; Rhoads, J.E.; Grav, T.; Hansen, M.W.; Michelsen, R.; Andersen, M.I.; Jensen, B.L.; Pedersen, K.; Thomsen, B.; Weidinger, M.; Causik, R.; Pandey, S.B. (2003)
      We present optical, near-infrared, and X-ray observations of the optical afterglow (OA) of the X-ray rich, longduration gamma-ray burst GRB 011211. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data obtained 14, 26, 32, and 59 days after ...
    • GRB 050509B: Constraints on Short Gamma Ray Burst Models 

      Hjorth, J.; Sollerman, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Granot, J.; Klose, S.; Kouveliotou, C.; Melinder, J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Starling, R.L.; Thomsen, B.; Anderson, M.I.; Fynbo, J.; Jensen, B.L.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Jakobsson, P.; Levan, A.; Pedersen, K.; Rhoads, J.E.; Tanvir, N.; Watson, D.; Wijers, R.A.M.J. (2005-09)
    • The line-of-sight towards GRB 030429 at z =2.66: Probing the matter at stellar, galactic and intergalactic scales 

      Jakobsson, P.; Hjorth, J.; Fynbo, J.; Weidinger, M.; Gorosabel, J.; Ledoux, C.; Watson, D.; Bjornsson, G.; Gudmundsson, E.H.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Moller, P.; Pedersen, K.; Sollerman, J.; Henden, A.A.; Jensen, B.L.; Gilmore, A.; Levan, A.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Fruchter, A.S.; Kouveliotou, C.; Masetti, N.; Tanvir, N. (2004-12)
    • Ly+ and ultraviolet emission from high-redshift gamma-ray burst hosts: to what extent do gamma-ray bursts trace star formation 

      Jakobsson, P.; Bjornsson, G.; Fynbo, J.; Johannesson, G.; Hjorth, J.; Thomsen, B.; Moller, P.; Watson, D.; Jensen, B.L.; Ostlin, G.; Gorosabel, J.; Gudmundsson, E.H. (2005)
    • A Mean Redshift of 2.8 for Swift gamma - ray bursts 

      Jakobsson, P.; Levan, A.; Fynbo, J.; Priddey, R.; Hjorth, J.; Tanvir, N.; Watson, D.; Jensen, B.L.; Sollerman, J.; Natarajan, P.; Gorosabel, J.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Pedersen, K.; Pursimo, T.; Arnadottir, A.S.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Davis, C.J.; Deeg, H-J.; Fiuza, D.A.; Mykolaitis, S.; Sousa, S.G. (2006-03)
    • The nature of the x-ray flash of August 24 2005 

      Sollerman, J.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Halpern, J.P.; Hjorth, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Mirabal, N.; Watson, D.; Xu, D.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Feron, C.; Jaunsen, A.O.; Jelinek, M.; Jensen, B.L.; Kann, D.A.; Ovaldsen, J-E.; Pozanenko, A.; Stritzinger, M.; Thoene, C.C.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Guziy, S.; Ibrahimov, M.; Jaervinen, S.P.; Levan, A.; Rumyantsev, V.; Tanvir, N. (2007)
    • On the Afterglow of the X-ray Flash of 2003 July 23: Photometric evdence for an Off-Axis Gamma-Ray burst with an Associated Supernova 

      Fynbo, J.; Sollerman, J.; Hjorth, J.; Grundahl, F.; Gorosabel, J.; Weidinger, M.; Moller, P.; Jensen, B.L.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Fransson, C.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Jakobsson, P.; Jorgensen, S.F.; Vinter, C.; Andersen, M.I.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Fruchter, A.S.; Greiner, J.; Kouveliotou, C.; Levan, A.; Klose, S.; Masetti, N.; Pedersen, K.; Palazzi, E.; Pian, E.; Rhoads, J.E.; Rol, E.; Sekiguchi, T.; Tanvir, N.; Tristram, P.J.; Postigo, A.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; van den Heuvel, E.P.J. (2004-07)
    • On the nature of the short duration GRB 050906 

