Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • The Gaia -ESO Survey : Empirical determination of the precision of stellar radial velocities and projected rotation velocities 

      Jackson, R. J.; Jeffries, R.D.; Lewis, J.; Koposov, S. E.; Sacco, G. G.; Randich, S.; Gilmore, G.; Asplund, M.; Binney, J.; Bonifacio, P.; Drew, J.E.; Feltzing, S.; Ferguson, A.M.N.; Micela, G.; Neguerela, I.; Prusti, T.; Rix, H-W.; Vallenari, A.; Alfaro, E. J.; Allende Prieto, C.; Babusiaux, C.; Bensby, T.; Blomme, R.; Bragaglia, A.; Flaccomio, E.; Francois, P.; Hambly, N.; Irwin, M.; Korn, A.J.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Pancino, E.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Smiljanic, R.; Van Eck, S.; Walton, N.; Bayo, A.; Bergemann, M.; Carraro, G.; Costado, M. T.; Damiani, F.; Edvardsson, B.; Franciosini, E.; Frasca, A.; Heiter, U.; Hill, V.; Hourihane, A.; Jofré, P.; Lardo, C.; De Laverny, P.; Lind, K.; Magrini, L.; Marconi, G.; Martayan, C.; Masseron, T.; Monaco, L.; Morbidelli, L.; Prisinzano, L.; Sbordone, L.; Sousa, S.G.; Worley, C. C.; Zaggia, S. (2015-08)
      Context. The Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) is a large public spectroscopic survey at the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope. Aims. A key aim is to provide precise radial velocities (RVs) and projected equatorial ...
    • Gaia-ESO Survey : Analysis of pre-main sequence stellar spectra 

      Lanzafame, A. C.; Frasca, A.; Damiani, F.; Franciosini, E.; Cottaar, M.; Sousa, S. G.; Tabernero, H. M.; Klutsch, A.; Spina, L.; Biazzo, K.; Prisinzano, L.; Sacco, G. G.; Randich, S.; Brugaletta, E.; Delgado Mena, E.; Adibekyan, V.; Montes, D.; Bonito, R.; Gameiro, J. F.; Alcalá, J. M.; González Hernández, J. I.; Jeffries, R.; Messina, S.; Meyer, M.; Gilmore, G.; Asplund, M.; Binney, J.; Bonifacio, P.; Drew, J.E.; Feltzing, S.; Ferguson, A. M N; Micela, G.; Negueruela, I.; Prusti, T.; Rix, H. W.; Vallenari, A.; Alfaro, E. J.; Allende Prieto, C.; Babusiaux, C.; Bensby, T.; Blomme, R.; Bragaglia, A.; Flaccomio, E.; Francois, P.; Hambly, N.; Irwin, M.; Koposov, S. E.; Korn, A.J.; Smiljanic, R.; Van Eck, S.; Walton, N.; Bayo, A.; Bergemann, M.; Carraro, G.; Costado, M. T.; Edvardsson, B.; Heiter, U.; Hill, V.; Hourihane, A.; Jackson, R. J.; Jofré, P.; Lardo, C.; Lewis, J.; Lind, K.; Magrini, L.; Marconi, G.; Martayan, C.; Masseron, T.; Monaco, L.; Morbidelli, L.; Sbordone, L.; Worley, C. C.; Zaggia, S. (2015-04-01)
      Context. The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey is obtaining high-quality spectroscopy of some 100 000 Milky Way stars using the FLAMES spectrograph at the VLT, down to V = 19 mag, systematically covering all the main ...
    • Gaia-ESO Survey : Empirical classification of VLT/Giraffe stellar spectra in the wavelength range 6440-6810 Å in the γ Velorum cluster, and calibration of spectral indices 

      Damiani, F.; Prisinzano, L.; Micela, G.; Randich, S.; Gilmore, G.; Drew, J.E.; Jeffries, R.D.; Frémat, Y.; Alfaro, E. J.; Bensby, T.; Bragaglia, A.; Flaccomio, E.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Pancino, E.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Sacco, G. G.; Smiljanic, R.; Jackson, R. J.; De Laverny, P.; Morbidelli, L.; Worley, C. C.; Hourihane, A.; Costado, M. T.; Jofré, P.; Lind, K.; Maiorca, E. (2014-06)
      We present a study of spectral diagnostics available from optical spectra with R = 17 000 obtained with the VLT/Giraffe HR15n setup, using observations from the Gaia-ESO Survey, on the γ Vel young cluster, with the purpose ...
    • The Gaia-ESO Survey : Extracting diffuse interstellar bands from cool star spectra: DIB-based interstellar medium line-of-sight structures at the kpc scale 

      Puspitarini, L.; Lallement, R.; Babusiaux, C.; Chen, H. C.; Bonifacio, P.; Sbordone, L.; Caffau, E.; Duffau, S.; Hill, V.; Monreal-Ibero, A.; Royer, F.; Arenou, F.; Peralta, R.; Drew, J.E.; Bonito, R.; Lopez-Santiago, J.; Alfaro, E. J.; Bensby, T.; Bragaglia, A.; Flaccomio, E.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Pancino, E.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Smiljanic, R.; Costado, M. T.; Lardo, C.; De Laverny, P.; Zwitter, T. (2015-01)
      Aims. We study how diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) measured toward distance-distributed target stars can be used to locate dense interstellar (IS) clouds in the Galaxy and probe a line-of-sight (LOS) kinematical structure, ...
    • The Gaia-ESO Survey : The analysis of high-resolution UVES spectra of FGK-type stars 

