Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Advances in air quality research – current and emerging challenges 

      Sokhi, Ranjeet; Moussiopoulos, Nicolas; Baklanov, Alexander; Bartzis, John; Coll, Isabelle; Finardi, Sandro; Friedrich, Rainer; Geels, Camilla; Grönholm, Tia; Halenka, Tomas; Ketzel, Matthias; Maragkidou, Androniki; Matthias, Volker; Moldanova, Jana; Ntziachristos, Leonidas; Schäfer, Klaus; Suppan, Peter; Tsegas, George; Carmichael, Greg; Franco, Vicente; Hanna, Steve; Jalkanen, Jukka-Pekka; . Velders, Guus J. M.; Kukkonen, Jaakko (2022-04-11)
      This review provides a community’s perspective on air quality research focusing mainly on developmentsover the past decade. The article provides perspectives on current and future challenges as well asresearch needs for ...
    • An approach to predict population exposure to ambient air PM2.5 concentrations and its dependence on population activity for the megacity London 

      Singh, Vikas; Sokhi, Ranjeet; Kukkonen, Jaakko (2020-02-01)
      A comprehensive modelling approach has been developed to predict population exposure to the ambient air PM2.5 concentrations in different microenvironments in London. The modelling approach integrates air pollution dispersion ...
    • Evaluation of the performance of four chemical transport models in predicting the aerosol chemical composition in Europe in 2005 

      Prank, Marje; Sofiev, Mikhail; Tsyro, Svetlana; Hendriks, Carlijn; Semeena, Valiyaveetil; Vazhappilly Francis, Xavier; Butler, Tim; Denier van der Gon, Hugo; Friedrich, Rainer; Kong, Xin; Hendricks, Johannes; Lawrence, Mark; Righi, Mattia; Samaras, Zissis; Sausen, Robert; Kukkonen, Jaakko; Sokhi, Ranjeet (2016-05-18)
      Four regional chemistry transport models were applied to simulate the concentration and composition of particulate matter (PM) in Europe for 2005 with horizontal resolution 20 km. The modelled concentrations were compared ...
    • Holistic evaluation of the environmental impacts of shipping in the sensitive region of Ria de Aveiro 

      Monteiro, A.; Rodrigues, V.; Picado, A.; Dias, J.M.; Abrantes, N.; Ré, A.; Rosa, M.; Russo, M.; Barreirinha, A.; Potiris, M.; Aghito, M.; Hänninen, R.; Majamäki, E.; Grönholm, T.; Alyuz, U.; Sokhi, R.; Kukkonen, Jaakko; Jalkanen, J.-P. (2024-10-10)
      Shipping activity can be a substantial source of pollution and impact on the environment, including air, water and ecosystems, as well as adverse health and climatic effects. Due to the distribution of maritime transport ...
    • Long-term exposure to elemental constituents of particulate matter and cardiovascular mortality in 19 European cohorts : Results from the ESCAPE and TRANSPHORM projects 

      Wang, Meng; Beelen, Rob; Stafoggia, Massimo; Raaschou-Nielsen, Ole; Andersen, Zorana Jovanovic; Hoffmann, Barbara; Fischer, Paul; Houthuijs, Danny; Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark; Weinmayr, Gudrun; Vineis, Paolo; Xun, Wei W.; Dimakopoulou, Konstantina; Samoli, Evangelia; Laatikainen, Tiina; Lanki, Timo; Turunen, Anu W.; Oftedal, Bente; Schwarze, Per; Aamodt, Geir; Penell, Johanna; De Faire, Ulf; Korek, Michal; Leander, Karin; Pershagen, Göran; Pedersen, Nancy L.; Östenson, Claes Göran; Fratiglioni, Laura; Eriksen, Kirsten Thorup; Sørensen, Mette; Tjønneland, Anne; Bueno-de-Mesquita, Bas; Eeftens, Marloes; Bots, Michiel L.; Meliefste, Kees; Krämer, Ursula; Heinrich, Joachim; Sugiri, Dorothea; Key, Timothy; De Hoogh, Kees; Wolf, Kathrin; Peters, Annette; Cyrys, Josef; Jaensch, Andrea; Concin, Hans; Nagel, Gabriele; Tsai, Ming Yi; Phuleria, Harish; Ineichen, Alex; Künzli, Nino; Probst-Hensch, Nicole; Schaffner, Emmanuel; Vilier, Alice; Clavel-Chapelon, Françoise; Declerq, Christophe; Ricceri, Fulvio; Sacerdote, Carlotta; Marcon, Alessandro; Galassi, Claudia; Migliore, Enrica; Ranzi, Andrea; Cesaroni, Giulia; Badaloni, Chiara; Forastiere, Francesco; Katsoulis, Michail; Trichopoulou, Antonia; Keuken, Menno; Jedynska, Aleksandra; Kooter, Ingeborg M.; Kukkonen, Jaakko; Sokhi, Ranjeet S.; Brunekreef, Bert; Katsouyanni, Klea; Hoek, Gerard (2014-05)
      Background: Associations between long-term exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) and cardiovascular (CVD) mortality have been widely recognized. However, health effects of long-term exposure to constituents of PM on ...