      Levan, A.; Tanvir, N.; Jakobsson, P.; Chapman, R.; Hjorth, J.; Priddey, R.; Fynbo, J.; Hurley, K.; Jensen, B.L.; Johnson, R.; Gorosabel, J.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Watson, D.; Wiersema, K. (2008)
    • Optical Photometry of GRB 021004 : The First Month 

      Holland, S.T.; Weidinger, M.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Hjorth, J.; Pedersen, K.; Mendez Alvarez, J.; Augusteijn, T.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Dahle, H.; Egholm, M.P.; Jakobsson, P.; Jensen, B.L.; Levan, A.; Moller, P.; Pedersen, H.; Pursimo, T.; Ruiz-Lapuente, P.; Thomsen, B. (2003)
    • Photometry and Spectroscopy of GRB 060526 : A detailed study of the afterglow and host of a high-redshift gamma-ray burst 

      Thoene, C.C.; Kann, D.A.; Johannesson, G.; Selj, J.; Jaunsen, A.O.; Fynbo, J.; Baliyan, K.S.; Bartolini, C.; Bikmaev, I.F.; Bloom, J.S.; Burenin, R.A.; Cobb, B.E.; Covino, S.; Curran, P.A.; Dahle, H.; French, J.; Ganesh, S.; Greco, G.; Guarnieri, A.; Hanlon, L.; Hjorth, J.; Ibrahimov, M.; Israel, G.L.; Jakobsson, Pall; Jensen, B.L.; Jorgensen, U.G.; Khamitov, I.M.; Malesani, D.; Masetti, N.; Naranen, J.; Pakstiene, E.; Pavlinsky, M.N.; Perley, D.A.; Piccioni, A.; Pizzichini, G.; Pozanenko, A.; Nanni, D.; Rumyantsev, V.; Sharapov, D.; Starr, D.; Sunyaev, R.A.; Terra, F.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Wilson, C. (2010)
      Aims : With this paper we want to investigate the highly variable afterglow light curve and environment of gamma-ray burst (GRB) 060526 at z = 3.221. Methods : We present one of the largest photometric datasets ever obtained ...
    • Probing cosmic chemical evolution with gamma-ray bursts: GRB 060206 at z = 4.048 

      Fynbo, J.; Starling, R.L.; Ledoux, C.; Wiersema, K.; Thoene, C.C.; Sollerman, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Hjorth, J.; Watson, D.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Moller, P.; Rol, E.; Gorosabel, J.; Naranen, J.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Bjornsson, G.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Curran, P.; Hartmann, D.H.; Holland, S.T.; Jensen, B.L.; Levan, A.; Limousin, M.; Kouveliotou, C.; Nelemans, G.; Pedersen, K.; Priddey, R.; Tanvir, N. (2006)
    • Small-scale variations in the radiating surface of the GRB 011211 jet 

      Jakobsson, P.; Hjorth, J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Kouveliotou, C.; Pedersen, K.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Watson, D.; Jensen, B.L.; Hansen, M.W.; Michelsen, R.; Andersen, M.I.; Weidinger, M.; Pedersen, H.; Grav, T. (2004)
    • The supernova 2003lw associated with X-ray flash 031203 

      Thomsen, B.; Hjorth, J.; Watson, D.; Gorosabel, J.; Fynbo, J.; Jensen, B.L.; Andersen, M.I.; Dall, T.H.; Rasmussen, J.R.; Bruntt, H.; Laurikainen, E.; Augusteijn, T.; Pursimo, T.; Germany, L.; Jakobsson, P.; Pedersen, K. (2004)
    • Supernova 2006aj and the associated X-Ray Flash 060218 

      Sollerman, J.; Jaunsen, A.O.; Fynbo, J.; Hjorth, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Stritzinger, M.; Feron, C.; Laursen, P.; Ovaldsen, J-E.; Selj, J.; Thone, C.C.; Xu, D.; Davis, T.M.; Gorosabel, J.; Watson, D.; Duro, R.; Ilyin, I.; Jensen, B.L.; Lysfjord, N.; Marquart, T.; Nielsen, T.B.; Naranen, J.; Schwarz, H.E.; Walch, S.; Wold, M.; Ostlin, G. (2006)