Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A deep ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 

      Dunlop, J. S.; McLure, R. J.; Biggs, A. D.; Geach, J. E.; Michalowski, M. J.; Ivison, R. J.; Rujopakarn, W.; Kampen, E. van; Kirkpatrick, A.; Pope, A.; Scott, D.; Swinbank, A. M.; Targett, T. A.; Aretxaga, I.; Austermann, J. E.; Best, P. N.; Bruce, V. A.; Chapin, E. L.; Charlot, S.; Cirasuolo, M.; Coppin, K. E. K.; Ellis, R. S.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Hayward, C. C.; Hughes, D. H.; Ibar, E.; Khochfar, S.; Koprowski, M. P.; Narayanan, D.; Papovich, C.; Peacock, J. A.; Robertson, B.; Vernstrom, T.; Werf, P. P. van der; Wilson, G. W.; Yun, M. (2017-04-01)
      We present the results of the first, deep ALMA imaging covering the full 4.5 sq arcmin of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) as previously imaged with WFC3/IR on HST. Using a mosaic of 45 pointings, we have obtained a ...
    • Dust attenuation in 2<z<3 star-forming galaxies from deep ALMA observations of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 

      McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Cullen, F.; Bourne, N.; Best, P. N.; Khochfar, S.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Biggs, A. D.; Geach, J. E.; Scott, D.; Michalowski, M. J.; Rujopakarn, W.; Kampen, E. van; Kirkpatrick, A.; Pope, A. (2018-05-21)
      We present the results of a new study of the relationship between infrared excess (IRX ≡ L IR/L UV), ultraviolet (UV) spectral slope (β) and stellar mass at redshifts 2 < z < 3, based on a deep Atacama Large Millimeter ...