      Smiljanic, R.; Korn, A.J.; Bergemann, M.; Frasca, A.; Magrini, L.; Masseron, T.; Pancino, E.; Ruchti, G.; San Roman, I.; Sbordone, L.; Sousa, S.G.; Tabernero, H.; Tautvaišienė, G.; Valentini, M.; Weber, M.; Worley, C. C.; Adibekyan, V. Zh; Allende Prieto, C.; Barisevičius, G.; Biazzo, K.; Blanco-Cuaresma, S.; Bonifacio, P.; Bragaglia, A.; Caffau, E.; Cantat-Gaudin, T.; Chorniy, Y.; De Laverny, P.; Delgado-Mena, E.; Donati, P.; Duffau, S.; Franciosini, E.; Friel, E.; Geisler, D.; González Hernández, J. I.; Gruyters, P.; Guiglion, G.; Hansen, C. J.; Heiter, U.; Hill, V.; Jacobson, H. R.; Jofre, P.; Jönsson, H.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Lardo, C.; Ludwig, H. G.; Maiorca, E.; Mikolaitis, S.; Montes, D.; Morel, T.; Mucciarelli, A.; Munõz, C.; Nordlander, T.; Pasquini, L.; Puzeras, E.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Ryde, N.; Sacco, G.; Santos, N.C.; Serenelli, A. M.; Sordo, R.; Soubiran, C.; Spina, L.; Steffen, M.; Vallenari, A.; Van Eck, S.; Villanova, S.; Gilmore, G.; Randich, S.; Asplund, M.; Binney, J.; Drew, J.E.; Feltzing, S.; Ferguson, A.; Jeffries, R.; Micela, G.; Negueruela, I.; Prusti, T.; Rix, H. W.; Alfaro, E.; Babusiaux, C.; Bensby, T.; Blomme, R.; Flaccomio, E.; François, P.; Irwin, M.; Koposov, S.; Walton, N.; Bayo, A.; Carraro, G.; Costado, M. T.; Damiani, F.; Edvardsson, B.; Hourihane, A.; Jackson, R.; Lewis, J.; Lind, K.; Marconi, G.; Martayan, C.; Monaco, L.; Morbidelli, L.; Prisinzano, L.; Zaggia, S. (2014-11)
      Context. The ongoing Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey is using FLAMES at the VLT to obtain high-quality medium-resolution Giraffe spectra for about 105 stars and high-resolution UVES spectra for about 5000 stars. With ...
    • The Gaia-ESO Survey : the N/O abundance ratio in the Milky Way 

      Magrini, L.; Vincenzo, F.; Randich, S.; Pancino, E.; Casali, G.; Tautvaisiene, G.; Drazdauskas, A.; Mikolaitis, S.; Minkeviciute, R.; Stonkute, E.; Chorniy, Y.; Bagdonas, V.; Kordopatis, G.; Frie, E.; Roccatagliata, V.; Jimenez-Esteban, F. M.; Gilmore, G.; Vallenari, A.; Bensby, T.; Bragaglia, A.; Korn, A. J.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Smiljanic, R.; Bayo, A.; Casey, A. R.; Costado, M. T.; Franciosini, E.; Hourihane, A.; Jofré, P.; Lewis, J.; Monaco, L.; Morbidelli, L.; Sacco, G.; Worley, C. (2018-10-01)
      Context. The abundance ratio N/O is a useful tool to study the interplay of galactic processes, for example star formation e ciency, timescale of infall, and outflow loading factor. Aims. We aim to trace log(N/O) versus ...
    • The Gaia-ESO Survey: pre-main-sequence stars in the young open cluster NGC 3293 

      Delgado, A. J.; Sampedro, L.; Alfaro, E. J.; Costado, M. T.; Yun, J. L.; Frasca, A.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Drew, J. E.; Eislöffel, J.; Blomme, R.; Morel, T.; Lobel, A.; Semaan, T.; Randich, S.; Jeffries, R. D.; Micela, G.; Vallenari, A.; Kalari, V.; Gilmore, G.; Flaccomio, E.; Carraro, G.; Lardo, C.; Monaco, L.; Prisinzano, L.; Sousa, S. G.; Morbidelli, L.; Lewis, J.; Koposov, S.; Hourihane, A.; Worley, C.; Casey, A.; Franciosini, E.; Sacco, G.; Magrini, L. (2016-08-11)
      The young open cluster NGC3293 is included in the observing program of the Gaia-ESO survey (GES). The radial velocity values provided have been used to assign cluster membership probabilities by means of a single-variable ...
    • Ultracool dwarfs in Gaia DR3 

      Sarro, L. M.; Berihuete, A.; Smart, Richard; Reylé, C.; Barrado, D.; García-Torres, M.; Cooper, W. J.; Jones, H. R. A.; Marocco, F.; Creevey, O. L.; Sordo, R.; Bailer-Jones, C. A. L.; Montegriffo, P.; Carballo, R.; Andrae, R.; Fouesneau, M.; Lanzafame, A. C.; Pailler, F.; Thévenin, F.; Lobel, A.; Delchambre, L.; Korn, A. J.; Recio-Blanco, A.; Schultheis, M. S.; Angeli, F. De; Brouillet, N.; Casamiquela, L.; Contursi, G.; Laverny, P. de; García-Lario, P.; Kordopatis, G.; Lebreton, Y.; Livanou, E.; Lorca, A.; Palicio, P. A.; Slezak-Oreshina, I.; Soubiran, C.; Ulla, A.; Zhao, H. (2023-01-26)
      Context. Previous Gaia data releases offered the opportunity to uncover ultracool dwarfs (UCDs) through astrometric, rather than purely photometric, selection. The most recent, the third data release (DR3), offers in ...