Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Classical T Tauri stars with VPHAS+ -I : H α and u-band accretion rates in the Lagoon Nebula M8 

      Kalari, V. M.; Vink, J. S.; Drew, J.E.; Barentsen, G.; Drake, J. J.; Eislöffel, J.; Martín, E.L.; Parker, Q. A.; Unruh, Y.C.; Walton, N. A.; Wright, N. J. (2015-10-11)
      We estimate the accretion rates of 235 Classical T Tauri star (CTTS) candidates in the Lagoon Nebula using $ugri$H$\alpha$ photometry from the VPHAS+ survey. Our sample consists of stars displaying H$\alpha$-excess, the ...
    • A Tale of Three Cities : OmegaCAM discovers multiple sequences in the color-magnitude diagram of the Orion Nebula Cluster 

      Beccari, G.; Petr-Gotzens, M.G.; Boffin, H.M.J.; Romaniello, M.; Fedele, D.; Carraro, G.; Marchi, G. De; de Wit, W.J.; Drew, J. E.; Kalari, V. M.; Manara, Carlo Felice; Martin, Eduardo L.; Mieske, S.; Panagia, N.; Testi, L.; Vink, Jorick S.; Walsh, J. R.; Wright, N. J. (2017-07-27)
      As part of the Accretion Discs in H$\alpha$ with OmegaCAM (ADHOC) survey, we imaged in r, i and H-alpha a region of 12x8 square degrees around the Orion Nebula Cluster. Thanks to the high-quality photometry obtained, we ...