Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Colour-kinematics duality, double copy, and homotopy algebras 

      Borsten, Leron; Kim, Hyungrok; Jurčo, Branislav; Macrelli, Tommaso; Saemann, Christian; Wolf, Martin (2022-07-06)
      Colour-kinematics duality is a remarkable property of Yang-Mills theory. Its validity implies a relation between gauge theory and gravity scattering amplitudes, known as double copy. Albeit fully established at the tree ...
    • Double-copying self-dual Yang-Mills theory to self-dual gravity on twistor space 

      Borsten, Leron; Jurčo, Branislav; Kim, Hyungrok; Macrelli, Tommaso; Saemann, Christian; Wolf, Martin (2023-11-24)
      We construct a simple Lorentz-invariant action for maximally supersymmetric self-dual Yang-Mills theory that manifests colour-kinematics duality. We also show that this action double-copies to a known action for maximally ...
    • Kinematic Lie Algebras From Twistor Spaces 

      Borsten, Leron; Jurčo, Branislav; Kim, Hyungrok; Macrelli, Tommaso; Saemann, Christian; Wolf, Martin (2023-07-28)
      We analyze theories with color-kinematics duality from an algebraic perspective and find that any suchtheory has an underlying BV▪-algebra, extending the ideas of Reiterer [A homotopy BV algebra for Yang–Mills and ...
    • Kinematic Lie Algebras From Twistor Spaces 

      Borsten, Leron; Jurco, Branislav; Kim, Hyungrok; Macrelli, Tommaso; Saemann, Christian; Wolf, Martin (2023-07-28)
      We analyze theories with color-kinematics duality from an algebraic perspective and find that any such theory has an underlying BV${}^{\color{gray} \blacksquare}$-algebra structure, extending the ideas of arXiv:1912.03110. ...
    • Out-of-time-order asymptotic observables are quasi-isomorphic to time-ordered amplitudes 

      Borsten, Leron; Jonsson, David Simon Henrik; Kim, Hyungrok (2024-08-08)
      Asymptotic observables in quantum feld theory beyond the familiar S-matrixhave recently attracted much interest, for instance in the context of gravity waveforms. Suchobservables can be understood in terms of Schwinger-K ...
    • Raviolo vertex algebras, cochains and conformal blocks 

      Alfonsi, Luigi; Kim, Hyungrok; Young, Charles A. S. (Inspire, 2024-01-22)
      Raviolo vertex algebras were introduced recently by Garner and Williams in arXiv:2308.04414. Working at the level of cochain complexes, in the present paper we construct spaces of conformal blocks, or more precisely their ...
    • Tree-level color-kinematics duality from pure spinor actions 

      Borsten, Leron; Jurco, Branislav; Kim, Hyungrok; Macrelli, Tommaso; Saemann, Christian; Wolf, Martin (2023-12-14)
      We prove that the tree-level scattering amplitudes for (super) Yang-Mills theory in arbitrary dimensions and for M2-brane models exhibit color-kinematics (CK) duality. Our proof for Yang-Mills theory substantially simplifies ...
    • Tree-level color–kinematics duality implies loop-level color–kinematics duality up to counterterms 

      Borsten, Leron; Kim, Hyungrok; Jurčo, Branislav; Macrelli, Tommaso; Saemann, Christian; Wolf, Martin (2023-04-01)
      Color–kinematics (CK) duality is a remarkable symmetry of gluon amplitudes that is the key to the double copy which links gauge theory and gravity amplitudes. Here we show that the complete Yang–Mills action itself, including ...