Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Black hole masses, accretion rates and hot- and cold-mode accretion in radio galaxies at z ~ 1 

      Fernandes, Cristina A. C.; Jarvis, M.J.; Martínez-Sansigre, Alejo M. S.; Rawlings, Steve G.; Afonso, José M.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Lacy, Mark; Stevens, Jason A.; Vardoulaki, Eleni (2015-02-21)
      Understanding the evolution of accretion activity is fundamental to our understanding of how galaxies form and evolve over the history of the Universe. We analyse a complete sample of 27 radio galaxies which includes both ...
    • Direct Evidence for Termination of Obscured Star Formation by Relatively Driven Outflows in Reddened QSOs 

      Farrah, D.; Urrutia, T.; Lacy, Mark; Efstathiou, A.; Afonso, Jose; Coppin, Kristen; Hall, P.B.; Lonsdale, C.J.; Jarrett, Tom; Bridge, Carrie; Borys, C.; Petty, Sara (2012-02)
      We present optical to far-infrared photometry of 31 reddened QSOs that show evidence for radiatively driven outflows originating from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in their rest-frame UV spectra. We use these data to study ...
    • High-resolution VLA Imaging of Obscured Quasars : Young Radio Jets Caught in a Dense ISM 

      Patil, Pallavi; Nyland, Kristina; Whittle, Mark; Lonsdale, Carol; Lacy, Mark; Lonsdale, Colin; Mukherjee, Dipanjan; Trapp, A. C.; Kimball, Amy E.; Lanz, Lauranne; Wilkes, Belinda J.; Blain, Andrew; Harwood, Jeremy J.; Efstathiou, Andreas; Vlahakis, Catherine (2020-06-10)
      We present new subarcsecond-resolution Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) imaging at 10 GHz of 155 ultraluminous (L bol ∼ 1011.7-1014.2 L o˙) and heavily obscured quasars with redshifts z ∼ 0.4-3. The sample was selected ...
    • Infrared and millimetre-wavelength evidence for cold accretion within a z = 2.83 Lyman-alpha blob 

      Smith, Daniel; Jarvis, M.J.; Lacy, Mark; Martinez-Sansigre, Alejo (2008)
      This paper discusses infrared and millimetre-wavelength observations of a Lyman alpha blob (LAB) discovered by Smith & Jarvis, a candidate for ionization by the cold accretion scenario discussed in Fardal et al. and Dijkstra ...
    • VLT/XSHOOTER and Subaru/MOIRCS spectroscopy of HUDF.YD3 : no evidence for Lyman α emission at z = 8.55 

      Bunker, Andrew J.; Caruana, Joseph; Wilkins, Stephen M.; Stanway, Elizabeth R.; Lorenzoni, Silvio; Lacy, Mark; Jarvis, M.J.; Hickey, Samantha (2013-04-21)
      We present spectroscopic observations with VLT/XSHOOTER and Subaru/MOIRCS of a relatively bright Y-band drop-out galaxy in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF), first selected by Bunker et al., McLure et al. and Bouwens et ...