Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Introducing the NewHorizon simulation : Galaxy properties with resolved internal dynamics across cosmic time 

      Dubois, Yohan; Beckmann, Ricarda; Bournaud, Frédéric; Choi, Hoseung; Devriendt, Julien; Jackson, Ryan; Kaviraj, Sugata; Kimm, Taysun; Kraljic, Katarina; Laigle, Clotilde; Martin, Garreth; Park, Min-Jung; Peirani, Sébastien; Pichon, Christophe; Volonteri, Marta; Yi, Sukyoung K. (2021-07-28)
      Hydrodynamical cosmological simulations are increasing their level of realism by considering more physical processes and having greater resolution or larger statistics. However, usually either the statistical power of such ...
    • Relaxed blue ellipticals: accretion-driven stellar growth is a key evolutionary channel for low mass elliptical galaxies 

      Lazar, Ilin; Kaviraj, Sugata; Martin, Garreth; Laigle, Clotilde; Watkins, Aaron; Jackson, Ryan (2023-04-30)
      How elliptical galaxies form is a key question in observational cosmology. While the formation of massive ellipticals is strongly linked to mergers, the low mass (M⋆/M⊙ < 10^9.5 regime remains less well explored. In ...
    • Why do extremely massive disc galaxies exist today? 

      Jackson, Ryan A.; Martin, Garreth; Kaviraj, Sugata; Laigle, Clotilde; Devriendt, Julien; Dubois, Yohan; Pichon, Christophe (2020-06-01)
      Galaxy merger histories correlate strongly with stellar mass, largely regardless of morphology. Thus, at fixed stellar mass, spheroids and discs share similar assembly histories, both in terms of the frequency of mergers ...