Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Nonthermal Radio Continuum Emission from Young Nearby Stars 

      Launhardt, Ralf; Loinard, Laurent; Dzib, Sergio A.; Forbrich, Jan; Bower, Geoffrey C.; Henning, Thomas K.; Mioduszewski, Amy J.; Reffert, Sabine (2022-05-23)
      Young and magnetically active low-mass stars often exhibit nonthermal coronal radio emission owing to the gyration of electrons in their magnetized chromospheres. This emission is easily detectable at centimeter wavelengths ...
    • Twenty-five Years of Accretion onto the Classical T Tauri Star TW Hya 

      Herczeg, Gregory J.; Chen, Yuguang; Donati, Jean-Francois; Dupree, Andrea K.; Walter, Frederick M.; Hillenbrand, Lynne A.; Johns-Krull, Christopher M.; Manara, Carlo F.; Günther, Hans Moritz; Fang, Min; Schneider, P. Christian; Valenti, Jeff A.; Alencar, Silvia H. P.; Venuti, Laura; Alcalá, Juan Manuel; Frasca, Antonio; Arulanantham, Nicole; Linsky, Jeffrey L.; Bouvier, Jerome; Brickhouse, Nancy S.; Calvet, Nuria; Espaillat, Catherine C.; Campbell-White, Justyn; Carpenter, John M.; Chang, Seok-Jun; Cruz, Kelle L.; Dahm, S. E.; Eislöffel, Jochen; Edwards, Suzan; Fischer, William J.; Guo, Zhen; Henning, Thomas; Ji, Tao; Jose, Jessy; Kastner, Joel H.; Launhardt, Ralf; Principe, David A.; Robinson, Connor E.; Serna, Javier; Siwak, Michal; Sterzik, Michael F.; Takasao, Shinsuke (2023-10-12)
      Accretion plays a central role in the physics that governs the evolution and dispersal of protoplanetary disks. The primary goal of this paper is to analyze the stability over time of the mass accretion rate onto TW Hya, ...